Service not showcase
We thanked all the frontliners, serving the country without hesitation even if theyre risking thier lives and the lives of thier families. We've seen the news how brave and strong they were not seeing thier families for a long time because of service for our country. And with that, we salute them. But let us not forget to these people who also served with all thier time and efforts, supporting the the PNP in maintaining the order of every checkpoint served as the voice that people might overlooked for. I'm so proud of these people most especially who rendered thier service voluntarily. The Radio Amateur Modulators, yes you read it right "ang mga amaturista" let us not mislooked thier importance which they also deserved our salute and support.
"when everything is down, ALARM stands.
To my Action Leyte Amateur Radio Modulators family keep it up and mabuhay tayong lahat.
Stay safe. And I salute you all!