Agila Cast

Agila Cast Aspiring Shoutcaster and Analyst for League of Legends Wildrift

The adaptation and discipline from our boys Team Secret really did pay off. Despite being exhausted 3 series in a row an...

The adaptation and discipline from our boys Team Secret really did pay off. Despite being exhausted 3 series in a row and mentally tiring as well, you guys still overcame all of those adversities and you all FREAKING DESERVE IT!!! CONGRATULATIONS Team Secret
đŸ–€đŸ€đŸ‘ Let's also aim for the SEA CHAMPIONSHIP!!


With this reverse sweep we've secured our spot in the Horizon Cup... We're taking the Filipino scene to the world stage! đŸŽđŸłïž

LABAN PINAS! Thank you for the support Secret Philippines, let's do it together! đŸ–€

[POST GAME ANALYSIS]SEA CHAMPIONSHIP 2021GROUP ATeam Secret VS MBR EsportsGame 1- MBR drafting a standard composition wi...


Team Secret VS MBR Esports

Game 1

- MBR drafting a standard composition with decent scaling and strong pickoff potential. Running the nunu in the jungle which has interesting gank approach and can be utilized as the frontline of MBR leaving the rest of his team to deal the damage.

- Team Secret drafted a composition that has strong set ups and pickoff potential, mostly composed of single targets cc’s that has strong scaling. Lots of playmaking potential that can handle individual matchups if gets to have an early lead.

- Team Secret aims to be proactive in the early game with the Lee Sin in their hands. Allowing their individual laners to be ahead in their matchups and snowball from that into securing sideline pressure and objective takes.

- Team Secret with the constant lane prio on the middle lane was able to unlock tatsurii to roam and utilize their early game advantage in this game. The dive attempt was a bit shaky because MBR was quick to assess the attempt with a ward spotting Team secret + controlling the bottom lane wave. Eventually, Team Secret was able to secure the kills but MBR made sure that they were able to even out the trade.

- MBR playing for objective stacking drakes to their side and quick on punishing the mistakes of Team Secret was able to control the early-mid game tempo.

- Team Secret being caught out on the side lanes was what costed them the game. Despite of what seems to be a man advantage for Team Secret, MBR was able to stall Team Secret and went for the counter-initiate. MBR was able to ACE Team Secret and grab the baron and eventually ended the game.

Game 2
- Team Secret adapted in game 2, prioritizing the riven flex which had huge success in their wins in this group stage. Went for the Varus and Ziggs that has strong poke damage and is really strong in early-mid game that can also scale towards the later stages of the game.

- MBR drafted a composition opting for a 4-1 setup with Fiora on the split duty. Went to counter out the poke comp of Team Secret with long range engage and that can easily access the backlines with the Rengar and Fizz. Strong scaling and sustain from the Kai’sa and Janna.

- MBR win condition is to give their individual laners an early lead especially Fiora with the help of the Rengar and Fizz that has strong dive potential. Allowing Fiora to put lane pressure and force an even skirmish (4v4) towards objective takes or cross map skirmish.

- Team Secret had the early, playing for objectives and securing pickoffs with Azar and Hamez setting it up for their team.

- MBR failed to execute their early game win condition as they kept getting stomped by Team Secret in all of the lanes. Despite of the attempts of MBR to even out the gold, the counter picks and good macro of Team Secret is now clearly evident from this point of the game.

- With Baron up for the taking, MBR persistently tried to contest for vision but Team Secret made this an opportunity to get a pickoff before committing on the Baron. MBR with one member down decided not to contest and just went for the split push to delay the siege of Team Secret.

- MBR went for the attempt to focus on the backline of Team Secret but they got immediately removed from the map as Team Secret is just so massive and eventually, Team Secret taking the nexus bringing the series to 1-1.

[POST GAME ANALYSIS]SEA CHAMPIONSHIP 2021GROUP ATeam Secret vs SVPGame 1- SVP drafting a standard type of composition, g...


Team Secret vs SVP

Game 1
- SVP drafting a standard type of composition, good number of pokes and decent scaling from the Xayah and strong early game with the Lee Sin being on their side. Has decent setups and sustain from the Nami and countering out the possible synergy between the varus pick of Team secret.

- Team Secret prioritized the Varus and Galio which are staple picks of their team. Adding the Vi to further use the strong set up capabilities of this two champions and also strong pickoff potential in the sidelanes considering that they went for the Fiora pick for Azar, considerably one of the strongest Fiora users in the Philipines. Topping it up with the Thresh early game prowess to further help out his team.

- SVP win condition is to utilize the Lee Sin in the early game. Find early pickoffs for them to get a hold of the mid game and finish the game as soon as possible because a lot of their members fall behind when near late game and some of their champions are snowball reliant.

- SVP opened up the game utilizing their win condition and playing around for the bottom lane duo which Team Secret tried to answer out as well with a cross map play, bullying Peigor on the sidelane and allowing Fiora to get ahead against the Darius.

- Team Secret’s Lane pressure and early lead was able to execute a flawless 4-man roam onto the bottom side of the map and despite SVP rotating down, a bit of a misplay happened when Darius wasn’t able to connect his combo. Team secret was quick to punish this one as they were able to secure 4 kills and turrets with Fiora split pushing on the other side of the map and further extending their lead.

- SVP despite of constantly grabbing all the drakes they are still out matched with every skirmish around the map against Team Secret who always gets on top of them with their huge lead.

- Running towards mid-late game Team Secret was looking a bit shaky as the items are now coming in for the carries of SVP and finding shutdowns towards the members of Team Secret. But despite of all that adversity, Team Secret was still able to break open SVP base. SVP trying to contest for the baron was their biggest blunder as their nexus was wide open and minions are sieging thru towards their base, Team Secret was able to stall the members of SVP and went for the teleport play from Fiora and Galio to finish off game 1

Game 2

- Team Secret drafting a composition that has lots of playmaking potential. Strong pokes and team fighting prowess in the early-mid stages of the game. Strong early game aggression in this lee sin and pick off potential from Tatsurii’s Zed.

- SVP drafted standard type of composition with long range engage potential from the Ashe arrow and assault and battery ram of Vi topping that up with strong burst damage from the Renekton and Akali pick.

- Team Secret aims to play aggressively in the early game and let Zed and Riven be ahead in the early stages of the game and snowball that lead. Allowing them to play for the side lanes and apply lane pressure towards SVP.

- Team Secret had the early game advantage with constant lane priority in the middle lane allowing Tatsurii to rotate and make a play on the bottom side of the map, executing a flawless dive onto Ashe and lulu who had nowhere to run but accept their fate. With this lead, Team Secret was able to get a hold of the Rift Herald and 2 turrets in the early stages of the game.

- SVP utilizing the Ashe crystal arrow was able to secure the shutdown against the fed Zed who was constantly harassing the side lanes against SVP. Still, with the constant front to back skirmishes, Team Secret always gets the favor for their team.

- Team Secret playing with their win condition, controlling the map and constant lane pressure with the 1-3-1, SVP is being deprived of their own jungle. With the map shrinking for SVP and Tatsurii being a monster with this zed, left SVP with no answer and paralyzed in their own base. Eventually, with the Baron taken down was the nail to the coffin as Team Secret went for the last team fight securing an ace before taking the nexus down and bringing the series to a 2 to none.



[POST GAME ANALYSIS]SEA CHAMPIONSHIP 2021Group ATeam Secret vs ONE Team EsportsGame 1- Team secret drafting a no traditi...


Group A
Team Secret vs ONE Team Esports

Game 1
- Team secret drafting a no traditional ADC comp leaving chewy to handle the Orianna which is quite popular recently in this tournament running control mages in the bottom lane. Matching it with a lot of hard engage champions that are snowball reliant and item dependent champions.

- One team went also for the no traditional ADC comp but still has a bit of a standard type of touch on it with balance scaling, strong pokes and decent engage potential. Focusing around pickoffs with Ahri and Vi in their comp.

- Team secret aims to play for the early game and grab a decent gold lead before hitting the 5-minute mark and try to snowball that lead till mid game. Allowing them to create lane pressure to stall one team and finish the game as early as possible.

- During the laning phase one team was able to out macro team secret with an impressive 3-man gank onto azar in the baron lane securing first blood for their team and lane prio for the riven.

- Team Secret win condition to dominate the early game wasn’t showing off as we expected of them. Playing aggressive in the early game and allow Hamez be engaged around the map. One Team was really doing a great job of constantly pressuring bottom lane and paralyze Hamez from rotating and leaving the lane.

- With time and items now coming in for One Team was able to further snowball their lead and using their pokes to their advantage, allowed them to grab a decent gold lead and control of the game. Eventually stretched it out to a 10k much more as they continuously punished team secrets mistakes allowing them to stack all drakes and baron that left Team Secret with an open nexus. Eventually One Team was able to close out the game with complete dominance with a score of 11 to none.

Game 2
- Coming in to game 2 One Team once again pulled their infinite sustain comp running the Sona, lux bottom lane which had huge success from their previous games earlier in this day. Strong team fighting and lots of engage potential to set up those fights for their damage dealers especially Xianyo’s Olaf which is hard to get when left untouched.

- Team Secret with a lot of the adaptation from this game, banning away the Riven and Ziggs from One team which had a huge impact in game 1. Changing also their comp which has strong scaling from the Lucian and senna and decent setups with the Jarvan IV cataclysm into the Hero Entrance from the Galio. Team secret also surprising us with the Dr. Mundo pick which counters out the sustain duo of One Team.

- One team aims to play for objectives and group up as they are strong in 5v5 scenarios. Utilize the mid-jungle synergy in the early stages of the game that has strong roaming capabilities and pickoff potential for them to grab an early lead.

- Team Secret went for an odd lane swap putting chewy and azar in one lane to deny the pokes of sona and lux in the bottom lane + securing azar a good sustain in the laning phase considering that senna will be playing more into the utility build. This call from team secret benefited them a lot since they manage to get 3 kills in the bag and earn a decent gold lead.

- One team utilizing their composition from the mid game finding pickoffs and skirmishes denying team secret to get a hold of a massive gold lead.

- Team secret finding a huge setup from the hero entrance manage to win a massive team fight that escalated their lead, grabbing kills and the baron for their team. With the elder drake at stake azar managed to zone the members of one team leaving the flash less sona to the other side of the fight. Eventually with four members down from One team and the Baron buff still in effect for Team Secret, they were able to close out the game and tie the series to a 1-1.



Their journey to the 2021 Wild Rift SEA Championship may be over, but the future still looks bright for these talented young players. Starting from the SEA Icon Series PH Summer Season up until Fall Season, this team has shown nothing but dedication and resiliency as they climbed their way up to the top.

You have fought well, Fennel Adversity! GGWP and thank you for making Philippines proud!

Excited to see what Team Secret has brought to the table in this upcoming groupstage! Let's show our support and love fo...

Excited to see what Team Secret has brought to the table in this upcoming groupstage!

Let's show our support and love for the last Philippine team in the SEA CHAMPIONSHIP 2021! đŸ–€đŸ€đŸ‡”đŸ‡­

Are you ready?

On September 23rd, our squad will represent Philippines at the Wild Rift SEA Championship!

We will compete against some of the best teams at SEA on Group A to secure our way to Playoffs. Keep supporting us fam đŸ–€

[POST GAME ANALYSIS]SEA CHAMPIONSHIP 2021PLAY-INS LCQ Fennel Adversity vs Buriram United EsportsGame 1- BRU drafting a s...


Fennel Adversity vs Buriram United Esports

Game 1

- BRU drafting a strong team fighting composition with strong scaling potential and decent frontline + pokes from the Ziggs, countering out Domeng Kha’zix pick and squishy backlines of FLA.

- FLA drafting a composition with 4-1 set-up, leaving Fiora on the spilt push duty. Also, signature picks coming thru for Sho and Dani with decent pokes and engage potential coming from the Varus and Orianna.

- FLA sticking to their win condition which is prioritizing objectives and create lane pressure with Fiora split pushing to keep BRU at bay.

- BRU had the early game, focusing on the sidelanes and constantly creating pressure to let noel accelerate first before the Fiora goes online.

- FLA was able to open up the bottom inhibitor turret with the split push from Fiora but BRU took this advantage to force a 5v4s team fight against FLA who was already behind in the game. Taking down Domeng and securing the Baron for BRU.

- With the death timers still high BRU was able to siege thru all the lanes, securing all turrets and eventually taking down game 1.

Game 2

- FLA drafting a composition with strong early game and burst damage from mid-late game + snowball reliant champion such as the Darius and Brand.

- BRU drafting a comp with their comfort picks with scaling potential from the Orianna and Xayah.

- FLA win condition is to get Darius an early lead to be significant running to mid-late game and contest around objectives. Together with Lee Sin as his enabler in his lane and gain early lead for their team.

- BRU went for the lane swap to deny the pokes from FLA and let Xayah scale evenly approaching till the first objective.

- FLA had the early game as Domeng was just a monster with this lee sin in enabling his team, grabbing a decent gold lead and securing the first major objectives.

- BRU was able to execute their engage combo the delivery ball system to finds pickoffs onto lone members of FLA. But FLA was quick to action, as they always get to answer BRU aggression making a cross map play.

- FLA constantly putting pressure around the map was the big problem for BRU and couldn’t find a chance to slow down the pace of the game. With Domengs beautiful plays from his lee sin, FLA was able to bag the game out, bringing the series to 1-1.

Game 3

- BRU sn**ching away the lee sin from Domeng and hoping to let FLA a taste of their own medicine. Together with TF and Galio with two global ults as their win condition + strong team fighting with the Kennen for BRU.

- FLA drafting a comp with strong pokes from the Senna and Ziggs bottom lane + the “cat ball” delivery system as one of them engage potential to target the backlines of BRU.

- BRU win condition is to find pickoffs with the TF ult in the early game and create lane pressure to further utilize their globals to gain the lead.

- FLA’s constant pokes in the early was able to bag the first blood and punishing BRU for over extending

- BRU playing around with the twisted fate was able to find the pickoffs, denying FLA the lead. Sticking with their strong team fighting comp was able to grab the lead with Shiba’s insane 4-man kick + layering down the chain cc’s from the slicing malestorm and the hero entrance, getting 4 kills and almost acing FLA.

- FLA was able to find a chance for the cat ball delivery system to come through and what seems to be a big turning point for FLA, BRU iniated a huge counter attack, turning the skirmish into their favor and grabbing a huge lead. BRU’s constant lane pressure was able to open up the base of FLA and eventually, BRU was able to take the series to a match point.

Game 4.
- FLA took away the Twisted fate which had a huge impact in the previous game. They drafted a balance composition acquiring the lover’s duo with strong setup’s from Rakan and strong scaling and peel with the Xayah + late game insurance and strong DPS.

- BRU drafting a comp with strong pickoffs potential with the Ahri as the enabler of the play + strong scaling from the Kai’sa in the mid-late game.

- BRU was stomping FLA from early-mid game and allowed them to have a decent gold lead but FLA was able to catch isolated members of BRU with huge bounty’s in their heads and deny them to further snowball their lead.

- FLA objective-centric strategy, forcing skirmishes that always in favors their team, allowed them to get back in the game despite having a huge gold deficit in the early-mid game.

- BRU with a beautiful flank from Noel’s Darius was what cost FLA the game. Splitting up the fight and focused on the squishy members of FLA.

- BRU knowing that they have FLA in their hands, continued to chase them one by one and with the massive killer instinct from Kai’sa was the nail to the coffin, as 4 members went down from FLA making BRU the last team to qualify for the group stages.

You did bring one heck of a series boys! Not giving up until the end! GGWP It was still a good run Fennel Adversity đŸ‡”đŸ‡­đŸ‡”đŸ‡­...

You did bring one heck of a series boys! Not giving up until the end! GGWP
It was still a good run Fennel Adversity

[FULL GAME ANALYSIS]SEA ICON Series Championship 2021 Upper Bracket Finals ( Bracket B )Fennel Adversity vs Flash Wolves...

SEA ICON Series Championship 2021

Upper Bracket Finals ( Bracket B )
Fennel Adversity vs Flash Wolves 閃電狌職愭電競隊

Game 1

- FLW Targeting the signature picks for Domeng in the jungle, denying the olaf and lee sin from him. FLA also targeting Ysesa on the baron lane, denying the Camille and Riven pick which are also staple picks from this Tournmaent so far.

- FLW drafting a composition with no traditional ADC, playing around the Yasuo as their main damage dealer and late game insurance. Also, backing it up with champions that enables him around the map.

- FLA sticking with the meta picks gaining the varus and ziggs as their priority on the red side. Showcasing already a strong poke damage as their win condition. Backing it up with the kha’zix to finish off the low health bar members of FLW.

- Going onto the rift, FLW enabling yasuo from the mid lane and constantly giving him priority, allowed them to roam which what their composition is made for. For them to utilize their early advantage and grab an early lead.

- FLA mechanically gifted Baron laner Power was able to outplay the dive threat of FLW, which turned to their favor securing the 1st blood for their team. But, FLW was still able to trade it off making it a 1-1 trade. Both teams were able to trade objectives. FLW grabbing the Rift Herald and FLA the Mountain Drake.

- FLW sticking to their win condition, playing around the yasuo was able to find pickoffs from the side lane’s that enabled them to grab a huge lead and doing a great job of maintaining it until late game.

- FLA despite of poking and chunking down the members of FLW they were still outmatched with the huge lead and strong team fighting FLW has. FLW further more stretched out their lead and upon grabbing the Baron they were able to close out the game.

Game 2

- Coming to game 2 FLA change thigns up, banning away the yasuo from game 1. FLW on the other hand also made a counter play, denying the varus pick for dani which had a huge impact from game 1 as well.

- With both teams switching sides FLA went for the Rengar priority for Domeng allowing him to play aggressively in the early game. Backing it up with strong scaling champions from the kai’sa and orianna. FLW sn**ched away the ziggs which is also a staple pick for them. Also, surprising us the Akshan pick against orianna in the middle lane. Backing it up with beefy frontline that has strong setups.

- FLA went for a lane swap to let Dani scale easily and deny the pokes from ziggs and gragas during the laning phase. FLW was quick to action as if they anticipated this play from FLA, matching them up in the Baron lane.

- Running to the 4 min mark and major objectives about to respawn, both teams traded objective takes yet again, Rift Herald going to the of FLW and the Cloud Drake to FLA.

- FLA was able to get a hold of in the mid game. Finding pickoffs and trades that always in favors them. Managing to grab the gold lead and major objectives from Baron and Drakes.

- FLW wasn’t able to close the gap as FLA was doing a great job on maintaining their lead. Running to the late game, all the carries of FLA are now online with a lot of sustainability, from Guardian Angels and Zhonyas. FLA grabbing the Elder Drake was the nail to the coffin to finish off the game stomping FLW to an ace and making the series a 1-1.

Game 3

- Game 3 started with both team switching sides, FLW on the Blue side and Fla on the red side. Straight up to the banning phase, FLW stick to their plan banning away the strong picks of FLA in the red side, similar to game 2 targetings domeng picks. FLA still went for their previous bans in game 2.

- FLW prioritized the renekton pick and statistically one of the most picked champions of the tournament as of the play-ins. Pairing it up with the gragas and ziggs bottom lane with strong poke and engage potential. A composition that works madness in the early to mid if able FLW gets the early lead.

- FLA went for a balance composition with good scaling from the kai’sa and orianna and one of domengs signature pick zin zhao. Opting for the late game powerspike and split push potential from the fiora.

- Game 3 started with a standard laning phase for both teams. FLW having a strong advantage in the early game was able to secure the 1st blood and early gold lead. Despite of the infernal drake about to respawn, FLW went for the Rift Herald and letting FLA grab the first drake of the game.

- FLW with a massive advantage in the early game was able to further stretched out their lead to 10k gold lead in the 12 min mark. They also manage to stack drake without closing the gap near them.

- Approaching the late game and the items are now coming in for FLA was able to secure the Elder Drake away from FLW that might have ended the game.

- With the Baron on the line both teams were neither trying to start this one up. Not until fiora got caught in the sidelanes in a 2v1 situation having FLW the man advantage to take the Baron. FLA caught between a rock and a hard place wasn’t able to steal out the Baron and eventually one by one they got picked off and FLW was able to bring this series to a match point.

Game 4.

- Game 4 similar bans for FLA being on the blue side denying the yasuo and Camille which are strong picks for FLW. FLW denying the kai’sa away from dani which had a lot of impact during the previous games. Removing one of the late game insurance for FLA.

- FLA went for the Rengar priority again and matching it up with an aggressive early game champion, riven on the Baron lane. With kai’sa out Dani went for the corki as their late game insurance pairing it up with a nami support. FLW with matchpoint they opted for the grags and ziggs bottom lane. Utilizing the pokes and stong engage potential from the gragas also playing for late game with the last pick Lucian.

- The game started with no level one shenanigan and both teams went for a standard laning phase and waited for them itemspikes and ultimates to come through.

- FLA’s Baron laner Power has yet again showed the world his insane mechanical skills as he manages to outplay a 2v1 situation, grabbing one kill and escaping with a timed flash with just a nick of his health and stunned even the casters as he went back in and manage to take a double kill to finish off the play.

- With the priority on top for FLA, FLW went for a dive onto orianna in the bottom lane. But what seems to be a man advantage for FLW. Sho as well made an insane outplay of his own. Connecting the shockwave to Lucian and instantly bursting him down while kiting the skillshot that was thrown to him and even the explosive cask from the gragas.

- 12 mins into the game, with the items now coming in for FLW they were able to find pickoffs on the sidelanes and grabbing huge shutdowns and closing down the gap securing 3 kills off of that play. They then decided to start up the Baron as they were in a man advantage. But despite all of the kills the death timers were still quite low and the teleports are now coming in from domeng and power. With the baron sitting on a 500 hp, Domeng was able to sn**ch it out from them and securing and ace. FLA sieging thru the mid lane and 5 man strong they finished the game and brought the series to a game 5.

Game 5

- Coming in to the last game of this series, both teams are switching sides. FLW respecting the rengar pick and riven for FLA. On the other hand, FLA went for the similar ban from their previous games.

- Opening up the picks, lee sin is the priority for FLW for cookie to handle, relying on the setup and early aggression. FLW again went for the ziggs and gragas. With the renekton open FLA was the one to capitalize on this also grabbing the orianna for sho. FLA also went for the lover’s duo xayah and rakan which has strong synergy already with their composition. To complete the combo, Doment went for the Jarvan IV to be the enabler of the delivery ball system together with rakan making their draft a strong team fighting composition.

- FLA early game plan is to get renekton ahead in his lane and enable him around the map and they were successful with that as they were able to grab the first blood to their team.

- Running to the 4 min mark and major objectives are about to respawn. Both teams went for a trade. Rift Herald to the side of FLW and the mountain drake for FLA.

- FLW wasn’t able to gain the lead to their favor as FLA was always on top of them on every trade or skirmishes around the map. FLA was doing a great job in maintaining their lead and also stretching it to a 6k gold lead as they were able to take turrets and the Baron from FLW.

- Power has yet again pulled off an insane outplay from a 2v1 situation grabbing one kill off of that. Allowing FLA to break through the base of FLW.

- FLW down to a 10k gold deficit was struggling to make a pick off with the lee sin as their only win condition. FLA was able to secure the Elder Drake as it was the nail to the coffin as for them to finish off the game. They chased one by one the members of FLW and finally focusing to the nexus as they are the first to take the spot in the Bracket Finals


SEA Icon Series Championship Play-Ins Group A.

Lower Bracket Analysis
Berjaya Dragons vs Divine Esports


Game 1

-After a long delay of day 3 play-ins, game 1 was started right away. Standard banning phase for both teams denying signature picks of their opposition.

-DE running a teamfight oriented composition that has strong scaling potential and good set-ups. BJD with a no traditional ADC running ziggs on the ADC role. Running an early to mid game composition playing around with the global presence of the Twisted Fate.

-BJD opens up the game with a successful invade onto the red side jgl of DE from that play they were also able to secure an early unofficial ace with 1 min into the game securing a big gold lead.

-Both team were able to trade an objective, BJD grabbing the Rift Herald and DE the ocean drake. With the prio on baron lane, BJD were able to secure the 1st turret of the game. DE made a cross map play diving ziggs in the bottom lane and securing a turret of their own, shrinking the gold lead to 4k.

-DE played the mid game wisely, enabling chilly to find pickoffs around the map. Also securing objectives and a massive teamfight win, securing an ace and grabbing the gold lead.

-With the Items coming in and a lot of skirmishes that always favors DE side, the team manage to extend their gold lead to a 9k deficit for BJD and choking them away of their own jungle. With the elder drake spawning, desperation was coming to the members of BJD forcing a fight but still DE was the one to be on top and manage to grab game 1.


Game 2

-Game 2 started with similar bans for both teams. As well, running almost the same draft with cayote grabbing the zed in the mid lane. BJD opted for another chance with their composition in game 1.

-Similar to Game 1, BJD went to for the level 1 invade again to red side jgl of DE leaving Len to start on his blue side since BJD has a lot of advantage if a level 1 skirmish might happen. With good macro from BJD, they were able to boost Syndicate ahead from Len with 2 camps ahead and 1 neutral objective.

-BJD went for a play top side allowing fiora to gain advantage in the baron lane and to gain early lead. Both teams yet again traded objectives. BJD securing the Rift Herald and DE with the cloud drake. With prio on top as well the rift herald BJD were able to secure two turrets from that RH play gaining an early 2k lead and map advantage.

-BJD was able to snowball their lead finding pick offs after pick offs in the sidelane as well with turret takes. But DE always traded it in stacking the drakes in their pockets.

-Mid to late game, items are now coming in for DE and their carries was already in their powerspike. DE found yet again a good teamfight and big shutdowns allowing them to close the gap of the gold lead against BJD. With BJD overextending, DE punished this play allowing them to grab the Baron and the Elder drake and gain the advantage to close out the game and grab matchpoint for this series.


Game 3

-With everything stacking up against BJD, they finally change things up. Respecting the riven and kha'zix pick from game 1 and 2 from DE. They also altered their comp with the exception of ziggs and the Fiora. With the renekton open, DE was able to capitalize on this as well with the olaf and the fizz for cayote making their comp really strong in the early game and strong poke late game. BJD focusing on set ups and scaling for kaisa.

-With both teams switching sides BJD didn't went for an aggressive early game invade and just went for a standard laning phase. With the exception of both junglers who went for a vertical jungling without causing any trouble.

-Major objectives spawning both teams yet again went for a trade of objectives, Rift herald for BJD and Mountain drake for DE. With Syndicate enabling chilly from th middle lane, BJD were able to take 2 kills from the sidelanes.

-Running to mid game DE constantly went for pick offs with coyotes beautiful chum of the waters denying BJD to get a hold of the gold lead.

-3rd drake about to respawn in the form of the infernal drake both teams was hovering around the dragon pit to vision. BJD getting the hold og the river, they started the drake but with pokes coming in from DE, BJD went for a teamfight but DE having the upperhand was able to secure the drake and almost aced BJD securing a massive gold lead.

-DE with a massive gold lead of 14k was able to secure the baron and choking BJD away from their own jungle. DE with 1-3-1 setup was able to break thru the base of BJD and with all odds against them BJD went for a teamfight that cost them the whole series and the end of their run in the tournament allowing DE to advance in the lower bracket Finals.



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