Nickel mining:The hidden cost of electric cars.
Not just environmental issues but the shipment risk of the raw materials due to cargo liquefaction that leads to fatal bulk ships sinking in previous years. See link below.🙂
Thank god we had a good weather and friendly cooperation with the stevedores during our 10days loading operation in Caledonia and a safe voyage to China last October 2022.
Last Berth of MV Ultra Lanigan, days from now she will be name "MV Disko Island"🕺🏝️ a Hongkong flag ship.🙃
Trying to visit MV Dagat this morning, same manning by our company Vintex Shipping.🙂
Trying to visit other ship 0.97Nm(1.8km) from our position.😎 Activating RTH (Return to home) function kung mka uwi pa ba 😅 (Critical Battery).
"Teamwork and good camaraderie is 👌"
All Hatch rubber packing full replacement, at last na tapos din.💪😉
"Ship's rolling2x at Anchorage".😅 Di lang lahat sa biyahe magulong ang barko, minsan sa Anchorahe din.🙃(Watch the full video)
The harworking seaman! Kelangan n m promote... to Bosun.😅
Good morning Busan!🌅🇰🇷😊.. This drone shot was done last November 21, 2022 while at Busan, South Korea Anchorage. Days before crossing the cold and stormy North Pacific bound to Vancouver, Canada 🇨🇦
Ships spotting🧐 in Caledonia.😉