1. THEY TALK TO THEIR TOYS — while toddlers might not be having full-blown conversations yet, pay attention to how they interact with their toys. Do they babble to their teddy bear, give their toy car silly “driving” noises, or pretend to feed their doll? This imaginative play signals a happy and thriving toddler. They’re using play to process their world and express their inner joy.
2. THEY ARE A “LITTLE SCIENTIST” — Toddlers are naturally curious. When you see them intensely focused on exploring the world — wether it’s poking a flower, watching a bug crawl, or trying to figure out how blocks fit together — it’s a sign that they are content and happy. This deep engagement shows they feel safe and secure enough to investigate their surroundings.
3. THEY HAVE MELTDOWNS — This might seem counterintuitive, but healthy tantrums can actually be a sign of a happy toddler. Why? Because they feel safe enough to express their big emotions around you. They trust you to handle their frustration and still love them unconditionally. The occasional outburst is often just a sign of a secure and happy child.