In the last couple of months, I've been dwelling myself into finishing a new course for Tech Academy.
Now, it's almost done and getting ready to release it.
It feels good.
It's all worth it.
I realized it's not just the 'result' we got that really helped us grow.
It's the process in between.
It's the hard work we put into it.
It's the sweat and tears we shed.
That is what makes us grow.
Think about it.
Whenever a friend or someone shares their wins, most of us are thrilled of what they have accomplished.
And most of the time, we focus our attention on the 'results' of what they've done.
"Napapa-sana oil" na lang tayo.
What we really missed is to take a deeper look and analyze how hard that person work to achieve that goal.
What were the sacrifices made and what were the things he/she gave up in order to create that results.
It doesn't happen by magic so there's no magic formula.
The things that he/she has today are the results of his/her 'decisions and actions' yesterday(and maybe so many years ago pa).
If something is not happening in your business or in your life today that is not the way you want to...
What are the things you're doing in order to change it?
The results are results.
It's an output.
You cannot change it.
What we need to focus on are the process behind(a.k.a the inputs).
The sacrifices and the things that was actually done in order to get that results.
Once you focus on the process(the actual steps) that's where you gonna get results.
And by having results, you see what works and what doesn't. Then you improve.
By improving you grow.
I hope you pick up something.
Keep safe fam!