Cagayan State University Aparri (CSU-Aparri) recently concluded its exhilarating three-day Campus Intramurals, held from November 21st to 23rd, with the theme "Elemental Fusion: Igniting the CSUans’ Spirit Through Sports, Culture, and Arts." The event was a vibrant showcase of athleticism, teamwork, and campus spirit. The College of Information and Computing Sciences (CICS) department participated enthusiastically, achieving impressive results and winning numerous awards.
The awards ceremony was held on November 25th at the CSU-A gym. The CICS department's awards included:Here's the categorized list:
1. Table Tennis (Men)
2. Badminton (Women)
3. Arnis (Women)
4. Taekwondo (Women)
5. Beach Volleyball (Women)
6. Musical Composition
7. Dance Competition
8. High Jump (Men)
9. Chess (Men)
10. Mobile Legends (Men)
11. Badminton (Men)
1. Football (Men & Women)
2. Volleyball (Men & Women)
3. Sepak Takraw (Men & Women)
4. Basketball 5×5 (Men & Women)
5. Basketball 3×3 (Men & Women)
6. Instrumental Solo (Classical Guitar)
7. Table Tennis (Women)
8. Martial Arts (Women)
9. Pencak Silat (Women)
10. 200 Meter Run (Women)
1. Long Jump (Women)
2. Photo Contest
3. Kumpas Kabataan
4. Soft Ball (Women)
5. Mobile Legends (Women)
6. Baseball (Men)
7. Lawn Tennis (Men)
Athletic Men Category: 1 Gold
Sport Women Category: 4 Gold
Sports Men Category: 4 Gold
Street Dance (Hip-Hop): Champion
Instrumental Solo (Piano): Champion
Instrumental Solo (Banduria): Champion
Pop Solo: Champion
Vocal Duet: Champion
The three-day Intramurals were more than just a competition; they were a celebration of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and the vibrant spirit of CSU-Aparri. The CICS department's outstanding performance exemplified the values of teamwork, dedication, and perseverance, setting a shining example for other departments. Their success is a source of pride for the entire college and a testament to the power of collective effort. Congratulations to all the CICS participants on their well-deserved achievements!
✍️ Robert Dalawis Jr.
Mark Darren Cunanan
Elnie Planas
🖊🖥 Deo Angelo Pita
📸 Jules Loreto
Jack Corpuz