Miko Cadiz of Komiko
(Listen on anchor.fm/ddpradio)
A conversation about #patience and #humility Miko is a striving musician from the Philippines who recently performed at one of the biggest stage today Wish 107.5 His interpretation of what #struggle means to his craft, is deeper than we thought it would be. We appreciate everybody who came by and tried to listen even for just a second, that's already a big step for us, so thank you very much for being here! Keep doing guys, we will all have our breaks someday!
#podcast #conversation #inspiration #motivation #dreamer #doer
(Unmute for inspiration) A conversation about a real roller coaster life. Rjett Bofill is a creator who made, and still making a meaningful impact in his surrounding. His life story speaks a very heavy volume of lessons that we can apply in our lives as well. We hope that you guys can stay until the end, coz this was a pretty long episode. Keep doing!
Listen on https://anchor.fm/ddpradio
A #life conversation with a Nomad. #soon on DDP Season 3.
To start off Season 3, we sat down with @kiefsix the founder of @blanksix___co to talk about his continuous grind to his own version of success with his basketball centric clothing brand. #dreamers #doers #podcast
What makes you special?
A preview of our conversation about self-awareness from Season 2
The Hundreds
A preview of our conversation about Bobby Hundred's book "This is not a T-shirt" from Season 2
A preview of our conversation with Kidwoof from Season 1
April Duran
A preview of our conversation with Christian April Duran from Season 1
A preview of our conversation with Christian "Indio" Bendana from Season 1
Jappy Agoncillo
A preview of our conversation with Jappy Agoncillo AKA jappylemon from Season 1
Marvin Conanan
A preview of our conversation with Marvin Conanan of PURVEYR from Season 1