A full fighting 1.e4 e5 repertoire for Black which leverages an ancient hidden secret - with a new twist
This is not your typical 1.e4 e5 course.
Yes, it is a full repertoire for Black, covering everything you need to know in the double king's pawn opening. What sets this one apart is its outside-the-box approach to fighting for the advantage.
At the center of this ambitious undertaking by GM Jan Werle is the Chigorin Variation of the Ruy Lopez (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Na5), once Black's primary defense for over 50 years.
With groundbreaking analysis and innovative lines, GM Jan Werle has all but resurrected the opening.
This is one of the most strategically interesting positions in all of opening theory.
With 9…Na5 Black places their knight on the rim without looking so grim, as:
♞ You chase White's light-squared bishop from its most effective diagonal - the a2-g8 diagonal
♞ You free Black's c-pawn, enabling you to ambitiously expand on the queenside
♞ You may maneuver the knight back to a number of effective squares - c6, c5, or c4
Plus all other Spanish sidelines and deviations.
Werle's not just putting the Chigorin back in business though, he's got you covered on everything for Black.
You’ll also:
♞ Rule out all of White's most popular Italian replies - with a subtle, useful, and innovative flank pawn move
♞ Play with the power of pins in the Scotch - and bring White into sharp and tactical skirmishes you'll know how to play better
♞ Get full control of the center in the Spanish Four Knights - with full compensation after you castle by hand
♟ Learn lines against the King's Gambit, Center Game, Ponziani, Vienna Game, and Bishop's Opening - covering the secondary open game lines you should know
Authored by a Champion and Ruy Lopez Expert
Author GM Jan Werle is back with his third full course for Chessable with a focus on the Ruy Lopez. The first, The Smart Ruy Lopez Part 1: Exchange Variation was shortlisted for the 2020 Course of the Year.
Werle is not only a Spanish game expert, he's got some trophies under his belt too, most notably winning the 2008 EU championship.
Variation Details
Introduction (1 variation)
Quickstarter – Ruy Lopez (24 variations, 17.8 avg. trainable depth)
Quickstarter – Italian (14 variations, 16.4 avg. trainable depth)
Quickstarter – Scotch (29 variations, 15.3 avg. trainable depth)
Quickstarter – Four Knights (16 variations, 11.8 avg. trainable depth)
Quickstarter – 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 + Ponziani (9 variations, 14.1 avg. trainable depth)
A1) RL – 11…Nd7 Chigorin – 12th Move Alternatives (13 variations, 21.3 avg. trainable depth)
A2) RL – 11...Nd7 Chigorin – 12.d5 (16 variations, 21.5 avg. trainable depth)
A3) RL – 11...Nd7 Chigorin – Main Line 12.Nbd2 (19 variations, 22.5 avg. trainable depth)
A4) RL – 11...Qc7 Chigorin – 12.Nbd2 cxd4 (20 variations, 20.6 avg. trainable depth)
A5) RL – 11...Qc7 Chigorin – 12.Nbd2 Be6!? (11 variations, 21.9 avg. trainable depth)
A6) RL – Accelerated Chigorin 8...Na5!? (15 variations, 18.7 avg. trainable depth)
A7) RL – Yates Variation 9.d4 (29 variations, 19.3 avg. trainable depth)
A8) RL – 8th Move Alternatives (15 variations, 15.1 avg. trainable depth)
A9) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.a4 (16 variations, 18.6 avg. trainable depth)
A10) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.a3 (18 variations, 17.9 avg. trainable depth)
A11) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.c3 (18 variations, 18.9 avg. trainable depth)
A12) RL – 6.d3 Modern Line – 8.Bd2 (4 variations, 15.5 avg. trainable depth)
A13) RL – Worrall Attack 6.Qe2 (14 variations, 14.9 avg. trainable depth)
A14) RL – Center Attack 6.d4 & Morphy Attack 6.Nc3 (15 variations, 15.9 avg. trainable depth)
A15) RL – Delayed Exchange Variation 6.Bxc6 (24 variations, 14.8 avg. trainable depth)
A16) RL – Anderssen Variation 5.d3 (15 variations, 14.7 avg. trainable depth)
A17) RL – Tarrasch Variation 5.Nc3 (16 variations, 13.1 avg. trainable depth)
A18) RL – Exchange Variation 4.Bxc6 (26 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)
Exercises Part A (10 variations, 2.7 avg. trainable depth)
B1) Dubov's Italian – 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.b4 (6 variations, 15.0 avg. trainable depth)
B2) Italian – 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.cxd4 (25 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)
B3) Italian – 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.e5 (15 variations, 20.8 avg. trainable depth)
B4) Italian – Old Main Line 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 h6 6.O-O (16 variations, 16.0 avg. trainable depth)
B5) Italian – New Main Line 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 h6 6.b4 (29 variations, 15.3 avg. trainable depth)
B6) Italian – 4.d3 h6 5.Nc3 (12 variations, 12.9 avg. trainable depth)
B7) Italian – Evans Gambit 4.b4 (16 variations, 14.4 avg. trainable depth)
B8) Italian – 4.d4?! & Deutz Gambit 4.O-O Nf6 5.d4 (17 variations, 14.5 avg. trainable depth)
B9) Italian – Albin Gambit 4.O-O Nf6 5.c3 (11 variations, 12.6 avg. trainable depth)
Exercises Part B (16 variations, 2.4 avg. trainable depth)
C1) Scotch – Scotch Gambit 4.Bc4 (34 variations, 15.6 avg. trainable depth)
C2) Scotch – Main Line 8.c4 (And 8.Nd2 & 8.g3) (29 variations, 18.9 avg. trainable depth)
C3) Scotch – 8.h4 (12 variations, 15.7 avg. trainable depth)
C4) Scotch – 6th Move Alternatives (25 variations, 14.2 avg. trainable depth)
C5) Scotch – Göring Gambit 4.c3 (20 variations, 15.4 avg. trainable depth)
Exercises Part C (4 variations, 6.3 avg. trainable depth)
D1) Four Knights – Spanish 4.Bb5 (47 variations, 14.5 avg. trainable depth)
D2) Four Knights – Italian 4.Bc4 (8 variations, 11.8 avg. trainable depth)
D3) Four Knights – Scotch 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 (26 variations, 15.6 avg. trainable depth)
D4) Four Knights – Belgrade Gambit 4.d4 exd4 5.Nd5 (11 variations, 14.1 avg. trainable depth)
D5) Four Knights – Fianchetto 4.g3 (7 variations, 11.9 avg. trainable depth)
Exercises Part D (6 variations, 4.3 avg. trainable depth)
E1) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – Bishop’s Opening 2.Bc4 (40 variations, 13.3 avg. trainable depth)
E2) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – Vienna 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 (24 variations, 13.1 avg. trainable depth)
E3) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – King’s Gambit 2.f4 (23 variations, 12.4 avg. trainable depth)
E4) 1.e4 e5 Without 2.Nf3 – Center Game 2.d4 (19 variations, 12.6 avg. trainable depth)
E5) Ponziani 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3 (14 variations, 11.4 avg. trainable depth)