OPEN po tayo!!! Tapusin na natin iyang schoolworks mo🥳
When we share a meal with someone — however elaborate or simple — there is an intimate and personal connection that often happens. This is why Jesus, too, often chose to minister to people at the table. He welcomed and nourished them. He turned water into fine wine at a wedding (John 2:1-11). He served bread to His friends as an example of how His body would be broken for them (Matthew 26:17-30). After He rose from the grave, He ministered to His disciples’ bodies and souls by hosting a fish fry on the beach (John 21:10-14).
Friend, our Redeemer meets us at the table, and He has an abundance to offer us. He gives us a portion of His righteousness, love and peace. What He provides is always more than enough! Let’s not settle for the scraps when we are invited to a feast He has prepared for us.
-Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young, Author + Speaker
How have you experienced a deeper connection with someone through sharing a meal? What is it about the act of eating together that can bring intimacy and understanding?