Skinny Pawn - Piyon Daut

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Skinny Pawn - Piyon Daut ᴄʜᴇss ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪʟɪᴘɪɴᴏ ᴄʜᴇss ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀs

Chess Explained is a new series of books about chess openings. They are not theoretical works in the traditional sense, ...

Chess Explained is a new series of books about chess openings. They are not theoretical works in the traditional sense, but more a series of lessons from a chess expert with extensive over-the-board experience with an opening. You will gain an understanding of the opening and the middlegames to which it leads, enabling you to find the right moves and plans in your own games. It is as if you were sitting at the board with a chess coach answering your questions about the plans for both sides, the ideas behind particular moves, and what specific knowledge you need to have.

The c3 Sicilian is one of White's most popular and poisonous ways to avoid the main lines of the Sicilian. With the forcing line 1 e4 c5 2 c3, White denies his opponent the chance to demonstrate his preparation in some chaotic system; instead Black will have to fight carefully for equality in a more rational position of White's choosing. There are plenty of tricks and traps in the c3 Sicilian, and the open piece-play that often results can lead to quick attacks and means that careless play will rarely go unpunished.

When world-class players and championship contenders need cutting-edge opening preparation, they turn to GM Erwin L'Ami ...

When world-class players and championship contenders need cutting-edge opening preparation, they turn to GM Erwin L'Ami for help.

Veselin Topalov sought his expertise when preparing for the world championship match versus Anand. And for the past few years, top-10 player Anish Giri has worked closely with L'Ami to get that competitive advantage out of the opening he's so well-known for.

But GM L'Ami has also published many opening DVDs and guides that help club YOU...break through barriers to reach the next level in their chess development.

Today, he is giving you access to his championship-level prep. So you, too, can get a rock-solid repertoire against 1.e4 and fight for the full point with confidence.
I want to learn the Caro-Kann. I mean 1. e4 e5 is an excellent blocking weapon. You can play the Petroff, the Marshall or you can play the Berlin. But every once in awhile, you want to spice it up a little. And, if you're like me and you play the Bundesliga or the Thailand Open. Nowadays, people are so booked up in the Sicilian. So, the Caro-Kann is a much better shot at playing for a win with Black." - GM Jan Gustafsson

The Caro's solid, methodical infused with GM L'Ami's fresh and dynamic ideas

In the Caro-Kann, Black uncompromisingly claims the center with ...c7-c6 and ...d7-d5. The troops are then deployed behind the pawns. Black's build-up is steady and methodical. Daring White to come charging...only to strike back at the right time.

The opening's sound structure and principled play made it attractive to world champions then and now. From Mikhail Botvinnik, Anatoly Karpov, Vishwanathan Anand, Veselin Topalov, to modern-day legends Ding Liren and Magnus Carlsen.

Comes with over 36 hours of optional video sync instruction

Here's what's inside:

♟ Over 800 trainable variations and 36 hours of video-sync instruction cover the main lines such as the Advance (3.e5), Classical (3.Nc3), Exchange (3.exd5), Fantasy (3.f3), and Two Knights (2.Nc3) variations.

♟ Comfortable and active positions against second-move sidelines, including 2.d3, 2.Ne2, and 2.f4.

♟ Stockfish and Leela Zero-powered novelties that add surprise value and force to your moves. Giving you the psychological upper-hand.

♟ Punchy alternative systems that allow you to sharpen the play and create more winning chances on demand.

♟ A Quickstarter guide shows you the 35 core lines. So you can learn and start playing the Caro-Kann in just over 2 hours.

♟ Clear ideas and strategies laid out in every variation, guiding you to the right move...even if the game varies from theory.

♟ 10 model games by legends like Tigran Petrosian, Garry Kasparov, and Anatoly Karpov. Swipe their middlegame plays, and use them in your games.

In this Lifetime Repertoire, GM L'Ami infuses the already-trustworthy Caro-Kann with fresh analysis and over a decade of playing experience. The result is a rock-solid and active repertoire. One that counter-punches with perfect timing...and fights for the initiative with gusto.

Just as GM L'Ami has played this opening throughout his career, this repertoire has been designed to last. Never look back again. Play the Caro-Kann.

Variation Details
Introduction (1 variation)

Quickstarter Guide (35 variations, 10.9 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 1: Advance Variation 3...Bf5 4.Nf3 (83 variations, 16.1 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 2: Advance Variation 3...Bf5 - 4th moves (106 variations, 15.0 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 3: Advance Variation 3...c5 (137 variations, 16.2 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 4: Classical 4...Nf6 (48 variations, 15.0 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 5: Classical 4...Bf5 - Sidelines (51 variations, 13.5 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 6: Classical 4...Bf5 - Main Line 11.Bd2 (55 variations, 21.6 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 7: Classical 4...Bf5 - Main Line 11.Bf4 (23 variations, 20.1 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 8: Classical 4...Bf5 - Without h4-h5 (34 variations, 18.9 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 9: The Fantasy Variation 3.f3 (38 variations, 14.7 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 10: 3.exd5 (144 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 11: Two Knights (69 variations, 11.9 avg. trainable depth)

Chapter 12: Sidelines on Move 2 (63 variations, 9.6 avg. trainable depth)

Model Games (10 variations)

Alexey Kovalchuk – The Modernized Modern BenonWe all develop through childhood. Our expectations, dreams, fears, positiv...

Alexey Kovalchuk – The Modernized Modern Benon

We all develop through childhood. Our expectations, dreams, fears, positive and negative character traits, love and attachment to things that have become important
for us. From childhood, most of us also have a love for chess.

There was a spark in our eyes to fight again and again, to play as long and as often as possible, to get stronger and win. We came to the chess clubs, the coach taught us the basics and then gave us more complex materials when our level of play improved. We studied the games of the maestros of the past and wanted to carry out
no less beautiful combinations, attacks, sacrifices, going all-out.

There came times when we understood in which positions we feel most comfortable, what suits us in a strategic game, and some of us became bewitched by tactical lines of struggle. Most of those who love dynamics try to seize the initiative as soon as possible and start an attack. As Black they do not want to be content with a draw. Such players usually started their way to the top of mastery with the King’s Indian Defense — a unique opening rich in history, like a phoenix, which was reborn countless times from ashes.

Over time, my attention focused on the Modern Benoni. In this opening, the bishop on g7 is the same icon that is the basis of the King’s Indian, but here it can operate on the whole a1-h8 diagonal instead of being locked in by its own pawn on e5, as usually happens in the King’s Indian. Black’s plan is outrageously simple: with pawns on d6 and c5, and sometimes b4, he creates a breakwater that opens up space for his favorite on g7.

My expectations from the opening were reinforced by two games by the greatest chess romantic of all time, Mikhail Tal. It seems to me that these games will help you, dear reader, to be imbued with love for this extraordinary opening.

A full fighting 1.e4 e5 repertoire for Black which leverages an ancient hidden secret - with a new twistThis is not your...

A full fighting 1.e4 e5 repertoire for Black which leverages an ancient hidden secret - with a new twist

This is not your typical 1.e4 e5 course.

Yes, it is a full repertoire for Black, covering everything you need to know in the double king's pawn opening. What sets this one apart is its outside-the-box approach to fighting for the advantage.

At the center of this ambitious undertaking by GM Jan Werle is the Chigorin Variation of the Ruy Lopez (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Na5), once Black's primary defense for over 50 years.

With groundbreaking analysis and innovative lines, GM Jan Werle has all but resurrected the opening.

This is one of the most strategically interesting positions in all of opening theory.

With 9…Na5 Black places their knight on the rim without looking so grim, as:

♞ You chase White's light-squared bishop from its most effective diagonal - the a2-g8 diagonal

♞ You free Black's c-pawn, enabling you to ambitiously expand on the queenside

♞ You may maneuver the knight back to a number of effective squares - c6, c5, or c4

Plus all other Spanish sidelines and deviations.

Werle's not just putting the Chigorin back in business though, he's got you covered on everything for Black.

You’ll also:

♞ Rule out all of White's most popular Italian replies - with a subtle, useful, and innovative flank pawn move

♞ Play with the power of pins in the Scotch - and bring White into sharp and tactical skirmishes you'll know how to play better

♞ Get full control of the center in the Spanish Four Knights - with full compensation after you castle by hand

♟ Learn lines against the King's Gambit, Center Game, Ponziani, Vienna Game, and Bishop's Opening - covering the secondary open game lines you should know

Authored by a Champion and Ruy Lopez Expert

Author GM Jan Werle is back with his third full course for Chessable with a focus on the Ruy Lopez. The first, The Smart Ruy Lopez Part 1: Exchange Variation was shortlisted for the 2020 Course of the Year.

Werle is not only a Spanish game expert, he's got some trophies under his belt too, most notably winning the 2008 EU championship.

Variation Details
Introduction (1 variation)

Quickstarter – Ruy Lopez (24 variations, 17.8 avg. trainable depth)

Quickstarter – Italian (14 variations, 16.4 avg. trainable depth)

Quickstarter – Scotch (29 variations, 15.3 avg. trainable depth)

Quickstarter – Four Knights (16 variations, 11.8 avg. trainable depth)

Quickstarter – 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 + Ponziani (9 variations, 14.1 avg. trainable depth)

A1) RL – 11…Nd7 Chigorin – 12th Move Alternatives (13 variations, 21.3 avg. trainable depth)

A2) RL – 11...Nd7 Chigorin – 12.d5 (16 variations, 21.5 avg. trainable depth)

A3) RL – 11...Nd7 Chigorin – Main Line 12.Nbd2 (19 variations, 22.5 avg. trainable depth)

A4) RL – 11...Qc7 Chigorin – 12.Nbd2 cxd4 (20 variations, 20.6 avg. trainable depth)

A5) RL – 11...Qc7 Chigorin – 12.Nbd2 Be6!? (11 variations, 21.9 avg. trainable depth)

A6) RL – Accelerated Chigorin 8...Na5!? (15 variations, 18.7 avg. trainable depth)

A7) RL – Yates Variation 9.d4 (29 variations, 19.3 avg. trainable depth)

A8) RL – 8th Move Alternatives (15 variations, 15.1 avg. trainable depth)

A9) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.a4 (16 variations, 18.6 avg. trainable depth)

A10) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.a3 (18 variations, 17.9 avg. trainable depth)

A11) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.c3 (18 variations, 18.9 avg. trainable depth)

A12) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.Bd2 (4 variations, 15.5 avg. trainable depth)

A13) RL – Worrall Attack 6.Qe2 (14 variations, 14.9 avg. trainable depth)

A14) RL – Center Attack 6.d4 & Morphy Attack 6.Nc3 (15 variations, 15.9 avg. trainable depth)

A15) RL – Delayed Exchange Variation 6.Bxc6 (24 variations, 14.8 avg. trainable depth)

A16) RL – Anderssen Variation 5.d3 (15 variations, 14.7 avg. trainable depth)

A17) RL – Tarrasch Variation 5.Nc3 (16 variations, 13.1 avg. trainable depth)

A18) RL – Exchange Variation 4.Bxc6 (26 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)

Exercises Part A (10 variations, 2.7 avg. trainable depth)

B1) Dubov's Italian – 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.b4 (6 variations, 15.0 avg. trainable depth)

B2) Italian – 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.cxd4 (25 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)

B3) Italian – 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.e5 (15 variations, 20.8 avg. trainable depth)

B4) Italian – Old Main Line 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 h6 6.O-O (16 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)

B5) Italian – New Main Line 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 h6 6.b4 (29 variations, 15.3 avg. trainable depth)

B6) Italian – 4.d3 h6 5.Nc3 (12 variations, 12.9 avg. trainable depth)

B7) Italian – Evans Gambit 4.b4 (16 variations, 14.4 avg. trainable depth)

B8) Italian – 4.d4?! & Deutz Gambit 4.O-O Nf6 5.d4 (17 variations, 14.5 avg. trainable depth)

B9) Italian – Albin Gambit 4.O-O Nf6 5.c3 (11 variations, 12.6 avg. trainable depth)

Exercises Part B (16 variations, 2.4 avg. trainable depth)

C1) Scotch – Scotch Gambit 4.Bc4 (34 variations, 15.6 avg. trainable depth)

C2) Scotch – Main Line 8.c4 (And 8.Nd2 & 8.g3) (29 variations, 18.9 avg. trainable depth)

C3) Scotch – 8.h4 (12 variations, 15.7 avg. trainable depth)

C4) Scotch – 6th Move Alternatives (25 variations, 14.2 avg. trainable depth)

C5) Scotch – Göring Gambit 4.c3 (20 variations, 15.4 avg. trainable depth)

Exercises Part C (4 variations, 6.3 avg. trainable depth)

D1) Four Knights – Spanish 4.Bb5 (47 variations, 14.5 avg. trainable depth)

D2) Four Knights – Italian 4.Bc4 (8 variations, 11.8 avg. trainable depth)

D3) Four Knights – Scotch 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 (26 variations, 15.6 avg. trainable depth)

D4) Four Knights – Belgrade Gambit 4.d4 exd4 5.Nd5 (11 variations, 14.1 avg. trainable depth)

D5) Four Knights – Fianchetto 4.g3 (7 variations, 11.9 avg. trainable depth)

Exercises Part D (6 variations, 4.3 avg. trainable depth)

E1) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – Bishop’s Opening 2.Bc4 (40 variations, 13.3 avg. trainable depth)

E2) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – Vienna 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 (24 variations, 13.1 avg. trainable depth)

E3) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – King’s Gambit 2.f4 (23 variations, 12.4 avg. trainable depth)

E4) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – Center Game 2.d4 (19 variations, 12.6 avg. trainable depth)

E5) Ponziani 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3 (14 variations, 11.4 avg. trainable depth)

Lifetime Repertoire: Chebanenko SlavIn the Chebanenko or 4...a6 Slav, Black fortifies the center with pawns and develops...

Lifetime Repertoire: Chebanenko Slav

In the Chebanenko or 4...a6 Slav, Black fortifies the center with pawns and develops the pieces harmoniously behind the pawns. This principled approach has stood the test of time. The Chebanenko is undeniably tough and very suitable to fighters looking to play for a win.

In other words, “the Chebanenko” is a great choice for a lifetime repertoire. And, GM Colovic, in his trademark clear style, is the perfect teacher to explain this easy-to-learn system.
This setup gives Black harmonious development with good central control, no weaknesses, and no bad pieces.
- GM Colovic
Here's what’s inside this course:

💪🏼 Over 360 trainable variations and over 24 hours of high quality video instruction by one Chessable’s most popular authors.

💪🏼 A near universal opening system against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 that cuts down your study time and allows you to play in a harmonious and classical way.

💪🏼 A classical fight for the centre with practical winning chances.

💪🏼 Good king safety and few forcing lines. It’s all about understanding and ideas and less about concrete variations.

💪🏼 A Quickstarter Guide with just 34 core variations to get you playing right away

💪🏼 11 model games illustrating key middle game plans and strategies

💪🏼 BONUS: four more safe but active set-ups to choose from

The Chebanenko Slav is the perfect opening system for anyone looking to cut down on their study time and wanting practical winning chances.

"If sometimes you forget the concrete lines, remember these 5 ideas and the solution is going to be one of them."
-GM Colovic

Variation Details
1. Introduction (1 variation, 4.0 avg. trainable depth)

2. Quickstarter Guide (34 variations, 8.1 avg. trainable depth)

3. The Exchange Variation (27 variations, 14.7 avg. trainable depth)

4. White plays Nf3 and Nc3 (125 variations, 14.9 avg. trainable depth)

5. White plays Nc3 and e3 (22 variations, 16.4 avg. trainable depth)

6. White plays Nf3 and e3 (15 variations, 12.6 avg. trainable depth)

7. White plays Nf3 and Qc2 (14 variations, 15.6 avg. trainable depth)

8. White plays Nf3 and Nbd2 (8 variations, 11.8 avg. trainable depth)

9. White plays Nf3 and g3 (9 variations, 12.2 avg. trainable depth)

10. Various 2nd moves (31 variations, 12.2 avg. trainable depth)

11. White plays 1 Nf3 (40 variations, 13.2 avg. trainable depth)

12. White plays 1 c4 (25 variations, 17.0 avg. trainable depth)

13. Various 1st moves (15 variations, 10.6 avg. trainable depth)

14. Model Games (11 variations)

PRACTICAL ENDGAME BIBLE  Boroljub Zlatanovic – The Practical Endgame Bible – Guidelines for the Fundamentals of the Endg...

PRACTICAL ENDGAME BIBLE Boroljub Zlatanovic – The Practical Endgame Bible – Guidelines for the Fundamentals of the Endgame. – 455 Pages.

There are many books devoted to basic endgames, even from the Middle Ages. Principles of typical endgames (such as keeping the rook behind a passed pawn, not setting pawns on the same colored squares as your bishop’s, distant pawns being more dangerous than central ones etc.) are well known too. But what about “complex endgames”? I have in mind endgames with at least two pieces on each side; well I don’t find them often nor sufficiently well-explained in the past! It is exactly this fact (together with my passion and great endgame experience) that has motivated me to write this book (many friends simply call me “Endgame Wizard” ).

Over two decades of working as a coach has confirmed my opinion that endgames are the biggest problem for young players. Today, in the computer era with a lot of information easily provided, youngsters all over the world rather play blitz, or solve some tactical puzzles in a manner that is “the faster the better” (or even spend time on some other chess disciplines). All of this neglects the basis of chess – the importance of endgames! It is not uncommon that everyday you can be witness to some strange endgame misunderstanding, even at the top level.

This is why I consider some of my favorite endgame books based on logic as the best I’ve ever read – I learned the endgame from some of the best endgame players and authors. And this is why I want to fill that gap in chess literature and to share my devotion, ideas, principles, opinions with you! I hope you will enjoy this material and I am pretty sure you will broaden your endgame horizons.

The Lifetime Repertoires series is a landmark in the history of Chessable. It is the most ambitious series we have under...

The Lifetime Repertoires series is a landmark in the history of Chessable. It is the most ambitious series we have undertaken.

In this, our ultimate Black repertoire, we have strived to create a complete opening system that will stand the test of time. It will never go out of fashion because it is always in fashion.

UPDATED FOR 2020: IM Sielecki and FM Barrish just added a new Quickstarter guide, with 54 variations. So you can start playing the Nimzo-Ragozin fast.

Lifetime Repertoires: The Nimzo-Ragozin is a living and breathing roadmap against 1.d4 and 1.Nf3 that is designed to be reliable, redoubtable and ever-resilient.

Lines that knit together seamlessly

At its heart is an up-to-the-minute examination of the Nimzo-Indian - considered the most challenging mainline response to 1.d4 for elite players which is 1...Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4.

The Ragozin, the Nimzo's close friend, is presented alongside it to deal with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Bb4.

The increasingly-popular Catalan 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 is tackled alongside the London, Veresov, Trompowsky, Torre, Colle and all the deviations you need to be fully covered.

Every response covered

Finally, as an added bonus, the authors IM Christof Sielecki, aka ChessExplained, and FM Daniel Barrish tackle 1.Nf3 by forcing White into your familar realm.

These choices are carefully-chosen lines that knit together seamlessly.

The authors' aim was to produce a repertoire in which each of the recommendations compliments each other and the whole set together contains an internal logic that's easy to grasp quickly, but from which you can build on forever.

Our most ambitious series yet

As theory grows in The Nimzo-Ragozin, an opening being improved at the top level all the time, so can you.

It is designed to flow, giving the student an easy way of understanding it quickly and a lifetime of learning and improvement to look forward to.

These aren't lines that have been shot down at the top level, they are lines that are in use and will always be.

Variation Details
1. Introduction (1 variation)

2. Quickstarter Guide (54 variations, 13.0 avg. trainable depth)

3. Nimzo-Indian with 4.e3 (72 variations, 12.9 avg. trainable depth)

4. Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2 (48 variations, 13.5 avg. trainable depth)

5. Nimzo-Indian with 4.a3 and 4.f3 (55 variations, 12.2 avg. trainable depth)

6. Nimzo-Indian Deviations (26 variations, 10.3 avg. trainable depth)

7. Ragozin with 5.Bg5 (55 variations, 13.8 avg. trainable depth)

8. Ragozin with 5.cxd5 (51 variations, 13.0 avg. trainable depth)

9. Ragozin with 5.Qa4+ (37 variations, 12.3 avg. trainable depth)

10. Ragozin Deviations (24 variations, 10.9 avg. trainable depth)

11. The Catalan (45 variations, 13.8 avg. trainable depth)

12. 1.d4 Deviations (62 variations, 10.3 avg. trainable depth)

13. 1.Nf3 (33 variations, 9.4 avg. trainable depth)

14. Model Games (29 variations)

Reference Lines (1 variation, 5.0 avg. depth)

If you’re an intermediate player — rated below 1900 — then this challenge can raise your tactics up a class or two in th...

If you’re an intermediate player — rated below 1900 — then this challenge can raise your tactics up a class or two in the next 50 days. All while simplifying your path to improvement into 10x daily puzzles.

The 50-Day Tactics Challenge is brought to you by Grandmaster Valeriy Aveskulov and FIDE Master Sergey Tugaj.

Aveskulov is a peak-2545-rated grandmaster, a Ukrainian champion, and an online chess coach since 2009. He’s joined by Tugaj, who specializes in teaching scholastic players rated 1300 to 2100 Elo.

And in the 50-Day Tactics Challenge, the duo combines their expertise to…

Sharpen Your Tactics With Structured, Daily
Sets And Lay The Foundation For
Consistent Rating Gains

Here’s the plan:

Everyday for the next 50 days, solve a set of 10 puzzles, complete the reviews if there are any… and that’s it!

By setting a “hard” number, you won’t have to wonder how many positions to study or minutes to spend.

You simply solve puzzles until you reach that green congratulatory note — then get on with your day.

With a little note-taking, you can also keep track of the puzzles you struggled solving. Find their underlying tactical themes. And bulletproof those “areas for improvement.”

And remember to dig into the move-by-move comments and videos. Here, Aveskulov and Tugaj show you how a strong player weighs in on a position to guide their calculation.

This way, you too can streamline your solving and find the right move… without wearing yourself down with brute force.

Let’s recap what you’re getting:

🔥 The 50-Day Tactics Challenge… which simplifies your training into 50 daily challenges of 10 puzzles. Solve the set for the day, complete the reviews, and that’s it!

🔥 Every puzzle tagged according to 11 essential themes. These tags help you find the right move when you’re stuck. Plus, they also tell you which themes to drill more to get a well-rounded boost in tactics.

🔥 Over 17 hours of video and 30,000 words of instruction. See how schematic thinking uncovers the toughest, most beautiful combinations.

We’re confident that the 50-Day Tactics Challenge can raise your tactics up a class or two… while building habits that set you up for long-term gains.

But don’t take our word for it. Sign up today and take on the challenge.
Variation Details
Introduction (5 variations)

Day 1 (10 variations)

Day 2 (10 variations)

Day 3 (10 variations)

Day 4 (11 variations)

Day 5 (10 variations)

Day 6 (10 variations)

Day 7 (10 variations)

Day 8 (10 variations)

Day 9 (10 variations)

Day 10 (10 variations)

Day 11 (10 variations)

Day 12 (10 variations)

Day 13 (10 variations)

Day 14 (10 variations)

Day 15 (10 variations)

Day 16 (10 variations)

Day 17 (10 variations)

Day 18 (10 variations)

Day 19 (11 variations)

Day 20 (10 variations)

Day 21 (10 variations)

Day 22 (10 variations)

Day 23 (10 variations)

Day 24 (10 variations)

Day 25 (10 variations)

Day 26 (10 variations)

Day 27 (10 variations)

Day 28 (10 variations)

Day 29 (10 variations)

Day 30 (10 variations)

Day 31 (10 variations)

Day 32 (10 variations)

Day 33 (10 variations)

Day 34 (10 variations)

Day 35 (11 variations)

Day 36 (10 variations)

Day 37 (10 variations)

Day 38 (10 variations)

Day 39 (10 variations)

Day 40 (10 variations)

Day 41 (10 variations)

Day 42 (10 variations)

Day 43 (10 variations)

Day 44 (10 variations)

Day 45 (10 variations)

Day 46 (10 variations)

Day 47 (10 variations)

Day 48 (10 variations)

Day 49 (10 variations)

Day 50 (10 variations)

Reap the rewards that come with having a powerful, flexible opening system you can play against nearly anything Black re...

Reap the rewards that come with having a powerful, flexible opening system you can play against nearly anything Black responds with: the London System.

In this 9 hour Deep Dive course, GM Damian Lemos reveals everything you need to know to gain space, control the game and start your devastating attack. Black only has a few sensible ways to respond to this system and Damian gives you clear strategies for beating all of them!

This is the perfect opening for players who prefer to understand ideas rather than memorize endless variations. GM Lemos explains the logic behind everything White is trying to achieve and illustrates each plan with superb, memorable games by players like Magnus Carlsen, Vladimir Kramnik and Alexander Grischuk.

If you want an opening system to call your own, one which you can force your opponents into and then outplay them with your expertise, master the London System with GM Lemos’ Deep Dive course!

1.Ideas behind the London System: Kamsky-Steingrimsson
2. 6…Bd6 variation: Grischuk-Wang Hao
3. Symmetrical variation: Carlsen-Giri
4. Slaying the Slav setup: Grischuk-Bartel
5. Queenside control: Kramnik-Dubov
6. Beating the …g6 systems: Grachev-Kyc
7. Punishing the …c5 break: Torre-Srivachirawat
8. Taking down targets: Prie-Martin Alvarez
9.Reducing Black’s counterplay: Sandipan-Arun Prasad
10. Dealing with …Qb6: Ni-Igonin
11. Early Queen exchange: Kamsky-Tokarev and Grachev-Ivanov
12. Tricky ideas: Miles-Minasian
13. Instructive miniatures: Berkes-Czebe and Sedlak-Hobber
14. Powerful attacks: Chernyshov-Gayer and Chernyshov-Seres

"The chess developed very much during centuries. Therefore you can find several interesting topics in different publicat...

"The chess developed very much during centuries. Therefore you can find several interesting topics in different publications. To show new is difficult.

That reason this writing isn´t unique either. Yet it has two virtues: selection and updating. My book includes miniature parties and traps. Miniatures form one of the most exciting part of the chess literature. From year to year you can find more and more eyecatching parties in the databases. Recently more than 1000 parties.

Several books deal with miniature chess parties. How many moves can a miniature court of? From 10 to 15 perhaps 25. The limit our publication is 15. I order the parties of this book according to openings. So everyone easily can find parties and openings they are interested in from the classical chess traps to the newest creations.

The reader can improve his or her knowledge. I recommend this book to everyone apart from s*x, age and chess knowledge. I wish everyone enjoyable and profitable recreation." (The author)

This chess book is one out of a chess book series. The series were written by Andras Meszaros IM. He was the coach of Il...

This chess book is one out of a chess book series. The series were written by Andras Meszaros IM.

He was the coach of Ildiko Madl, who won the Olympic Games with the Polgar girls and also the coach of Benjamin Gledura GM, who is one of the best Hungarian chess players at the moment.

All the books are in A/5 format and written in 5 different languages (English, German, Romanian, Slovakian and Hungarian).

Tactical Training - 702 Exercises - Andras MeszarosThis book is one part of a tactical series. Besides enabling self-edu...

Tactical Training - 702 Exercises - Andras Meszaros

This book is one part of a tactical series. Besides enabling self-education, it helps trainers and school chess instructors to make their pupils acquire and practice a combinational and tactical approach to chess.

Compiling the tasks I used the best works available in the topic. My experience collected in my own praxis also aided me in gathering the examples. I have tried to collect the most important and frequent tactical types. Although this book only deals with the fundamentals of tactics, there will be a sequel to it, so you’ll be able to learn the science of chess magic.

A word about myself: I am an international master, and have been working as a trainer in Hungarian junior chess life for a long time. The best-known of my pupils are Ildikó Mádl, Judit and Sophie Polgár, the members of the two-time Olympic gold medallist team; Gledura Benjamin, age group European Champion etc.

Have a good time studying my book!

Tactical Training for Beginners by Meszaros Andras492 Chess problemsThese books include no text or explanation and are p...

Tactical Training for Beginners by Meszaros Andras
492 Chess problems

These books include no text or explanation and are purely full of tactics to solve with solutions included at the back.

He’s helped stars like Praggnanandhaa and Daniel Naroditsky improve at the highest level.He coached a team of Indian tee...

He’s helped stars like Praggnanandhaa and Daniel Naroditsky improve at the highest level.

He coached a team of Indian teenagers to a bronze medal in their debut Chess Olympiad appearance, ahead of top-seeded countries.

And now he’s here to help you improve your most important chess skill of all.

Grandmaster Ramesh R.B. makes his Chessable debut with his hit course Improve Your Chess Calculation, and he’s ready to transform your calculation abilities with…

Game-Changing Wisdom and Training for a Wide Range of Levels

While the former British Champion and world-renowned coaching guru may cater to the stars for his day job, Improve Your Chess Calculation is built for anyone from intermediate level (1400+) all the way to grandmaster level (2500+).

That’s because exercises of 5 different levels make up the course, allowing you to choose exercises in your rating bracket…or higher, if you want a challenge!

Abiding by the mantra “Knowing is not doing”, you’ll also learn how you can adjust your mindset and calculation process to consistently find the best move and see the most critical lines. Areas of focus include:

♚ Correcting common thought process mistakes. You’ll examine 14 common mistakes in the calculation process and learn how to improve them with tips and exercises. Stop yourself from rushing into calculation before generating enough candidate moves, evaluate resulting positions more accurately, and more

♚ Mindset adjustment and psychology. Not only will you examine the mistakes, you’ll also look into the psychological origins for them - and how you can change your mindset accordingly

♚ Building fundamental skills. Visualization, pattern recognition, generation of candidate moves - learn how all these fundamentals fit into the calculation process and how to improve each

♚ Managing your time. With practicality at heart, GM Ramesh challenges you not only to find the moves, but do so in an appropriate amount of time. That’s why suggested solving times are included with the exercises

And more. The exercises will be challenging, but no pain, no gain!

But you also have GM Ramesh himself backing you up with 18,5 hours of exquisite video walkthroughs. With some exercises including even dozens of variations, his visual explanations make an invaluable add-on to this course.

Variation Details
Introduction (6 variations)

1) Dynamic and Static Positions (72 variations)

2) Calculation Training with Students (24 variations)

3) The analytical process (195 variations)

4) Forcing moves (19 variations)

5) Common mistakes chess players make while calculating (68 variations)

6) Improving calculation through solving studies (65 variations)

7) Chess improvement suggestions from a coach (12 variations)

Conclusion: Chess is time-intensive (1 variation)






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