An atheist girl doesn't believe in God, but watch until the end of the video.
AKE Ayuthaya Christmas Party
Skipping breakfast or going too long without eating in the morning is not a good habit.
Sports day is about to end. In this video, both teams are competing in the tug-of-war game. I was lucky to capture it on video. The blue team won, and I’m proud to be part of the blue team!
Sports day is about to end. In this video, both teams are competing in the tug-of-war game. I was lucky to capture it on video. The blue team won, and I’m proud to be part of the blue team!
One of my students from my English tutorials every Sunday in Nakhon Nayok Province.
An Adorable Encounter at Ayutthaya Immigration
This is the second time I’ve sat next to her, and I couldn’t resist gently touching and massaging her. Every moment spent at immigration while waiting to get my non-B visa has been made more enjoyable because of her.
She’s so cozy and relaxed, sleeping on the chairs where everyone lines up or sits to process their visas. Sitting beside this cute and adorable cat is such a treat!
For anyone who wants to meet her in person and experience playing with her, just visit the immigration office in Ayutthaya. She’s there every day, peacefully sitting and sleeping next to people as they wait to get their visas.
Coyote Peterson
I am a big fan of yours and one of your followers. If you see this video, whether it’s your own or belongs to someone else, you can report or delete it anytime as it is your right to do so.
I want to thank you for your amazing content. We have learned so much and gained valuable knowledge from your videos. Look, everyone, at how brave these men are! We can learn a lot about different kinds of venomous creatures around the world—how strong their venom is and what happens to your body if you are bitten by these venomous animals and insects.
Thank you for sharing your incredible experiences and educating us.
Stung in the Eye by a Bee
A Thai high school student at Grade 11 level confidently presents their conversation role play without asking for corrections to their English script. But that's alright; what’s important is that they are having fun and enjoying what they are doing. At least it helps boost their confidence in speaking and communicating.
A Thai high school student at Grade 11 level confidently presents their conversation role play without asking for corrections to their English script. But that's alright; what’s important is that they are having fun and enjoying what they are doing. At least it helps boost their confidence in speaking and communicating.
Thai Grade 4 students can create their own dialogues and scripts in English with minimal corrections. That’s truly a smart girl!