A buddy of mine decided to start a YouTube channel a couple of years ago.
No fancy courses. No pricey mentors. He didn’t even bother with tutorials on content or editing. His philosophy? Learn by doing and watching what works for the competition.
Instead of mindlessly consuming content, he studied it. He'd watch other creators, not for entertainment, but to decode their strategies: how they structured their videos, what kept the audience hooked, and why certain thumbnails popped.
Then he practiced. Relentlessly. Video after video, tweak after tweak. He stayed consistent even when his first uploads barely scratched double-digit views.
Fast forward two years: He’s sitting at 1M+ subscribers.
Here’s the thing. He didn’t overthink or drown himself in theory. He acted, learned, and adjusted as he went.
Courses can teach you frameworks, sure. But action? Action teaches you what actually works.
So, how does this apply to your business? Stop waiting for “the right time” or “the perfect plan.” Start. Learn. Adjust. Repeat.
Consistency beats perfection every single time.