The initial concept for Cre8tv Studio was originally born in the midst of the pandemic by a lady who strived to skip being a corporate slave again. After what the pandemic has brought to the whole world, people had a lot of life-changing realizations about what truly matters in this life including her. She began to work on herself by learning new skills and adjusting to the new way of making a living. As she began working from home as a freelancer, her skills were built brick by brick over time by various Digital Marketing Agencies that she's worked with globally and consistently making her life more meaningful and unstoppable.✊
As of today, Cre8tv Studio consists of a small team of freelancers who are devoted to helping the food and travel industry, which was severely impacted by the pandemic. 🧑💻Crafting well-researched and strategically planned📊 Social Media Content for your Marketing efforts. 🫶Unleashing creativity through eye-catching food photography, aesthetic graphic designs, 🤯mind-blowing Tiktok Videos & Reels, and managing Facebook & Tiktok Ads.🤓
Cre8tv Studio's mission is to help you establish a strong social media presence🙏 and help turn your followers into customers.🤝
Focus on what you do best ✊ then let's talk about how can we help behind the scenes.😉
Here to help, Cre8tv Studio Team🌻