Teacher LET Review

Teacher LET Review LET Review


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• Largest circular storm in our solar system is found in Jupiter.
• The rapidly moving stream of charged particles that is being driven away from the sun is known as Solar Wind.
• Biggest known asteroid is Ceres.
• One Mercurian year is equal to 88 Earth days.
• Largest volcano in the solar system is Olympus Mons found on Mars.
• One Jupiter day is equal to 9 hours 50 minutes.
• Between 1979 and 1998, the farthest planet from the sun was Neptune.
• The sunspot cycle is 11 years.
• The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram directly compares temperature and luminosity of stars.
• The Andromeda galaxy is spiral.
• The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across.
• The smallest planet in our solar system is Pluto.
• The only planet with a moon almost as big and as heavy as the planet itself is Pluto.
• Neil Armstrong landed on the moon on 1969.
• The only planet with a day longer than its year is Venus.
• Pluto’s moon is called Charon.
• The area between Saturn’s two rings is called Cassini’s division.
• Heliocentric means around the sun; geocentric means around the earth.
• Neptune’s moon Triton has an ocean made of liquid Nitrogen.
• The first man to classify stars according to their brightness was Hipparchus.
• The nearest star to the sun is Proxima Centauri, also known as Alpha Centauri.
• The greatest distance of a planet from the sun is called aphelion (A for Away). The smallest distance of a planet from the sun is called perihelion (P for Proximal or near).
• The main component of the atmosphere of Mars is Carbon Dioxide.
• Jupiter has a mass greater than the combined masses of all the planets.
• The summer solstice usually occurs on June 21.
• The only two planets that do not have their moons or natural satellites are Venus and Mercury.
• The constellation Andromeda is also called the Chained Maiden.
• Ta**us is the brightest star in Aldebaran.
• A comet’s tail always points away from the sun.
• Spectral line splitting due to the influence of magnetic fields is called Zeeman Effect.
• 99.8 percent of asteroids have orbits between Mars and Jupiter.
• A Red Giant has a low effective temperature (3000 to 4000 Kelvin) and a radius of around 100 times the Sun’s.
• When three celestial bodies are in a line or collinear, it is called a syzygy.
• Pluto has the most eccentric orbit around the sun.
• Beads of light visible around the rim of the moon at the beginning and end of a total solar eclipse are called Baily’s Beads.
• The last planet Voyager II visited is Neptune.
• Only 0.001% of the Sun’s mass has been converted into energy.
Prof ed-assessment of Learning
1.Criterion reference test
-the students mastery of objectives
2.Define the instructional objective
-first step in planning an achievement test
3. Standard deviation
4.Central tendency
-mean,median and mode
5.Positively skewed score distribution
-most of the scores are low
6.Normal distribution
- mean,median and mode are equal
7.Negatively skewedu
💳means that students perform well in the said examination or the scores of the students concentrated on the right part of the curve.
💳good performance of the students
8.Normal distribution curve, a T-score or 70
❤two SDsabove the mean
❤ T score=10z+50
9. Mean is to measure of central tendency as quartile deviation
10. Skewed to the right
-most of the students got scores below the mean,which means that the examinees performed very poor.
11. Median
-equivalent to the 50th percentile
12. Skewed score distribution
-scores are concentrated more at one
end or the other end.
13.Skewed to the left
-if the class is composed of bright students .High scores concentrated at the right part of the distribution.
14. -2SD and +2SD in the normal curve
- 95.44
From mean to 1SD is 34.13%
From mean to -1SD is also 34.13%
From 1SD to 2SD is 13.59%
From -ISD to -2SD is 13.59%
The are under the normal curve is
34.13%+34.13%+13.59%+ 13.59%=95.44%
15. Generousity error
💟if a teacher gives additional grade to the students who performed well in the class or in the examination,then he commits generousity error.
16. Mode
💟defines as the number that occured most in the distribution most.The distribution is also classified as unimodal.
17. Formative test
💟is done after or during discussion.Feedback from the said exam can be used to determined whether the students have mastery of the subject matter.
18. Positive discrimination index
💟more from the upper group got the item correctly.
19.Norm-referenced statements
💟you are comparing the performance of a certain students with the performance of other students.
20.Negatively skewed score distribution
💟the student consist of academically good
💟most of the scores of the students
concentrated at the right part of curve
21.Content validity
💟validation that refers to the relationships between a test and the instructional objectives.
💟establishes the test measures what it is
supposed to measure.
22. Measures of Variability
💟standard deviation
💟interquartile range
💟mean deviation
💟If teacher gets the difference between
the highest score and the lowest score.
💟Formula=highest score-Lowest score
24.Positively skewed
💟left side of the curve
25.Normal curve distribution -1SD to +1SD
💟because -1SD to mean is 34.13%
and from mean to 1SD is also 34.13%
Thus the sum is 68.26%
💟The scores of the students is a tutorial
class are as follows 82,82,85,86,87,94,98
💟the score 86 is the median
💟it is the middle most score in the
27. 0-.20
💟difficulty index range
28. -0.46 discrimination index
💟more students from the lower group
answered item correctly
29. Multimodal
💟is a score distribution that consist of
more than modes.
30. Median is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to used when the distribution is skewed
31.Negatively skewed distribution
💟most of the scores of the test-takers
above the mean
32.Positively skewed distribution
💟the mean is greater than the median
💟Table of Specification
34. Range(types of variation)
💟is easily affected by the extreme scores,if there is a change in either the highest score or lower score the value of the range easily change.
35. Mean(types pf central tendency)
💟easily affected by the extreme scores.
💟if there is a changes in highest score
💟 the mean vallue pulled up
💟while if the lowest score become
smaller,the valueis pulled down.
36. Sentence completion test
❤word association test and thematic
appreciation test are all projective test.
37.Anecdotal report
❤are notes written by the teacher regarding incdents at the classroom that might be needs special attention in the future.
38.Sinforoso Padilla
❤father of counselling in the Philippines
39.Authentic assessment
❤assessment applying real life situation
40. Standardized test
❤to engage in easy scoring
41.Scoring rubric
❤very important and indespensable
42.Assessment for learning
❤emphasis on grades and honors
43.Difficulty index of 1
❤the test is very easy
44.Split half method and Kuder Richardson
❤measure internal consistency of the
test scores of the students.
45. Test-retest measures method
❤stability of the test scores
46.Parallel method
❤measures equuvalence
47.Grading on the curve/norm referenced
❤the performance of a certain student
compared to the performance of other
students in the group



1. Black sheep --- metaphor
2. Love sonnets -- Ophelia Dimalanta
3.Tatlong tuldok na sunod sunod -- Ellipses
4. Phantom of Delight -- Metaphor
5. Ti**le, ti**le, tinke -- Onomatopoeia
6. Naghihiwalay sa mga salita -- Kuwit
7.Pangatnig na nagbubukod -- Pamukod
8. Largest desert -- Sahara
9. First religious missionary in the Philippines -- Augustinians
10 Founder of La Solidaridad/Greatest Orator -- Graciano Lopez-Jaena

11. Ang paksa ay ibinibigay bago magsimula ang talumpati - Imprompto
12. Term of Marcelo H. del Pilar to friars -- Frailocracia
13.Arena theater proponent -- Severino Montano
14. Released by plants at night -- Carbon dioxide
15. Sala theater proponent -- Naty Crame Rogers
16. Shape of a brick - Rectangle
17. Protein shell of a virus -- Capsid
18. Hair-like structure -- Cilia
19. Author of Annabel Lee -- Edgar Allan Poe
20. Novels in letters -- Epistolary

21. Birthplace of Rizal -- Calamba, Laguna
22. Real name of Mark Twain -- Samuel (Langhorne) Clemens
23. Writ of Amparo -- Right to life, liberty, and security
24. Writ of Habeas Corpus -- Demand presence of the accused
25. Penicillin discoverer -- Alexander Fleming
26. Author of Doctrina Christiana -- Fray Juan de Plasencia
27. Light travels fastest -- Air
28. Protons of Silicon -- 14
29. Funji -- Yeast
30. Law of Bicameralism -- Jones Law

31. Pagbabagong anyo ng bayan -- Reduccion
32. Permutation 9P9 -- 362,880
33. Absolute mean -- 14.35/14.5
34. Agreement between Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna) -- Blood Compact (Sandugo
35. Hierarchy of Needs proponent -- Maslow
36. Oldest religion in Asia – Hinduism
37. Enrolled bills becomes a law - 90 days
38. "Lapse" - 30 days
39. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines
40. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7, 5 (3 lines and 17 syllables)

41. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31 syllables
42. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme
43. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in form of speech for individual character.
44.ELEGY – death of individual
45. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure
46. EULOGY – message for the dead
47. FREE VERSE (vers libre) – without meter but with rhyme
48. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country scene LYRICS - thoughts and feelings
49. NARRATIVE – tells story
50. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature, type of Lyric

51. PASTORAL –rural life in a peaceful & romanticized way
52. AIMS OF ERAS PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity
53. SPANISH – Christianity/Religion
54. AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life
55. COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency
56 .JAPANESE – progress
57. haiku –575
58.tanaga –7777
59. tangka 57577
60.Tree releases carbon dioxide during? ~ evening

61. tatlong tuldok na sunod-sunod = elipsis
62.town criers~~~umalohokan
63.Meaning of TOS ~~~table of Specifications
64.Sage on stage ~~dispenser of knowledge
65.Sa TLE lumabas ang Ohms Law sa electricity.
66.sa plumbing naman-Which pipe is used through which rainwater passes from the root down to the ground. Answer po is DOWNSPOUT
67. End product ng citric acid?
68. Negative effect of extended family~ FAVORITISM.
69. Bicameralism~~ Jones Law
70. Ang _____ay ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping IKA at Tambilang~~~GITLING

71."She is a lovely rose" is an example of~~metaphor
72.Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the US~~would have been
73."She is a lovely rose" is an example of~~metaphor
74. Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the US~~would have been
75.*___________ is an example of a non pathogenic microorganism~~ Probiotics as bifidobacterium
76.*First labor union in the Philippines~~~Union Obrera Demokratika
77. *The only remnant after world war II~~Philippine Independent Church
78. Fr. Pedro Pelaez- Secularization Movement.
79. Limited- Mother Financial Problem.
80. Polka- NOT a folk dance from Mexico.

81. Bodabil- A play NOT from the Spanish Era.
82. Acta de Tejeros- Rejected Aguinaldo as President.
83. Folklore- The Philosophy of oir folks during Pre-hispanic Era.
84. Katalinuhan- Basal o Di-Koncreto.
85. Spanish Surnames- by Narciso Claveria.
86. Leeches:Anticoagulation - Segmented:Worm
87. Biotechnology*
88. Teaching is like... Simile is not in the choices but METAPHOR* is there.
89. Rebirth- Rennaisance
90. Bitterness- Rancor

91. Oxygen- Waste product of photosynthesis.
92. Tissue- Group of cells.
93. Spencer- Survival of the Fittest.
94. Pagsang-ayon- Kasalungat ng pagtugol.
95. In Vitro Fertilization - Test tube babies.
96. Kuwit- Paghihiwalay ng mga sunod-sunod na pangungusap.
97. Pangungusap- Salita o grupo ng mga salit
98. P3,200- Manufactured bed P4,000 less 20%.
99. 20 Times - How many times digit 7 appears between 1-100.
100. Lupang Hinirang- Pamagat ng Nat'l Anthem ng Pilipinas.

101. Balagtasan- Uri ng pagtatanghal na binubuo ng paligsahan ng dalawang makata.
102. Elements*
103. Oxygen- These are compounds EXCEPT.
104. K-III - Anong grade tinuturo ang mother tongue.
105. Chat room-Science Subject.
106. Learning is an active process - What is violated when Teacher Ivon just lectures while students listen.
107. Pancreas- Organ who secretes insulin.
108. Multi-grade class- Combining 2-3 grade level
109. K-12- Kindergarten is compulsory before proceed to grade 1.
110. 45,46- Consecutive number whose sum is 91.

111. Developmental Portfolio- Penmanship skills of the students in the biggining, middle, and after the school year.
112. Persiflage- Praise glowingly.
113 Indefatigable- Tireless.
114. Working- The father finally found the time to rest after_____the whole day.
115.. Irrelevant- Impertinent

116. I, II ( I-trial and error, II-stimulus response) - Behaviorism anchored with the theories related to.
117. 5x3x2x2x2- Prime factor of 120.
118. I, II, III ( I-Participative Learning, II- Constructive planning, III- innovative Planning) - Formulation of teachers professional development plan.
119. Diksyunaryo- Kahulugan ng mga salita.
120. Routine*

121.Operant Conditioning- Skinner
122. Authentic Assessment- Real-life.
123. Developmental Portfolio- Display the drawings of the childrens.
124. Below 75- Did not meet expectation.
125. Pagkatakot- Gabi na ngunit bakit wala pa siya.
126. Brigada Eskwela- Bayanihan in School.
127. Drive- MotivationMarch 2018
128. Pre-conventional( Mutual Benefit) - reward, star, stamp.
129. Post-conventional(Common Good) - A taxi driver returned the baggage left by the passenger.
130. Blood Compact- Legazpi and Rajah Sikatuna in Bohol.

131. Sounds- Phonology
132. Socialization- Participafing and functioning members of the society by figting into organize way of living.
133. Drawing- Visual/Spatial.
134. Heirarchy of Biology Taxonomy - Has 8 levels.
135. Spiral Curriculum- K-12
136. Essentialism- Basic/Essential.
137. "Ganyan lang talaga"- Teacher Mediocrity.
138. Punishment- A quiz NOT as.
139. Should match with the objectives- Criterion reference.
140. Professional Licensed- Signed by the PRC.

141. CPU - brain of the computer.
142. Sa kanyang ama (Padre Dama*o) - Saan namana ni Maria Clara ang kanyang pagka mestiza.
143. Resource Provider- Role of the teachers play when they help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources.
144.. Deductive- From Generalization to Specific.
145. Motivation- Part of lesson developme t is concerned with mood setting.
146. Field Trip - Stimulate more senses.
147. Visual Imagery- Graphic Organizer.
148. Tax reform for Acceleration and INclusion-TRAIN Law means....
149. Archipelago - Philippines is an...
150. Has - Population in the Philippines_____increase tremendously.

151. Conservation- about Mother Earth.
152. Stress the positive aspects of culture- IP ( Indigenous People)
153. Spreadsheet - Performs computation.
154. Biosphere - Air, Water, and Land.
155. Philippine Qualifications Framework- What does PQF means.
156. Reforestation - Solution due to increasing global warming.
157. Long and Dictated - NOT characteristics in giving assignments.
158. Bread Provider- NOT the role of a Mother during Pre-Hispanic Era.
159. 45 units - CPD units need for teachers to renew the license BEFORE NOW 15 units only (March, 2019) — feeling blessed.

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1. Right to Equality: All individuals are entitled to be treated equally without discrimination.
2. Freedom from Discrimination: The protection against unfair treatment based on race, gender, nationality, or other characteristics.
3. Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security: The guarantee that every person has the right to live, be free, and be protected from harm.
4. Freedom from Slavery: The prohibition of all forms of slavery and servitude.
5. Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment: The right to not be subjected to torture or inhuman and degrading treatment.
6. Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law: Ensuring everyone is acknowledged.
7. Right to Equality before the Law: The guarantee that all individuals are subject to the same laws and are treated equally by the legal system.
8. Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal: The right to seek justice and remedies through fair legal proceedings.
9. Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile: The protection against being arrested, detained, or exiled without cause.
10. Right to Fair Public Hearing: The right to hear legal matters openly and fairly in a court of law.
11. Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty: The principle that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial.
12. Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, and Correspondence: The protection against unwarranted intrusion into one's personal life and communications.
13. Right to Free Movement in and Out of the Country: The right to travel freely within and across the borders of one's country.
14. Right to Asylum in Other Countries from Persecution: The right to seek refuge in another country if persecuted alone.
15. Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It: The entitlement to have a nationality and the ability to change it if desired.
16. Right to Marriage and Family: The right to marry and establish a family.
17. Right to Own Property: The right to own, use, and dispose of property.
18. Freedom of Belief and Religion: The right to freely practice and express one's religious beliefs.
19. Freedom of Opinion and Information: The right to hold opinions and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas.
20. Right to Peaceful Assembly and Association: The right to gather and form associations peacefully.
21. Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections: The right to participate in government and vote in free and fair elections.
22. Right to Social Security: Social protection and assistance in need.
23. Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions: The right to work in favorable conditions and to form and join trade unions.
24. Right to Rest and Leisure: The right to rest, leisure, and rea*onable limitation of working hours.
25. Right to Adequate Living Standard: The right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being.
26. Right to Education: The right to receive education and access to educational opportunities.
27. Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of the Community: The right to engage in and benefit from cultural activities.
28. Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document: The right to a social and international order that realizes these rights and freedoms.

Social Science major ka? New Curriculum Questions.

Social Science major ka? New Curriculum Questions.


1. Law of Readiness - preparedness
2. Law of Exercise - practice makes perfect
3. Law of effect - satisfaction
4. Law of primacy - learn first / first impression
5. Law of Recency - now/most recent are best
6. Law of intensity - impact/ exciting
Ex. Role playing
7. Law of Freedom - right to freedom
8. Law of importance - essentials
mental skills(knowledge)
growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
manual or physical skills (skills)
A. create an active learning
B. Focus Attention
C. Connect Knowledge
D. Help students organize their knowledge
E. Provide timely feedback
F. Demand quality
G. Balance high expectations with student support
H. Enhance motivation to learn
I. Communicate your message in variety of ways.
J. Help students to productively manage their time
1. Acquisition - learning new skill
2. Fluency - practice for mastery of skill
3. Generalization - across time & situation / variety
of setting
4. Adaptation -. Use for problem solving
5. Maintenance - performance over time
Blooms Taxonomy
Remember - recall facts & basic concepts
define, duplicate, list, memorize,state
Understand - Explain ideas or concepts
Classify, describe, discuss, explain,
locate, recognize
Apply -. Use of information in new situation
execute, implement, solve, use,
demonstrate, interpret, operate
Analyze -. Draw connection among ideas
differentiate, organize, relate, compare,
contrast, distinguish, examine,
expirement, question, test
Evaluate -. Justify a stand or decision
appraise, argue, defend, judge, select,
support, value, critique, weigh
Create -. Produce new or original work
Design, assemble, construct,
conjecture, develop, formulate, author,
Remembering - recalling
Understanding - making sense of the material you
have learned
Applying -. Use knowledge gained in nee ways
Analyzing -. Breaking the concept into parts
Evaluating -. Making judgement
Creating -. Putting iNformation together in an
innovative way.
✓Receiving -
is being aware of or sensitive to the existence of a certain ideas, material, or phenomena and being willing to tolerate them.
Ex. To differentiate, to accept, to listen (for), to respond to.
✓Responding -
os committed in some small measure to the ideas l, materials, or phenomena involved by actively responding to them.
Example: to comply with, to follow, to command, to volunteer, to spend leisure time in, to acclaim.
✓Valuing -
is willing to be perceived by others as valuing certain ideas, materials, or phenomena. Examples include: to increase measured proficiency in, or relinquish, to subsidize, to support, to debate.
✓Organization -
is to relate the value to those already held and bring it into a harmonious and internally consistent philosophy. Examples: to discuss, to theorize, to formulate, to balance, to examine.
by value or value set is to act consistently in accordance with the values he or she has internalized. Examples: include: to revise, to require, to be rated high in the value, to avoid, to resist, to manage, to resolve.
✓Perception - Sensory cues to guide motor.
✓Set - mental, physical, and emotional dispositions that make one respond in a certain way to a situation.
✓Guided response - first attempts at a physical skill. trial and error coupled lead to better performance.
✓Mechanism - responses are habitual with a medium level of assurance and proficiency.
✓Complex Overt Response - complex movements are possible with a minimum of wasted effort and a high level of assurance they will be successful.
✓Adaptation - Movements can modified for special situations.
✓Origination - New movements can be created for special situations.
📌Learning theories
A. Behaviourist (classical, operant, Connectionism , Social Learning and purposive)
Pavlov - Classical
Skinner - Operant
📌A. Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov)
Two stimuli are linked together one Neutral + one Natural Response.
Adhesive Principle
- response attached to stimulus to evoke new response.
Experimentation: 🐕
(Salivation of Dog and Ring of the bell)
Ringing of bell- stimuli
Response - Naglalaway ang a*o
Unconditioned Stimulus:
- automatically produces an emotional or psychological response.
Unconditioned Response:
- Naturally occurring emotional or physiological response.
Neutral Stimulus:
- a stimulus that does not elicit a response.
Conditioned Stimulus:
- evokes an emotional or Physiological response.
Experimentation: 🐀
skinner Box (rat)
✓Reinforcement - increase behaviour
✓Punishment - decrease behaviour
✓Positive Reinforcement -
may binigay na gusto ng bata.
✓Negative reinforcement -
taking something away for the good of students.
✓Positive Punishment -
may binigay na ayaw mo / something unpleasant.
✓Negative punishment -
tinagangalan ng bagay na gusto ng bata.
- specific stimulus has specific response
Law of Readiness- hinahanda mo sila
Law of Exercise- nagpapadrills
Law of Effect - satisfying effect
Secondary Laws of Learning
Law of primacy - dapat tama ang tinuro sa una.
Law of intensity - dapat fun ang learning
Law of Recency - mas natatandaan ang previous.
Other law:
Law of association By Aristotle
Law of similarity - recall similar object
Law of contrast - recall of opposite object
Law of Contiguity - recall of an activity which is frequently related with the previous one.
Experimentation: Bobo dull
- may pinaggagayahan
- focus on observation learning
Social learning theory
4 steps;
1. Attention - focus
2. Retention - store information
3. Reproduction - to perform the observed
4. Motivation - be motivated
Expirement: Rats
- reinforcement is not essential to learning
- bridge between behaviorism and cognitive theilory
- Learning is acquired through meaningful behavior.
According to Tolman, in all learning some intelligence is atwork. It is the learner who actively participates on the act of getting new experience. He organises his perceptions and observations and gives meaning to them. He explains the theory of rats in teaching the goal through many trials as a result of insight or making cognitive map of the maze.
"Reception not discovery"
- advance organizer
- use of graphic organizer
📌a). Sensory - 0 to 2 years old - permanent object
📌b). Pre-operational - 3 to 7 years old - egocentric
Symbolic function
- Centration -
refers to the tendency of the chikd to only focus on one aspects of a thing or event and exclude other aspects EXAMPLE:
when a child presented with two identical glasses with the same amount of water, the chikd will say they have the same amount of water. however, once water from one of the glasses is transferred to an obviously taller but narrower glass, the chikd migh say that there is more water in the taller glass.
"The Child only Focus (centered)".
Pre-operational children still have the inability to reverse their thinking. They can understand that 2+3 is 5, but cannot understand that 5-3 is 2.
Animism -
This is the tendency of children to attribute human like traits or characteristics to inanimate objects.
When at night, the child is asked, where the sun is, she will reply, "Mr. Sun is asleep."
Transductive rea*oning -
This refers to the pre-operational child's type of rea*oning that is neither inductive nor deductive.
Example: since her mommy comes home everyday around six o'clock in the evening, when asked why it is already night, the child will say, "because my mom is home".
📌c). Concrete operational - 7 to 11 years old - begin learning logical rea*oning.
Decentering -
This refers to the ability of the child to perceive the different features of objects and situations.
This allows child to be more logical when dealing with concrete objects and situations.
Reversibility -
The child can now follow that certain operations can be done in reverse. For example, they can already comprehend the cummutative property of addition, and that subtraction is the reverse of addition.
This is the ability to know that certain properties if objects like number. Mass, Volume, or area do not change even if there is a change in appearance. Because of the development of the child's ability of decentering and also reversibility, the concrete operational chikd can now judge rightly that the same as when the water was shorter but wider glass.
Seriation -
This refers to the ability to order or arrange things in a series based on one dimension such as weight, volume or size.
📌d). Formal operational - 13 to onwards years old -
Thinking becomes more logical.can solve abstract problems and can hypothesis.
Hypothetical rea*oning -
The ability to come up with different hypothesis about a problem and to gather and weight data in order to make final decisions or judgement.
(What if questions)
Analogical rea*oning -
This is the ability to perceive the relationship in one instance and then use that relationship to narrow down possible answers in another similar situation or problem.
Deductive rea*oning -
This is the ability to think logically by applying a general rule to a particular instance or situation.
For example, all countries near the north pole. therefore, Greenland has cold temperatures
- refers to the prior knowledge
Assimilation -
This is this is the process if fitting a new experience into an existing or previously created schema.
This is the process if creating a new schema.
Equilibrium -
Achieving proper balance between Assimilation and accommodation.
If not match our schemata we experience
"Cognitive disequilibrium"
- determine what we see/percept.

📌Laws of Gestalt
Gestalt means "whole".
Law of similarity -
Kapag kapareho
Law of pragmanz or Law of Good Figure -
Symmetry order- brain will perceive ambiguous shapes in as simple a manner as possible for example, a monochrome of the Olympic logo is seen as a series of overlapping circles rather than a collection of a curved lines.
Law of proximity - refers to how close elements are to one another. The strongest proximity relationship are those between overlapping subjects, but just grouping objects into a single area can have a strong proximity effect.
Law of Continuity - posits that the human eye will follow the smoothest path when viewing lines, regardless of how the lines were actually drawn
Law of Closure - "fill the gap"
is one of the coolest gestalt principles and one I already touched on at the beginning of this piece. It's the idea that your brain will fill in the missing parts of a design or image to create a whole

- sudden grasping of the solution, a lash of understanding, without any process of trial and error.
Learning happen in sudden -"Eurika"
(Aha moment)
Expirement: monkey names (Sultan)
Believes that the whole is more important than the parts.so Learning takes place as a whole.

Sensory memory - it holds information that the
mind perceives through various senses.
(small capacity).
Short term memory - last around 30 seconds.
(Short Duration)
Long term Memory - has an unlimited amount of space as it can store memories from a long time ago to be retrieved at a later time.
Long term memory
1. Episodic Memory
- recalling episodes (events)
2. Semantic Memory
- knowledge of a general Facts, principles and concepts.
3. Procedural Memory
- refers to "know how" as opposed to "know about".

Gradual development of knowledge and skills that improve over time.


Quezon City


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