New Project Next LANING PHASE Guide
- Top Lane (Gold Lane): Should consist of a Marksman and a Tank/Support with roaming item.
- Jungle: 1 Jungler hero that has GANKING POTENTIAL and GOOD JUNGLE CLEAR (More specifically early game)
- Mid Lane: 1 Mage that will go head to head with the opponent Mage.
- Bot Lane (EXP Lane): 1 Fighter/Tank (Preferably heroes that have very good sustain) This is pretty much the new offlane lane.
You MUST check your minimap indicators to figure out where the GOLD and EXP LANES are!
Questions that you may ask:
- Why is there 2 on the Top Lane (Gold Lane) instead of 2 on the Bot Lane (EXP Lane)?
*That is because Marksmans will benefit more on getting gold rather than exp due to the itemization they need for late game. As for the tank/support, you are there to PROTECT/PEEL your Marksman. If the Marksman were to lane alone, that lane would be very prone to ganks because majority of the Marksmans have no sustain at all especially early game/mid-game. REMINDER: Tanks/Supports must have Roaming item so that your core does not go behind.
- Which heroes are capable of Jungling?
*Most jungler heroes that you will see will be the ones that could CLEAR the jungle creeps INDEPENDENTLY/EFFICIENTLY especially EARLY GAME. Also, Jungler heroes can have one of two things (Or both), they could either have HIGH BURST or CROWD CONTROL to be able to GANK. If that hero doesn't have neither of those, then they are not fit to be a Jungler hero.
- What are some heroes that are capable of Jungling?
*Majority of the Jungler heroes will be ASSASSINS and FIGHTERS (You might see a Marksman Jungler such as Popol and Kupa or Moskov, Tank Junglers such as Hilda or Barats, Mage Junglers such as Harley or Cyclops from time to time).
- Here are SOME (NOT ALL) examples of heroes that could be capable of the Jungler role.
- Saber
- Zilong
- Ling
- Jawhead
- Alpha
- Chou
- Freya
- Yu Zhong
- Khaleed
- Badang
- Guinevere
- Barats
- Lancelot
- Karina
- Hanzo
- Gusion
- Helcurt
- Selena
- Natalia
- F***y
- etc.
If you have any questions feel free to drop them below. I will try to make a guide on jungle pathing for the people who are new to the Jungler Role.
DISCLAIMER: This is my own OPINION on how the laning phase should be. Obviously the patch just released so we are not sure if this is the MOST EFFICIENT way. All in all, this is how I predict it to be.