Announcement: the following students have no grades in MAPEH for the First Grading. Do comply with the performance output which is 60% of your grades. some of you did not also return the examination.
acodili, anga, antiga, baslot, bongcayao 2 songs inc, cabanilla catayong, cenas, dadole, dador, dadulo, gapasin, lagrosas, malquisto, maquiling inc 2 songs, nobillos, oclarit, pacana, parrado
pretos, santamina, tamondong, zamora, bala, flores 1 song inc
gabe, llauderes 2 songs, respite, roa, salazar 2 songs, tan 2 songs inc...
Note: You will have until friday to comply. After this, I will be calling the presence of your parents in school. Be guided accordingly.