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Effective weight loss exercises in the gymA weight loss program should include a variety of exercises. The more elements...

Effective weight loss exercises in the gym
A weight loss program should include a variety of exercises. The more elements, the more effectively the muscles are worked out. There are different complexes that are performed both with and without sports equipment. The maximum number of repetitions per approach is from 20 to 30 times.

Advantages of training in the gymStrength training, cardio exercises at home are only good in certain cases. There are s...

Advantages of training in the gym
Strength training, cardio exercises at home are only good in certain cases. There are some nuances and peculiarities of conducting classes that can negatively affect the result. It is best to choose a gym. Training in a club environment has many advantages:

Sports centers have a special atmosphere. It is much easier and faster to tune in to the right wave and fully immerse yourself in the process of self-improvement. At home, there are always a lot of things to do, different thoughts come into your head, which do not allow you to concentrate.
In the gym, you can always watch the work of experienced professionals and learn something new for yourself.
If there are any difficulties, you can ask for help from the coaches. They will tell you how to properly perform a particular exercise for weight loss, explain the incomprehensible moments.
Gyms are equipped with professional equipment. There is everything you need for fruitful and effective training: free weights, cardio equipment, balls, hoops, jump ropes, expanders, etc. This ensures not only a good result, but also a high sp*ed of obtaining it. At home with a minimal set of sports equipment, progress slows down.
By signing up for the gym, you can buy a subscription with the services of a personal trainer. This way it will be much easier for beginners to start practicing. Serious mistakes can be avoided.
Rules for training in the gym
Perform weight loss exercises correctly:

You should come to the gym with a ready-made program. If you have experience, you can make it yourself. Beginners will need the help of coaches. Before the main work, they conduct several introductory classes. During them, the initial level of training is determined and the optimal load format is selected.
At the initial stage of training in the gym, you should pay attention to the base. First, we learn the simple elements. And only then we move on to complex exercises with sports equipment.
Any workout starts with a warm-up. This can be joint exercises or light cardio. Preparation for the main program lasts at least 15 minutes. During warm-up, the muscles are warmed up, which allows you to avoid injuries when performing exercises.
Gradual increase in the volume and intensity of physical loading. Periodic updating of the training program, the inclusion of new, complicated elements allows you to constantly keep the body in good shape. Change the composition of the complex should be approximately every two or three months.
After training, we must perform several stretching exercises. They help the muscles recover faster and relieve joint pain.
Frequency of training. For quick progress, we visit the gym 3-4 times a week.
We observe the drinking regime. We take a bottle of clean water to the gym. We drink in between exercises. Girls and men on average need to drink 2 liters of liquid.

Training programThe goals of performing fitness exercises at home are different. Someone just wants to strengthen their ...

Training program
The goals of performing fitness exercises at home are different. Someone just wants to strengthen their body, and some plan to lose a couple of extra pounds, get rid of the sides and belly. The training program should be composed as competently as possible. It is best to entrust this to a specialist, but after studying specialized literature, you can successfully cope on your own.

Monday. Pull-UPS – 5 sets of five times. Lifting weights with hands tightly pressed to the body – three approaches of 10 repetitions each. Classic squats with the back straight and the foot fully pressed to the floor – 5 sets of 20 repetitions.
Wednesday. Classic squats-100 times (distribute evenly). Push-UPS on bars (you can additionally use weights) – 3 sets of 10 times. Bringing dumbbells over your head in a vertical position – 4 sets of 10 repetitions. Push-UPS from the floor (classic or light version, depending on the preparation) – three approaches of 10 repetitions.
Friday. Lifting socks with weights in your hands-do 60 repetitions in four approaches. Pull-UPS – three sets of five times. Squats with dumbbells – five sets of 20 times. Push-UPS-30 times

How to train correctlyThe easiest way to start training is to contact an experienced trainer who will help you create an...

How to train correctly
The easiest way to start training is to contact an experienced trainer who will help you create an individual program. If you plan to practice at home, you should follow several recommendations and rules:

Each lesson begins with a warm-up – we warm up the main muscles. This takes about 10 minutes, and you significantly reduce the risk of injuries and sprains.
In order for training to have the desired effect as quickly as possible, it is necessary to include cardio exercises in each session, for example, Jogging, jumping rope, fast walking or running on the spot.
We do it regularly. It is necessary to conduct training systematically. Optimally 3-4 times a week.
At the very beginning, you can practice without sports equipment. Over time, you will need to purchase dumbbells, weights, to increase the load and increase the effect.
Each training session necessarily ends with a stretch.
Note. Stretch exactly those muscle groups that were worked out during fitness.

A beautiful body is not a dream, but a reality. You can achieve the desired results without dieting, grueling workouts i...

A beautiful body is not a dream, but a reality. You can achieve the desired results without dieting, grueling workouts in the gym. It will be enough to easily adjust your diet and home fitness classes. To do this, you will need a great mood, motivation, comfortable clothes, favorite music tracks and a gym Mat.

A well-chosen complex will help you lose weight. Regularly performing fitness exercises at home, you will quickly lose unnecessary pounds and feel a surge of strength and energy.

10 Tips For Lazy Girls Who Want To Have The Perfect BodyGetting fit and into shape so that you have the perfect body sou...

10 Tips For Lazy Girls Who Want To Have The Perfect Body

Getting fit and into shape so that you have the perfect body sounds like a fab idea. But what happens if you’re lazy? Are you really going to be able to get out of bed at 6am for a quick stop at the gym before work? Are you seriously going to be able head to the gym after work, too?

Probably not.

I speak from experience. A few years ago, my new years’ resolution was to get into shape. I wanted the perfect body.

For the first few hours, everything seemed to be going okay. I had a new diet and I bought a gym membership.

But by the second day I realised something: I was just too darn lazy to keep this up!

The good thing is that there is hope. Us lazy girls are not beyond help! I soon discovered that you can be super lazy and still get super fit. How to do it? Let’s take a look!

Keep It Short And Sweet

Lots of us when we think about working out get the impression that workout sessions are long and exhausting. They’re so long and exhausting that us lazy girls don’t fancy giving them a go.

But while some women certainly love the challenge of a long and exhausting workout session, it certainly isn’t the only way of getting your ideal body.

Exercise sessions can be short, intense and sweet. You don’t need to push yourself too hard, nor do you need to sap all your energy and enthusiasm for life.

And yet you can still achieve the perfect body.

Stay Energised

One of the major reasons we don’t feel like putting in the hard work necessary for the perfect body is that we just don’t have the energy.

The best way to stay energised is to eat a nutritious breakfast. Then, you should drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Fruit in particular is a great source of energy, and the more you eat, the better you’ll feel.

Workout In The Morning

We all know that procrastination is a killer, and if there is one thing us lazy girls procrastinate about way too much, it’s working out.

This was something I had a lot of trouble with straight after I made my new years’ resolution. I knew I really should workout but I kept putting it off.

“I’ll do it later!”

But later never came. In the event, I put on more weight while I procrastinated!

This is why working out in the morning – before you’ve even eaten breakfast – is a great idea. You’re essentially eating the frog, which means you’re doing the chore you dislike the most first. So once it’s done, you’re then free to enjoy the day (and be lazy!).

Make The Most Of The Commercial Break

Nobody likes the commercial break. But what do you usually do when it comes on? Groan about it? Flick through your phone, checking for social media updates?

It all helps to pass the time, but none of it is very productive. So why not do something that is productive?

During three-to-five minute commercial break, you could do a quick workout exercise. This could be anything, from push ups to start jumps.

Basically, the more TV you watch, the fitter you’ll get.

Reward Yourself

“All work and no play makes Jackie a dull girl.”

It’s so true. To get yourself through this, you need to reward yourself.

This doesn’t mean booking a flight to the Bahamas after a ten minute workout session or buying $500 shoes because you ate a banana this week. But each week, reward yourself with something small but pleasurable after you’ve made the effort to get closer to your body goals.

Get More Active With Your Friends

As girls, we like to meet up with our friends. And contrary to popular belief, we do like to leave the house to meet up with them.

But we mostly always end up in a pub, a coffee shop, or in their house.

And we sit down and have a good chat.

It’s fun, it’s sociable – but it isn’t very active.

So why not suggest to your friends that you do something physically active instead, such as going for a walk in the park, or even a jog?

Rethink The Way You Get To Work

If you’re like many of us, you’ll drive to work. Or maybe you’ll grab a bus or a train.

But if you live within a decent walking distance to work, why not think about walking instead?

Walking to work has a few advantages. Firstly, it will make you fitter and healthier. And secondly, it will make the morning commute to work less stressful. Sure, it will take a bit longer, but there’ll be no more traffic, no more angry passengers, and no more misses buses or trains.

Snack The Right Way

We all snack. Come on, you can admit it to us. We’re all friends here. You snack too, don’t you?

Snacks keep us going at work, giving us the required energy needed to get us over the finish line.

There is nothing wrong with snacking itself – it’s actually a crucial part of your diet. But what matters is what you snack on.

Loading your body with empty calories is not a good idea. So perhaps now you could start thinking about trading sugary treats for protein bars, blueberries and nuts.

Drink More Water

You can drink alcohol and coffee and have the perfect body if you’re not lazy. But if you’re lazy, it becomes almost impossible to drink alcohol and coffee and get the best body you’ve always wanted.

Why? Primarily because both coffee and booze are diuretics. What this means is that they make you p*e more. And when you p*e more, your body works harder to retain fluid.

And it retains it in your abdomen. Not cool!

Water is the best way to stay hydrated the right way. Swapping coffee and alcohol for more water will improve your chances of bagging a better body.

Make It A Routine

I know you’re lazy. I’m lazy, too. High five!

But it’s absolutely crucial that you make your short, mini workouts a routine fixture.

Consistency is key here, and if you can make it so that you workout on a certain day at a certain time each week, you’re far likelier to stick to it than if you randomly picked a day every now and then.

Be organised about this. Come on, you can do it!

Stay beautiful!

What is TABATA?TABATA Protocol training — an exercise program for beginnersTABATA is a method of extremely high-intensit...

What is TABATA?
TABATA Protocol training — an exercise program for beginners
TABATA is a method of extremely high-intensity interval training developed by Japanese Professor Izumi TABATA. The difference between this method and classic HIIT workouts is that they are conducted at a level of 170% of the peak aerobic capacity.

According to research, TABATA Protocol training is one of the best methods for rapid fat burning, significantly exceeding the effectiveness of conventional cardio training. In addition, TABATA training can be performed with regular exercises with body weight — and in any conditions.

The advantage of TABATA training is that It not only allows you to get rid of excess weight and dry the body, but also affects fat-burning hormones. The combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise sp*eds up the metabolism and allows you to burn extra calories even after the end of the training.

TABATA for fat burning
During normal cardio, the body works in an aerobic mode and actively uses oxygen, while during the TABATA Protocol training, the body goes into an anaerobic mode without oxygen. The result is a rapid heartbeat, as well as active production of lactic acid.

In turn, high levels of lactic acid activate the production of fat-burning hormones — in particular, growth hormone. According to research by Dr. Izumi TABATA, the maximum effect is achieved when alternating intervals of 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest.

For short periods of training of various intensity, the body resumes work, not having time to recover from the previous load. In addition, the key to quickly burning fat with TABATA is to perform the maximum number of approaches to the limit of your capabilities.

TABATA training program
The essence of the TABATA method is to perform the exercise as intensively as possible for 20 seconds, and then rest for 10 seconds. The number of exercises may vary — however, beginners are recommended to perform 8 different exercises, each of which is performed twice in a cycle:

Cycle 1
TABATA Protocol training — an exercise program for beginners
The first cycle of the TABATA Protocol training program for beginners consists of running in place with a high knee lift and lifting a dumbbell from behind the head. First, perform the first exercise for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds — rest, 20 seconds-the second exercise, 10 seconds-rest. Repeat the cycle twice.

Cycle 2
TABATA Protocol training — an exercise program for beginners
The first exercise of the second cycle of TABATA training is alternately pulling the knees up to the chest in a plank; during the ex*****on, keep the press in a conscious tension, keeping the spine straight. The second exercise of the cycle-lunges with dumbbells; when performing it, it is important to feel the work of the gluteal muscles. Repeat the cycle twice.

Cycle 3
TABATA Protocol training — an exercise program for beginners,
The next exercise is lowering straight legs lying down. During the ex*****on, keep the press in tension and do not lift the lower back from the floor. If it's hard for you, bend your knees. The second exercise of the cycle is push-UPS from the floor. Perform 20 seconds, then 10 seconds of rest — repeat each exercise cycle twice.

Cycle 4
TABATA Protocol training — an exercise program for beginners,
The first exercise of the final cycle of the TABATA program — alternate lowering of the legs. For beginners, it is permissible to perform the exercise bike on the press for simplification. The second exercise is a plank on the elbows. When performing the plank, keep the press in tension and slightly twist the pelvis inside.

// How to make a bar correctly?

Training rules
To perform a TABATA workout, you will need a chronometer or smartphone app. To track progress, you need to record the number of repetitions in each active phase of the exercise — for example, 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-5. The personal best is determined by the last digit — in the example, it is 5.

Keep in mind that if any training is performed on the principle of “20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest”, it does not mean that it is TABATA. In order to really get rid of fat, you will need to perform exercises at the limit of your capabilities-only this will allow you to go to the anaerobic zone. In the end, your goal is to get the most repetitions in less time.

Before performing a TABATA workout, you need to warm up, which is both in the preparation of joints and ligaments. The choice of exercises depends on the needs of a particular athlete — that is, with an emphasis on the muscles that need to be pumped. Training for fat loss is carried out no more often than 1-2 times a week.


27F Ore Central Building, 31st Cor 9th BGC, Taguig City

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 10pm


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Fitness is a type of physical activity that aims to maintain overall physical fitness, achieved through proper nutrition, rest, and moderate physical activity.