We are a non-profit news media organization that focuses on environmental reporting. EPICenter aims to uphold our 3E’s, which means that we shall:
Explore a wide variety of issues and stories that fall under environmental journalism, which we consider as one of the most interesting and important niches in the journalistic discipline. We commit to delve into the environmental concerns that directly
affect our community. Aside from the environmental issues in our locality, we also aim to explore and give a local angle to other pressing issues of national and global concern. Expose the problems that may probably pose threat to our environment or may harm the biotic organisms living in it. We believe that environmental problems must not be concealed, nor should we keep a blind eye on them. Our team promises to go beyond the surface of ordinary events. We also commit to present factual, timely, and balanced news. We encourage our readers and other interested individuals to actively share their comments and insights about the stories we write, or even share with us other environmental concerns they have observed in their areas. You, as our reader, is the person whom we owe our loyalty to. You can be assured that we will uphold the basic stronghold of journalism: Accuracy, Balance and Fairness as we continue to realize this goal.