NCOBA Awareness

NCOBA Awareness The National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs is a Government Agency established to Coor

A TOTAL of over K2million in National Government assistance was given to the people of Bougainville last Friday through ...

A TOTAL of over K2million in National Government assistance was given to the people of Bougainville last Friday through the Ministry of Bougainville Affairs as part of the National Governments ongoing efforts in strengthening relations, maintaining lasting peace, and furthering Bougainville’s development agenda.
On the eve of Papua New Guinea’s 48th Independence celebrations the Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Manasseh Makiba accompanied by the Director for the National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs Mr. Wemin Boi were at hand to deliver the funding assistance.
Minister Makiba handed funding assistance for a scope of projects to the various entities in Bougainville which included:
The Bougainville Disaster Management Office which were given K1million for disaster relief assistance,
The Lato Constituency Development received K200,000.00 for sports and youth development projects,
The United Church women were given K100,000.00 for travel support to the National United Church Women’s convention in Mt Hagen,
Ioro Constituency Development’s water supply and brickmaking project received K300,000.00,
Tonsu Constituency Development was issued K150,000.00 for the development of crab farming,
While Taonita Tinputz Constituency Development will receive K300,000.00 for Bougainville Sports and youth development as well.
The National Governments assistance through the ministry of Bougainville Affairs covers wide ranging development areas totalling K2,050,000.00, a timely presentation fitting well with this year’s 48th Independence celebrations.
Minister Makiba said that the issuance of financial assistance were mostly through direct requests from the constituencies and he was more than pleased to be on hand to deliver to the people of Bougainville. He further added that my department stands ready to continue to assist Bougainville communities, constituency members and the ABG in whatever need they have.
“Apart from other work we do in my department the National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs, particularly in relation to the ongoing work with the peace process, reaching out to the communities and assisting the Autonomous Bougainville Government in respect to its members and other communities is also my department’s priority. That’s why I have gone out to assist.” Mr Makiba said.
He added that more requests were attended to by his ministry and that the Marape/Rosso Government is determined in ensuring Bougainville’s development agenda remains ongoing.


THE Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Manasseh Makiba has officially announced the deferral of the long anticipated Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting.
The JSB meeting, which is held twice annually between the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government was scheduled for the 20th to the 21st of July, 2023, in Madang Province.
In an official announcement of cancellation and apology to the Governor for Madang Hon. Ramsey Pariwa, Hon. Makiba stated, “There has been a regrettable clash in the dates, in that the Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has a prior commitment with the re-opening of the Porgera Mine in Enga on those dates and is not able to make it to Madang for the meeting.”
The Prime Minister holds the role as co-chair of the JSB alongside counterpart President of the ABG Hon. Ishmael Toroama.
The tentative date rescheduled for the JSB now is set for July 31st, 2023, at APEC Haus in Port Moresby.
The ABG has accepted the deferral stating through official channels that the deferral will allow for members of the Bougainville House of Representative to attend the JSB on the 31st July and then attend the National Parliament sitting on August 1st, 2023, and witness presentations made by Minister Makiba and Bougainville’s National Members of Parliament.


Office of the Minister

Saturday, July 1, 2023


The Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Manasseh Makiba, MP, has clarified his statement to the parliament that the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the Constitution allows for the parliament to make a decision on the 2019 Bougainville referendum results.

Minister Makiba in response to an article in the Sunday Chronicles by the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Attorney General and Minister for Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation Hon. Ezekiel Masatt said the Constitution is the supreme law and the Constitution gives parliament that authority to make final decisions. Parliament remains the supreme decision-making authority.

The Constitution is the supreme law on the land. The Constitution is not the decision maker. National Parliament is the highest decision making authority on the land, subject to Constitution.

He said following the referendum the parliament is required to make the final decision and the government is only implementing what is in the Constitution and the Bougainville Peace Agreement.

Makiba said the recommendation for the vote to be decided by a two thirds absolute majority is for the reason that the referendum vote by parliament is a Constitional issue which has the potential for amendments to be made to the Constitution, and is an issue of sovereignty therefore, the majority must be the same as that required for constitional amendments.

“It is an on-going process and it was just a recommendation to parliament. It is still the prerogative of the parliament to make its decision as to the appropriate voting majority.

“Any resolution by the respective Clerks of parliament with respect to the voting majority is not binding. Indeed, the Clerks have overstepped their authority. They cannot decide for parliament.

Makiba said the National Government is not putting up roadblocks as alleged. The National Government has been very supportive and committed in implementing the provisions of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the Constitution.

Section 342 of the Constitution and clause 311 of the Bougainville Peace Agreement provides for the National Parliament to make the decision on the 2019 Bougainville referendum results.

Clause 311 of the Bougainville Peace Agreement provides; -
“(a) the [constitutional] amendments will provide that the outcome [of the referendum] will be subject to ratification (final decision-making authority) of the National Parliament”.

Section 342 of the Constitution states that; -
“the National Government and the Bougainville Government shall consult over the results of the referendum and subject to the consultation referred to in subsection (1), the Minister responsible for Bougainville matters shall take the results of the referendum in the National Parliament and the Speaker of the National Parliament shall furnish to the Bougainville Executive a copy of the minutes of the relevant proceedings and of any decision made in the National Parliament regarding the referendum”.

The Bougainville Peace Agreement and the Constitution are clear and explicit in respect of this matter. Everybody can read it and understand it clearly as it is.

Leaders must refrain from misleading people with wrong information. The people must hear the correct information and the process and rule of law must be respected, followed, and upheld at all times.

If certain leaders are not happy with the ratification process proposed to the
Parliament to debate and adopt by way of Sessional Order, they have the other option to go to the Supreme Court to get interpretation and guidance on ratification process and other constitutional issues of concern they may have.



Statement by Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Manasseh Makiba. June 13, 2023

MINISTERIAL VISIT TO BOUGAINVILLE THE Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Manasseh Makiba is in Bougainville with a m...

THE Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Manasseh Makiba is in Bougainville with a ministerial delegation in an official engagement fostering steadfast progression of the National Government’s continued commitment to the autonomous region.
The ministerial delegation arrived in on Tuesday this week meeting with senior ministers of the Bougainville House of Representatives (BHoR) and President Ishmael Toroama, maintaining a positive dialogue through the various consultations.
Minister Makiba will be the minister responsible to table the results of the Bougainville Referendum of 2019 and is expected to table it in the June session of the National Parliament.
The tabling of the 2019 Bougainville Referendum results, which is non-binding, will effect a vote in the National parliament as stipulated in the Bougainville Peace Agreement which should offer results of either independence or continuous greater autonomy.
Hon. Makiba said “Open visits and meetings by both sides of leadership should be encouraged to properly understand the peoples' situations and wishes and to maintain open and frank dialogue between National Government and ABG so that the debates and ultimate decision by Parliament on the Bougainvillea Referenum Result is accepted by all.”
Amid talks between leaders and witnessing BHoR’s first sitting for this year Minister Makiba found the engagement useful and enlightening as it now not only prepares the minister in progressing much of the National Government’s commitment in to assisting Bougainville’s development aspirations leading to the tabling of the referendum results but also commence post referendum work and consultations in other parts of Papua New Guinea and to all leaders of the national parliament.
During the visit, Minister Makiba also presented a cheque of K500,000.00 to the Specker of the Bougainville House of Representatives for the refurbishment of the Bougainville House of Representatives.
Minister Makiba said “The National Government is maintaining its responsibilities on Bougainville and is placing its efforts to ensuring Bougainville is well prepared for whatever the future holds for the island.”
“I thank immensely the following leaders for coming with me to the Autonomous Region of Bougainvillea to observe, hear and see the speeches and debates and to show good relationship with ABG and our good people here to the first meeting of the 4th Bougainvillea House of Representative for 2023 in Buka, and they include: Minister Peter Tsiamalili Jnr, Minister Kobby Bomareo, Hon Saki Solama, Hon Lohia Boe Samuel, Hon Richard Masere, Hon Billy Joseph, Hon William Bando, Hon David Arore, Hon Lucas Dekena, and Hon Simon Dumarinu.”

Please note correction... Hon. Masatt is ABG Minister for Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation and not Peace...

Please note correction... Hon. Masatt is ABG Minister for Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation and not Peace Implementation as stated in the press statement. Apologies for the oversight.

Press Statement by the Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Mannaseh Makiba, MP.

Press Statement by the Minister for Bougainville Affairs Hon. Mannaseh Makiba, MP.


Pillar 3 Progress: Weapons Disposal

Completed under UN Supervision in 2005. 2003 Clearance triggered preparations for 2005 ABG Elections.

UN Evaluation Report 2012. (Four sources of existing weapons on Bougainville)

AROB Government Working on Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal under the Constituency Referendum Ready Exercise. Still ongoing now but will be declared illegal as a law and order Issue

Weapons still prevalent, but agreement reached by parties to build a memorial for Historical Purposes.


BPA Pillar Two: Referendum

The agreement provides for the right, guaranteed in the National Constitution, for a referendum among Bougainvilleans on Bougainville’s political future.

The choices available in the referendum will include a separate independence for Bougainville.

The referendum will be held no sooner then ten years, and in any case no later than fifteen years, after the election of the autonomous Bougainville Government.

The actual date will be set taking account of standards of good governance and the implementation of the weapons disposal plan.
The outcome of the referendum will be subject to ratification (final decision-making authority) of the National Parliament.


Pillar 1 Progress: Autonomous Governance Arrangements

Amendments to the PNG Constitution and passing of Organic Law by the PNG Parliament in 2002.

Approval of Bougainville Constitution (2004) leading to 1st ABG Elections in 2005.

Constitution provides for Legislature, Executive and Judiciary

Implementation has been successful to some extent. However, most subsidiary powers and functions have not been assumed by the ABG as per Peace Agreement.


Bougainville Peace Agreement: The Three Pillars

To establish an autonomous government for Bougainville with a right to assume increasing powers as per the Peace Agreement.
To hold a Referendum no sooner than ten years and no later than fifteen years after the election of the autonomous Bougainville Government
Weapons Disposal


Key Events from Historical Perspective:

1963-1988 - Establishment and Operation of Panguna Mine. Conflict triggered by a convergence of issues.

1988-1997 - Civil War. (Several layers of conflict). Estimates of between 5,000– 20,000 people killed. Several unsuccessful attempts at Peace Agreements.

1997- Sandline Incident. NZ initiated Peace Process Holds. Cease Fire, Peace Negotiations and the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA) on 30th September 2001.

2002-2020 - Implementation of Bougainville Peace Agreement. (Three Pillars)
Referendum December 2019. 97.8% of Voters Choose “Independence” over ”Greater Autonomy”


• Timeline of activities/milestones


2021 Joint statement on the Road Map to be issued at the conclusion of the consultation
Agree on the process and the content of Ratification
Sharp Agreement Implementation

2022 Implementation of One Line Budget
Completion of Sharp Agreement Implementation
Establishment of Bougainville Constitutional Planning Commission
Preparation of Bougainville Constitutional Planning Commission

2023 Report to the 11th Parliament
Tabling of the results and outcomes of consultations
Commencement of PNG Constitutional Amendments
Assumption of s289 powers

2024 Report to National Government Stakeholders by GoPNG
Amendment of Constitutional Law Process to repeal and replace Part XIV in its entirety
Preparations of self-government

2025 Implementation of Bougainville Constitutional Planning Commission
Bougainville Constituent Assembly considers and adopts Draft Bougainville Constitution

2026 Prepare Treaty
Preparations for Declaration of Independence/Political settlement

2027 Assume all or any sovereign powers
Declaration of independence of Bougainville/Political Settlement


1. Wabag Roadmap

• Define – the Wabag roadmap is a joint plan of activities tied to a timeline that the Governments of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville must work towards to find a final political settlement for Bougainville.

The roadmap is also intended to bind successive governments to the activities and milestones so that regardless of any changes in government leadership, the activities under the Wabag Roadmap will remain and must be implemented by any successive governments on both sides. It is termed as the Wabag Roadmap because it was agreed to during the second Joint Government Consultations that happened in July 2021, in Wabag.



List of powers and functions drawn down since 2014 include:

Economic readiness (low hanging fruits/FDI/DCTI)

An overall Economic Development Strategy is being formulated for presentation at the Economic Summit.

A new Taxation arrangement for ABG was also agreed at the Arawa JSB. The BPA stipulates for 70% of taxes collected from business conducted in Bougainville to be held in Trust by the PNG Government and 30% to be allocated to Bougainville annually.

The February JSB agreed with the PMJM to reverse this situation in Bougainville’s favour by now allocating 70% to Bougainville and keeping 30% in Trust by PNG IRC .

Panguna landowners after much consultations and negotiations have agreed to the reopening of the mine. Consultations are in progress to finalise the details



One of these resolutions captured the implementation of transferring the remaining powers and functions in the National Government down to the ABG.


Why was it created?

The agreement was created to capture the resolutions passed during the JSB meeting in May 2021 to prompt both parties to work on ensuring that the resolutions passed be achieved accordingly.



How was the agreement created?

The agreement was created after both governments finalized resolutions derived from the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting in May 2021 which was held at the Sharp Memorial in Arawa.



- This Agreement abrogates the application of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Bougainville Government on the Overarching Framework for the Transfer of Functions and Powers from the National Government to the Autonomous Bougainville Government Pursuant to the Bougainville Peace Agreement;
- The requirements under Section 295(a) and (b) of the National Constitution relating to the process of transfer of functions and powers available to Bougainville under Section 290 of the National Constitution, irrespective of whether a specific request was made or not by the Bougainville Government since the establishment of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, are dispensed with effective as of the date of this agreement;

- The Autonomous Bougainville Government shall, in consultation with the National Government, proceed and continue to develop agreed plan to co-operating in implementing the transfer of functions and powers for which the Bougainville Government shall become responsible in accordance with the Bougainville Peace Agreement and Section 3 of the Organic Law on Peace-Building in Bougainville – Autonomous Bougainville Government and Bougainville Referendum 2002;

- The Autonomous Bougainville Government shall as from this day be at liberty to legislate on any, or all, of those areas or matters under Section 290 in accordance with agreed plans;

- All outstanding issues of the transfer of a function and power for which notice under Section 295(b) has been given, which includes the signing of inter-agency memorandum of understanding, will continue to be pursued to their completion;



1. Sharp Agreement (Define)
- The Sharp Agreement which was signed on the 13th of May, does away with the Constitutional requirements under section 295 (a) and (b) regarding the transfer of powers and functions under the Autonomous arrangements. This paves the way for the consultations to focus on the political agenda while the administration deals with the implementation of the remaining powers and functions.


Observation of 40 days
Petition Period:

The return of writs on 13
December 2019 also marked
the start of the 40 days
Petition Period. The petition
period was observed to allow
for the lodging of a petition
either by a voter or by the
BRC itself, to dispute the
results of the referendum.

It is a normal part of any
democratic election process
and is provided for in the
Organic Law on Peacebuilding in Bougainville,
Autonomous Bougainville
Government and Bougainville
Referendum 2002.

The 40 days Petition Period
ended on 20 January
2020, and the Bougainville
Referendum Commission
reported a petition-free
period, meaning that no
complaints were lodged
to dispute the referendum


Key Referendum Dates:

• Issue of Referendum
Writ: 27 September

• Commencement of the
referendum polling: 23
November 2019

• Counting of
Referendum ballot
papers: 8 December

• Results Declaration: 11
December 2019

• Return of Referendum
Writ: 13 December



The results of the
Bougainville Referendum
were declared in Buka
on 11 December 2019
by the Chair of the
Bougainville Referendum
Commission, Bertie Ahern.

Independence received
176, 928 votes (97.71%)
and Greater Autonomy
received 3,043 (1.68%).
The total voter turnout
was 181, 067 (87.4%).

The Bougainville
Referendum was
conducted by an
independent electoral
body known as the
Bougainville Referendum
Commission and the
referendum process was
conducted according
to the laws that
established Bougainville’s
Referendum; PNG
Constitution, the
Bougainville Peace
Agreement and the
Organic Law on Peacebuilding in Bougainville,
Autonomous Bougainville
Government and
Bougainville Referendum


The Bougainville
Referendum gave
Bougainvilleans a chance
to express their choice
on two different political
futures (options):

1. Greater Autonomy
– A negotiated political
settlement that provides
for a form of autonomy
with greater powers than
those currently available
under constitutional

2. Independence – An
independent nation state
with sovereign powers and
laws, recognized under
international law and by
other sovereign states to
be an independent state,
separate from the State of
Papua New Guinea.


Part One: Background –
Referendum Process and

A referendum on the
future political status of
the Autonomous Region
of Bougainville was held
between 23 November
and 7 December 2019.


The key messages provide
up to date, neutral and
factual information on
the Bougainville Peace
Agreement and the Post
Referendum process.
These key messages will
be subject to review on
a progressive basis in
accordance with new joint
government decisions as
per the Joint Supervisory
Body meeting resolution
of 12 March 2020.


The Joint Key Messages provide jointly agreed information from the two Governments to the people of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea.



The Bougainville Peace Agreement signed on 30th August 2001is one of more than 20 agreements signed in the pursuit for peace, normalcy and a political settlement on Bougainville since 1989.

These, with the dates of signing, include:

1. Joint Declaration for Peace and Recreation - November 30, 1989.
2. Agreement to end hostilities (first ceasefire) - March 1, 1990.
3. Endeavour Accord - August 5, 1990.
4. Malagan Accord - October 5, 1990.
5. Honiara Declaration - January 3, 1991.
6. Tambea Accord - August 27, 1994.
7. Honiara Commitment - September 3, 1994
8. Ceasefire Agreement on Bougainville - September 8, 1994
9. Agreement between National Government, Department of North Solomon and BRA Commanders - October 18, 1994.
10. Mirigini Charter - November 25, 1994.
11. Waigani Communiqué - May 18, 1995.
12. Joint Statement on Amnesty - July 29, 1995
13. Areas of Common Understanding - August 3, 1995
14. Honiara Record of Understanding - August 16, 1995.
15. All Bougainville Leaders Talks in Cairns - 1996
16.Burnham Declaration - July 18, 1997.
17. Burnham Truce - October 10, 1997.
18. Agreement on Truce Monitoring Group - November 1997
19. Cairns Commitment - November 24, 1997
20. Lincoln Agreement - January 23, 1998.
21. Ceasefire Agreement - April 30, 1998.
22. Hutjena Minute - July 10, 1999.
23. Hutjena Record - December 15, 1999.
24. Loloata Agreement - March 23, 2000.
25. Gateway Communiqué - June 9, 2000
26. Bougainville Peace Agreement - August 30, 2001.
27. Agreement on the establishment of the Interim Supervisory Body towards the autonomous Government- November 11, 2007.


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