Death is the solution to the problems because in death there is no memory at all?
The written word of God said: "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten." -Ecclesiastes 9:5
And those who died in the memory of God has hope of resurrection.
The Bible in John 5:28 reads: "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice."
What is this memorial tomb?
It is a a burial place in which the remains of a deceased person were placed with the hope that he would be remembered, especially by God. Where those in the memory of God will be resurrected.
How the Need for Resurrection Arose.
In the beginning a resurrection was not necessary. It was not a part of God’s original purpose for mankind, because death was not the natural, purposed thing for humans. Rather, God indicated that he purposed the earth to be full of living humans, not a deteriorating, dying race. His work was perfect, hence without flaw, imperfection, or sickness. (Deuteronomy 32:4) Jehovah blessed the first human pair, telling them to multiply and fill the earth. (Genesis 1:28) Such blessing certainly did not include sickness and death; God set no limited life span for man, but he told Adam that disobedience is what would cause death. This implies that man would otherwise live forever. Disobedience would incur God’s disfavor and remove his blessing, bringing a curse. —Genesis 2:17; 3:17-19
The question that arise is, if we die: "Will I be in the memorial tomb?" So, carefully think about it.
Death is not really the solution to our problems, because are you sure you will be resurrected after God Jehovah destroys this present wicked world system? For more info you may text me and I will try my best to answer you from the Bible.
With agape from one of the Banzon.
Feb. 12, 2021
Time to be joyful
You may be thinking it is insanity to be joyful in this period of pandemic. To be sane during this period, we have to be joyful. Depression and stress are killing our body cells.
Loneliness had killed several on the wait for the return of the good old days; hence the seeming insanity for call to be joyful is actually a necessity to combat the effect of Covid-19.
By merely reading news from the social media, loneliness will creep in to loss self-control that will ruin the good cells. The cancer cells in our body will be joyful to swallow the good cells caused by stress and depressions.
How many car owners are depressed or stressed with the imposition of Republic Act No. 11229? Depressed because additional expenses have to be shared for the manufacturers’ satisfaction. The law states:
“Section 5. Children in Rear Seats. – No child twelve (12) years and below age shall be allowed to sit in front seat of a motor vehicle with a running engine or while such child is being transported on any road, street or highway, unless the child meets the height requirement set forth in Section 4 of this Act and is properly secured using the regular seat belt in the front seat.”
Well, we have to know about Section 4, the Mandatory Use of Child Restraint System in Motor Vehicles. It requires a child with height of at least 150 centimeters or 59 inches to sit at the back on the called Child Restraint System (Seat). Actually it mean additional seat to be mounted on top of the backseat.
It is a good law, but seems to be not good because the lawmakers who voted for its passage are now the ones raising their objections. Could it be possible they were out of the session hall when the deliberation of the bill was conducted?
Had I been one of those lawmakers, I would object to that law for the following reasons:
First, granting the baby has a height approximately up to one and a half feet or two. Leaving the baby on a backseat of th