special thanks to the people who greeted me during my special day😍. And above all to our Lord and Savior
Did you know?? Dr. Gregorio Y Zara?
INTRODUCING MYSELF 😍 In a creative way, charrr lang😂😂🤣🤣
My Me Commercial video in applying to the company.
📍Media and information Literacy
What I can do
"An interview"
ACTIVITY 4: "Create and publish multimedia using Facebook"
📍🅰. My understanding about multimedia.
*multimedia is a formed by the combination of two word "multi and media"
*multimedia is a combination of one or more media such as text, graphics, drawing and images, audio, video and animation.
📍🅱. Eventually I used multimedia in creating business, in school (such assignments and projects),in public places(in mall e.g. information kiosk),and even virtual reality.Anything I have seen around me.Even the gadgets I used is still a part of multimedia. It gives newly attained knowledge through image , audio,video,and etc.
📍ር. The significance of multimedia;
*Multimedia is an advanced technology where characters become real and they talk too.
*With multimedia the computer draws more of the sense and more dimensions of intelligence, enlarging the opportunity to learn for those who have been less able to learn from conventional teaching materials.
🍂ICT project
Submitted by:
Mirah Joy Délaspi Hilaga
Submitted to:
Sir Welkin Jay Seniel Balingit
Activity 6 Editorialized
DIRECTIONS: Read and reflect on the topic “Industrial Revolution 4 and Education 4.0”. Present your reflection using your preferred type of media (print, broadcast, online). Print media shall be in editorial content. Broadcast media may choose either TV or Radio and will be in commentary format. Online media may choose livestreaming, or webinar.
Submitted by; Hilaga, Mirah Joy D.
Submitted to; Sir Welkin Jay Seniel Balingit
Plagiarism is a crime⚠️⚠️⚠️