The Miracle of Mother Vailankanni, Our Lady of Health
There was a miracle in Vailankanni Church, India in the 16th century.
Until today nobody would have heard it in Church of Vailankanni.
One Sunday, Mother Mary appeared in a form of an infant to a person.
She told him, “ Do not be afraid, have faith and listen to me. I am coming to the world.
Please pass this message to wash away their sins and to receive all goods in life.
As JESUS said, “ Ask and you will receive. Knock and it shall be opened. Seek and you will find”.
So ask with faith and you will receive it. By spreading the message of Our Mother Mary and Jesus, you will receive bountiful blessings and receive what you asked for. Please spread this message. Believe in Our Mother Vailankanni, Our Lady of Health, whose Feast day falls on September 9. Pray 9 Hail Mary in Honor of Our Lady of Vailankanni. PLEASE SHARE.....