Para Sa Bayan Por La Patria

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Para Sa Bayan Por La Patria Para Sa Bayan or Por La Patria

After a year of seemingly self exile and isolation in the island of Samar and Leyte, maililimbag na ng National Security...

After a year of seemingly self exile and isolation in the island of Samar and Leyte, maililimbag na ng National Security Council at naitala na sa international conflict resolution journals ang aking unang akdang libro. Ito ay aking taos pusong inaalay sa Dyos at Bayan.

Pinaguusapan pa sa kasalukuyan ang kanyang circulation, ngunit ang sigurado ay kaunti lamang ang hard copy na mailimbag ng NSC dahil sa budget constraints.

May mga kausap na po tayong journals para sa indexing, abangan nyo po at suportahan ito. Salamat!

It was during this Month of 2012 when China imposed its cabbage strategy, and I was chosen to join a daring mission with...

It was during this Month of 2012 when China imposed its cabbage strategy, and I was chosen to join a daring mission with Naval SOFs in rescuing and reprovisioning 6-months trapped Marines in the Sierra Madre LT57, Ayungin Shoal, WPS. A near life and death experience in our collective resolve of maintaining the integrity of our sovereignty. Kalayaan, Atin Ito! Deo Por La Et Patria!


Ecclesiastes 3:12

True Happiness

In the tenth century, Abd al-Rahman III was the ruler of Cordoba, Spain. After fifty years of successful reign (“beloved by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my allies”), al-Rahman took a deeper look at his life. “Riches and honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call,” he said of his privileges. But when he counted how many days of genuine happiness he’d had during that time, they amounted to just fourteen. How sobering.

The writer of Ecclesiastes was also a man of riches and honor (Ecclesiastes 2:7–9), power and pleasure (1:12; 2:1–3). And his own life evaluation was equally sobering. Riches, he realized, just led to a desire for more (5:10–11), while pleasures accomplished little (2:1–2), and success could be due to chance as much as ability (9:11). But his assessment didn’t end as bleakly as al-Rahman’s. Believing God was his ultimate source of happiness, he saw that eating, working, and doing good could all be enjoyed when done with Him (2:25; 3:12–13).

“O man!” al-Rahman concluded his reflections, “place not thy confidence in this present world!” The writer of Ecclesiastes would agree. Since we’ve been made for eternity (3:11), earthly pleasures and achievements won’t satisfy by themselves. But with Him in our lives, genuine happiness is possible in our eating, working, and living.- Our Daily Bread


Jeremiah 18:4

The Potter's Wheel

In 1952, in an effort to prevent clumsy or careless people from breaking items in a shop, a Miami Beach storeowner posted a sign that read: “You break it, you buy it.” The catchy phrase served as a warning to shoppers. This type of sign can now be seen in many boutiques.

Ironically, a different sign might be placed in a real potter’s shop. It would say: “If you break it, we’ll make it into something better.” And that’s exactly what’s revealed in Jeremiah 18.

Jeremiah visits a potter’s house and sees the potter shaping the “marred” clay with his hands, carefully handling the material and forming “it into another pot” (v. 4). The prophet reminds us that God is indeed a skillful potter, and we are the clay. He is sovereign and can use what He creates to both destroy evil and create beauty in us.

God can shape us even when we’re marred or broken. He, the masterful potter, can and is willing to create new and precious pottery from our shattered pieces. God doesn’t look at our broken lives, mistakes, and past sins as unusable material. Instead, He picks up our pieces and reshapes them as He sees best.

Even in our brokenness, we have immense value to our Master Potter. In His hands, the broken pieces of our lives can be reshaped into beautiful vessels that can be used by Him (v. 4).- Our Daily Bread


MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Saturday said the directive of President Rodrigo Duterte to restrict unvaccinated people from going out o...



"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." -- John Quincy Adams

Photo by Sgt Lopez/ OACPA


Philippians 3:4-5

Strength of Gentleness

Gentleness is often spoken about in the Bible and is one of the words used to describe Jesus’ character. Yet in today’s society, being “gentle,” is sometimes viewed in a negative way–as if you’re a “sissy,” or even considered weak. But gentleness is a trait we should all strive for. It takes a lot of strength to respond with a gentle voice when someone is screaming at you. Gentleness is really “strength” that is released in an appropriate, controlled manner. It’s especially important to be gentle when sharing your faith. No one wants to listen to someone pushy who comes off as a “know-it-all!” Jesus was never a bully nor did He preach in a loud, bossy, authoritative voice. He simply told the truth, and allowed others to choose whether or not they followed His teaching. The Bible says in Philippians 4:5, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” Determine today to be more like Jesus and treat others with courtesy, kindness, thoughtfulness and respect–and it is then that you’ll discover the strength of gentleness.

Text: Colossians 3:12, 1 Peter 3:15, Matthew 11:29, 1 Peter 3:4

- Brenda Walsh Ministries


1 Thessalonians 5:11

Church Fellowship

If you think you don’t need anyone in your life, you are not truly being honest with yourself. God created humans to be social beings. He didn’t just stop with Adam - He then created Eve. No man is an island - everyone needs someone with whom to share interests, beliefs, joys, sorrows, and life experiences. The Bible instructs Christians to gather together, because being around people who believe the same as you helps your own faith to grow as well as gain strength in your spiritual journey. Life can be hard and difficult and knowing you have brothers and sisters in your church to support you is encouraging. If your faith grows weak, it’s important to have a fellow believer lift you up. There’s a reason the Bible says in Hebrews 10:24-25, "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." God wants church families to love as He loves . . . unconditionally. When tempted to criticize, argue, or disagree, ask for Holy Spirit power to respond in a Christ-like way. And don’t forget to pray for more love in your hearts for each other. It’s important for Christians to gather together to pray. Matthew 18:19-20 says, “I also tell you this: if two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Because of COVID, most churches around the world were shut down, and now that they are opening back up, many members are reluctant to return. They have become accustomed to watching church on their computers or televisions as it’s live-streamed or joining via Zoom. And an added benefit: if they didn’t care for the message from their own pastor, then they could listen to someone else who preached on a topic they liked or was a more dynamic speaker. Staying home in pajamas or sweat pants is more appealing than actually getting dressed and going to church. But herein lies the danger: the longer you stay away, the easier it is to not come back at all. Pretty soon, you stop watching church online and your channel surfing takes you to anything but spiritual things. The devil would like nothing better than to keep you home and away from fellow believers. It is a privilege to fellowship together, so thank God for the gift of your church family and don’t let the devil keep you away! Your church family needs you . . . and you need them!

Text: Romans 12:10-13, Ephesians 2:19-21, 1 John 1:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:11

- Brenda Walsh Ministries


Psalm 119:11


John 16:13


Romans 5:18-19

A Great Act Of Love

In Oregon’s Malheur National Forest, a fungus popularly known as the honey mushroom spreads through tree roots across 2,200 acres, making it the largest living organism ever found. It’s been “weaving its black shoestring filaments” through the forest for more than two millennia, killing trees as it grows. Its shoestring filaments, called “rhizomorphs,” tunnel as deep as ten feet into the soil. And although the organism is incredibly large, it began with a single microscopic spore!

The Bible tells us of a single act of disobedience that caused widespread condemnation and a single act of obedience that reversed it. The apostle Paul contrasted two individuals—Adam and Jesus (Romans 5:14–15). Adam’s sin brought condemnation and death “to all people” (v. 12). Through one act of disobedience, all people were made sinners and stood condemned before God (v. 17). But He had a means of dealing with humanity’s sin problem. Through the righteous act of Jesus on the cross, God provides eternal life and a right standing before Him. Christ’s act of love and obedience was powerful enough to overcome Adam’s one act of disobedience—providing “life for all people” (v. 18).

Through His death on the cross, Jesus offers eternal life to anyone who puts their faith in Him. If you haven’t received His forgiveness and salvation, may you do so today. If you’re already a believer, praise Him for what He’s done by His great act of love!- Our Daily Bread


Colossians 2:9-10

Complete in Christ

In a popular film, an actor plays a success-driven sports agent whose marriage begins to crumble. Attempting to win back his wife, Dorothy, he looks into her eyes and says, “You complete me.” It’s a heart-warming message that echoes a tale in Greek philosophy. According to that myth, each of us is a “half” that must find our “other half” to become whole.

The belief that a romantic partner “completes” us is now part of popular culture. But is it true? I talk to many married couples who still feel incomplete because they haven’t been able to have children and others who’ve had kids but feel something else is missing. Ultimately, no human can fully complete us.

The apostle Paul gives another solution. “For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ” (Colossians 2:9–10 nlt). Jesus doesn’t just forgive us and liberate us, He also completes us by bringing the life of God into our lives (vv. 13–15).

Marriage is good, but it can’t make us whole. Only Jesus can do that. Instead of expecting a person, career, or anything else to complete us, let’s accept God’s invitation to let His fullness fill our lives more and more.- Our Daily Bread


Luke 10:27

Differences of Opinion

It’s amazing to see how fast differences can divide people. Family, friends and even strangers become bitter enemies overnight. We could be at a dinner table having a delightful conversation when all of a sudden someone makes a political comment and all pleasantries disappear into an argument like an erupting volcano. What’s even more shocking is that hatred occurs among people professing to be Christians. We acknowledge that things like this exist “out in the world,” but refuse to even entertain the thought that it happens among church goers. If we are true followers of Christ, then we need to love “everyone,” including those who think differently than we do! If we could look at each other through the eyes of Jesus, we wouldn’t have hatred in our hearts toward anyone. We would see each other as human beings who have insecurities, fears, hopes, and dreams just like we do. Just because we have all been created differently, doesn’t mean that one person is better than another. If someone is different than we are or has a difference of opinion, an irrational fear of the unknown often rises. When your own thoughts and beliefs are not founded on the firm foundation of God’s love, it’s easy to vilify those who think differently. Don’t allow fear to control your thoughts and emotions. View human beings as children whom God loves and treat them accordingly. The Bible says in Luke 10:27, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” The truth is we are not defined by the color of our skin, by whether or not we are vaccinated, or by our political affiliations. We are defined by our identities in Christ! Don’t allow fear to shape your opinions of others. Political parties, beliefs, or theology may change, but our identity with Christ never waivers. When our identity is set firmly on God, there’s no need to be offended, angry, or fearful because of our differences.

Text: Hebrews 12:14, Philippians 2:3, Proverbs 18:2, Romans 14:1-4

- Brenda Walsh Ministries


Giancarlo Capco Inventor of Military Grade SolarRev Solar Sun Of God Power Station Generator born from the SAV unit that gained international recognition in Harvard Business School World Business Plan Competition
Follow Calriger at and


The SolarRev ASOG500 Power Station Generator by Calriger Tech Pateros


1 Corinthians 4:5

None of Your Business

Are you quick to see the faults of others? Do you look at your neighbor and want to tell him all the things he is doing wrong? Usually when someone is quick to accuse others, it turns out they are guilty of doing that very thing. For instance, it is quite common to find a spouse who is constantly accusing their mate of cheating, but when the truth is revealed, they were actually the one who committed adultery. The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:3-5, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” God really spells it out doesn’t He? What right do imperfect people have to judge? It’s like two children looking at each other in the middle of a mud puddle, both covered with dirt and one of them points to the other and says, “You’re filthy!” Since no one is perfect, we don’t have the right to point fingers at anyone else. We are all sinners. Just because your sin is different than someone else’s doesn’t make what you are doing any less wrong. It’s still a sin. On Judgment Day, God isn’t going to ask you about the sins of someone else - He is only going to ask you about your own! So, ask God to help you overcome your own character flaws and strive to live a life pleasing to God. Don’t tell others how to live their lives - it’s none of your business what they are doing. Remember, it is God’s job to judge - not yours!

TEXT: James 2:13, Romans 14:10-12, Romans 2:1, 1 Corinthians 4:5

- Brenda Walsh Ministries


For some, it is a search for purpose and meaning. For 1Lt Hannah May B Diva, it is a calling.

1Lt Diva, 28 years old, originated from the Province of Capiz but is now serving in Sulu. She has a degree on Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Music Arts, Physical Education and Health at Capiz State University. She was an enthusiast, who eagerly joined the Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC). She believed that it will help her develop a vast skill set and instill discipline to her lifestyle. All of her training during her early years brought her to being an enlisted woman of the Philippine Army.

Aspiring to take it up a notch, she joined the Candidate Soldier Course and later on, she took the Officer Preparatory Course Class 67-2016 at Officer Candidate School, Training and Doctrine Command.

"Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful," a quote by author Joshua J Marine encapsulates why Lt Diva opted to be part of the Philippine Army. She wanted to challenge herself and she believes that if others can, she also can.

Her first assignment was in Sulu where she served as the First Female Officer of a Cavalry Battalion. She led various combat related operations to include clearing operations, reinforcements and convoy security. All of which include her leading Army's armoured vehicles. For this, she was awarded the Bronze Cross Medal, an award given to the military personnel for heroism involving risk of life.

Per Lt Diva, being a woman was not an obstacle performing as a Platoon Leader and Executive Officer of 12th Cavalry Company. "I know that our job is currently dominated by men but it doesn't mean there's no room for a woman to lead and serve the country," said 1Lt Diva


The SolarRev ASOG150 Generator was Invented by Giancarlo Capco for the Armed Forces of the Philippines HD NRTDC Philippine Navy to help our Military in defending our west Philippine sea from external threats. This Made in Pateros SolarRev ASOG150 Generator Technology's mission is to provide to its holder Hope, Light and Power directly from the Solar Sun of God


WATCH! This is our movie, “No Permanent Address”. It is a project of BluArt Productions in collaboration with Alalayang Agila of The Fraternal Order Of Eagles, Philippine Eagles,
PEACE advocacy group and your Kawal Pinoy!




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