PNG News and Politics

PNG News and Politics Breaking News and Political Insights will always be published here. Keep in touch!

Chief Justice Sir Gibbs warned Justice Minister Brain Krammer not to interfere with judicial matters.

Chief Justice Sir Gibbs warned Justice Minister Brain Krammer not to interfere with judicial matters.


List of people who have died after being vaccinated. Some died of COVID19 while others died from vaccines related complications. This proves to the govt and those pro vaccines that this particular COVID19 vaccines has had significant casualties. Please add to the list of those you know that are not on the list......


1: Late Gabriel Laka in his early 50's. Employed by PUMA Energy.

2: Trevor Caine - NDB. He was fully vaccinated , died 7th October of COVID19.

3: Late Peter Sa : Wabag. Fully vaccinated

4: Fiona Abal from Wabag. Fully vaccinated

5: Nancy Kasao from Oro, works with Air Niugini as flight attendant. she went for vaccination but was turned away twice due to having high BP issues. She went a third time and got vaxed. At the time of her passing she had severe migraines and after her flight she just collapsed and died

6: Late Bernard Lukara - First Secretary to Jelta Wong - Health Minister . He was fully vaccinated

7: Doris Anton- from Hela In her 50s . She is a Director with Hela Health Authority-she is fully vaccinated.

8: Late Agnes Yawari's wife of late Hami Yawari from SHP was fully vaccinated

9: Late Raymond Masono former ABG Vice President died after he got the vaccine. He passed on in June 2021.

10: Late Raphael Bungnabul deputy Registra of Lae National Court died after getting vaccinated

11: Late Andy Kungil, British American To***co employee transferred from Buka to work in Hagen. Resided at Highlander Hotel, passed away this morning. Isolated after confirming positive.
He was VAXCINATED over a month ago.

12: Late Mr Lilo from Manus, a tutor at Kokopo Open campus told staff that he got the vaccine so he could travel overseas showing them the jab spot and encouraging them to get vaxed.He passed away on Monday night. His family says he didnt get the jab though. He most probanly didnt tell them.

13: Late George Dewong from Kiunga area who worked at Ok Tedi and died few days after getting the


Let’s improve accountability

September 28, 2021The NationalEditorial

BEING accountable in any workplace is something everyone should strive to achieve.
Accountability has a clear link to higher work performance, but experts indicate that it also results in improved competency and commitment to work, increased employee morale and work satisfaction.
For example; a government has accountability for decisions and laws affecting its citizens; an individual has accountability for his or her acts and behaviours.
A term used quite often by our police and the courts is “fraud”.
If you look up a dictionary, fraud means wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
Lack of accountability is seen as the cause of fraud.
Straight forward, accountability is one of our biggest challenge.
Lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders.
Almost every second day, the newspaper reports on a fraud case involving people who were given the responsibility to administer or look after money belonging to others.
The instances of abuse of power by public servants are rife and continue unabated even though the country has courts and a police force to investigate and punish guilty individuals.
Such negligence contribute to another popular term – corruption.
We see it every day and most of us, whether we know it or not, participate, enable and encourage corruption, graft and theft and all manner of activities that contribute to the mismanagement, misuse and breakdown of services, goods and ultimately the society we like to call among other things, Christian and peace-loving.
Money being diverted to unbudgeted or unplanned expenses by department heads at the behest of politicians is a common complaint across the board.
One group of people who always come under the spotlight are the MPs, who have the responsibility to acquit for public funds.
Money put in the hands of MPs without strict accountability or in a transparent fashion only creates the possibility for abuse and misuse.
Some might say that we are no different from any other country when it comes to the issue, but where does it say we have to accept the situation and not do anything about it?
The checks and balances are there, however, they are rendered impotent because of a lack of will to follow through on the part of agencies.
This is the challenge to all given the responsibility to manage money in their line of duty.
Transparency International Papua New Guinea deputy director Yuambari Haihuie was quoted in The National last week saying it was vital for good governance, accountability and integrity to be in the Government system so services actually reached people in the community.
It is important to tell the people and the auditing authority how the money is spent. How they perform their task should be according to their respective departments work ethics.
Work ethics refer to a basic set of moral values associated with the way work is done whatever its nature or status.
Honesty, responsibility, discipline and diligence are values we inculcate in children from an early stage linking these up with performance in school and early childhood tasks.
We ask children to perform in school “to the best of your ability”.
In adult life, these values should translate into hard work, efficiency, discipline and integrity at the workplace.
We should try getting into the habit of practising accountability.
If you take responsibility for your own actions, you show accountability.


No concern over teachers’ welfare

September 28, 2021The National Letters

THERE is no concern over teachers’ welfare.
The Government must be out of its mind by not considering paying teachers risk allowances.
Teachers are human beings who are at the forefront doing all they can despite the threat of contracting the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Even with the threat of the Delta variant, they are still continuing their jobs.
Where are all the monies received from aid?
Where are all the funds received for Covid-19 operations in the country?
There is nothing on the ground to show government expenditure.
If this Government continues to ignore this then I believe we should change it in next year’s general election.
There is nothing on the ground to show that the Government has actually spent Covid-19 funds.

 Road is a key infrastructure development that paves way for the other developments to reach out to our communities. In ...

Road is a key infrastructure development that paves way for the other developments to reach out to our communities. In PNG, our cash crop, livestock and vegetables never reach a better market because of missing road links and non-availability of proper roads. This has been a worry for the substances farmers and rural societies who constitute 85% of the total population of PNG. Our poor people are neglected from important government services like Health and Education as stipulated in our Constitutional and fundamental development guidelines, the National Goals and Directive Principles in our Constitution due to the said problem. This is very important area that the government ought to address vigorously without political interest.

In short political history of PNG, past governments have failed to look into this essential area. The current government is also neglecting the same. However, vision oriented individual leaders, like the first term MP, Honourable Dr. Lino Tom Member for Wabag and Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources classify road as important project in his District Development Plan. It is evident apparently from the couple of new roads build in his electorate in his first term in Parliament. The Tract Road to Maramuni, Kungu Yanairin Road, Tombem Road and Aiel Valley Road and a few more to name are some of the new roads constructed under the Wabag District Development Authority’s Ring Road Programme initiated by the first term MP and vibrant leader for Wabag, Honourable Dr. Lino Tom.

From observation, he is employing a very master mind and smart strategy in his District Development Plan. The first term MP knows when Wabag fully connected or ringed other important services like Health, Education and SME empowerment would easily flow through. When a society is not connected by road link, it is said to be neglected from accessing important government services. Maramuni is very fitting to this scenario. This problem will no longer a problem when the Prime Minister, Hon James Marape officiate the opening of the Tract Road to Maramuni in November as the visionary Member for Wabag announced via his Facebook post this month.

With this, he should be given another term to fully implement his plan and vision. Wabag people please never be fooled in this coming election. You have made the right choice to get your less talk and most performing MP elected last election. Let him easily walk home and carry on from where he will stop this term.



Health centers provide care that improves health outcomes of their patients and thus it is one very important service that is supposed to be delivered without involving politics in our communities by our elected MPs. Promoting better Health is one of the key components of our National Goals and Directive Principles stipulated in the Constitution of PNG. The Honorable Member for Wabag is on the track in delivering the very basic services that people need the most. The image below shows the construction of Sari Health Center which is another initiative of the First Term MP for Wabag and Fisheries Minister Hon. Dr. Lino Tom.

Image: Courtesy of Bonny Joseph

PM Marape assured the Southern Highlands people at Walume during the Imbogu Cultural Show  that he would complete capita...

PM Marape assured the Southern Highlands people at Walume during the Imbogu Cultural Show that he would complete capital investment projects initiated by his predecessor and member for Ialibu Pagia.

Prime Minister James Marape has reassured the people of Southern Highlands that he would complete capital investment projects begun under his predecessor and Member for Ialibu-Pangia Peter O’Neill.


Happy 46th Independence Anniversary PNG! This is just to inform everyone that the official opening of the Pilot Tract Road to Maramuni by the Prime Minister will be in November this year.
However, there will be Some events to commemorate the Independence Celebrations in Maramuni on Thursday the 16th of September 2021, to commemorate the 46th Independence of our nation and the ARRIVAL AT STATION OF THE FIRST VEHICLE since time immemorial! We have allocated all the Independence Celebrations funding for Wabag District to Maramuni because they have missed out on independence celebrations for the last 46 years! We thank God for His Love and Grace for the last 4 years that had kept all our workers well and safe from any major accidents as they constructed this road through very very steep, bad and challenging terrain and weather. It is a pilot tract to provide access and will definitely be improved in the years to come. Access is what is needed and they will finally have basic access as their 46th Independence Gift! God bless Maramuni and it’s people with the people of Wabag, Enga and PNG. We thank PM Marape and His Government for the funding thus far under its signature Program of Connect PNG. We also thank the former Oniel Government for the initial funding and would like to specifically mention former Minister Maru. Happy 46th Independence and God bless PNG!



The Parliament as Constitutional Institution vested with the legislative powers of the People of Papua New Guinea should make amendments to the Organic Law on National and Local-level Government Elections and any other legislations regulating elections in PNG to include a provision that would restrict any MP convicted in any court of an offence involving dishonesty to contest for any elections in the country. This is just a proposition but surely, would be in the best interest of the people of this country.



The first term MP branded the phrase “Most Performing MP”, Hon. Dr. Lino Tom is representing the Legislative and Executive powers of the people of Wabag vigorously in the floor of Parliament and NEC respectively. Apparently, it is very fitting for Wabag people to return the Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources in primary count or otherwise he be flown down unopposed to show your gratitude and appreciation. This is just a proposition basing on the quality of standard of leadership he’s demonstrating, notwithstanding your Constitutional rights to vote and contest freely in any election.

If the Honourable Member for Wabag is being elected in the first preference count in 2022 NGE without proceeding to the second preference, Papua New Guinea would know that Wabag people really needs services and projects. This energetic MP is sort of like a blessing given as saviour to Wabag whom you should be very delighted to have as your leader.

By this time, Papua New Guinea knows very well that Hon. Lino Tom is initiating a brand new trend of leadership in PNG politics and his attributes are well-regarded and much talked about by like-minded Papua New Guineans. Wabag you have elected a true leader in 2017 NGE. Surely, he is retaining his seat but would be more appropriate if he be elected in first preference count or would be even better apt if he be returned home unopposed.

HON. DR. LINO TOM: A TRUE SERVANT LEADER Hon. Tom Lino, MP for Wabag and Minister for Fisheries is a real definition of ...


Hon. Tom Lino, MP for Wabag and Minister for Fisheries is a real definition of servant leader. He severed people with his heart while being a health worker, a noble profession. As a result, he touched many people’s heart, particularly those that he served, their families, relatives and those who heard of him, as a Medical Practitioner.

He walked the rugged terrains between Mulitaka in the Laigam Pogera district and Maramuni and slept in the middle of the jungles for couple of days, with his medical packages, in the course of his journey to Maramuni to serve people. Prior of becoming a Member of Parliament, he felt the pain his people of Maramuni, Wabag and Enga, as a whole felt. During the 2017 National General Election, the Honourable Minister promised the people of Maramuni that he will have Maramuni connected with the rest of Papua New Guinea by means of contracting a new road, if he would be elected to the eight (8th) Parliament.

Thus, right after his declaration, without wasting anytime, he sent execrators to construct this very vital missing link in Enga province from Mulitaka in the Lagaip Pogera District to Maramuni. Apparently, the Honourable Member felt for the people of Maramuni who were left neglected by all levels of government since Independence and therefore, he prioritised the Maramuni Road. Maramuni people will obtain a bonus and surely relish when the Maramuni Road under construction from Mulitaka is ringed to Ambum road middling Maramuni which is proceeding, under the Wabag District Ring Road Programme. This is a historical project in Enga province, which will be the Honourable Minister’s legacy.

Apart from the above, multiple much needed new roads within Wabag district were constructed so far and few nearing completion under the inimitable Wabag District Ring Road Programme. Like the Yapokons and Kalepatae had never seen a vehicle entering Aipinimanda village, notwithstanding the village being located a few kilometres away from Wabag Township, but now the people of Pandam Coucil Ward can easily drive to Aipinimanda village. Likewise, the Tombem Road bought analogous impacts on the lives of members of the council wards that would benefit from the road.
It’s most probably like one’s lifetime prayer being answered. Most people in Wabag assertively say that the honourable Member, Dr. Lino is chosen by the Creator to lead and serve the people of Wabag and he’s accurate definition of servant leader.

Honourable Tom had been very fair and equal in service delivery. He had distributed services and projects to all corner of Wabag without considering votes polled in 2017 in every polling booth. That signifies that the Honourable Member for Wabag is a genuine leader with people being the centre point in his service delivery platform employed.


By Mortimer Yangharry

People's Reform Party (PRP) leader and North Fly MP Hon.James Donald vigorously pushed for the reform and implementation of the slashing of Personal Income Tax (PIT) in his Question Without Notice to the Prime Minister in Parliament this morning.
A determined Donald questioned the Prime Minister if the government had any plans or reforms in place to reduce the burden of working Papua New Guineas who pay almost half of their salaries as PIT.
Donald voiced this concern and elaborated that if the PIT of working Papua New Guineas were reduced,their money spending power would be flexible and would vary unlike today where most of their income is at a fixed rate and they have no flexibility to spend their hard earned money.
Prime Minister Hon.James Marape in his response highly acknowledged the magnitude of the importance of the question and thanked Donald for asking this question of paramount national interest.
Marape clarified that the country's internal revenue is boosted by three (3) different types of taxes in Personal Income Tax,Corporate Tax and Goods and Services Tax (GST).
The Prime Minister admitted that at the moment the country's economy cannot allow the government to make reforms to Personal Income Tax but assured Donald and Parliament that once the economy picked up in 5-6 years time,the government may make submissions to reduce Personal Income Tax.
Marape clarified that the country makes internal revenue of approximately K10-11 Billion kina annually through these three different categories of taxes with the Public Service Salaries taking huge chuck of the budget followed by Recurrent and Developmental Budget Spending.
Donald suggested to the Prime Minister to improvise and look for ways to cut unnecessary government spending in order to at least make way to reduce Personal Income Tax in which Marape answered and directed Donald to highlight necessary areas of improvement with National Planning,Treasury and Finance.
Marape thanked the Internal Revenue Commission for its tireless efforts in collecting taxes but placed high emphasis on IRC Commissioner Mr Sam Koim to focus on ensuring foreign owned businesses who evade taxes to pay what is lawful.
Donald raised the concern of the BLACK MARKET which was evading taxes and pressured the government through the IRC to clamp down on illegal activities and businesses that are not paying taxes to the government.
"Let us all work together. The people must report to the police if you see foreigners operating illegally in your provinces."
"The foreigners will use us to make money and leave us poor on our own land.Let us all stand together and TAKE BACK PNG" a determined Donald concluded.

Marape ‘approved transaction’July 28, 2021The NationalMain StoriesBy BOURA GORUKILAPRIME Minister James Marape, the fina...

Marape ‘approved transaction’

July 28, 2021The NationalMain Stories

PRIME Minister James Marape, the finance minister in the O’Neill government in 2014, signed the memorandum of approvals for National Petroleum Company of PNG (NPCP) Kroton, now Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd, to enter into the transaction documents with a banking syndicate, a Commission of Inquiry (COI) heard yesterday.
That enabled a syndicated (Bank South Pacific, Westpac and ANZ Bank) letter of credit facility to secure the release of US$294mil (about K1bil) of NPCP Kroton PNG LNG project revenue prior to project completion to raise a US$191mil (about K655mil) term loan from BSP to fund payment of a special dividend to the state from NPCP Kroton’s early LNG revenues, according to Independent Public Business Corporation (IPBC) corporate secretary and chief legal officer from 2012 to 2017 Erastus Kamburi.
He told the UBS inquiry that IPBC recommended that Marape executed the memorandum of approvals under section 46B(2) of the Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH) Act to grant approval for NPCP to enter into the transaction documents to refinance the UBS collar loan and bridge loan facilities.
“On Nov 16, 2015, I was verbally directed by the then-managing director to give complete access to all documents and files that IPBC had relating to the UBS loan transaction to John Beattie, of Pacific Legal Group,” he said.
“I was not told of the reasons for such a direction. The documents were sent to Beattie.”
He also told the inquiry that prior to that, the chairman and director of IPBC received an urgent email from then acting secretary for Treasury Dairi Vele on March 8, 2014, requesting that the IPBC board meet urgently to consider the approvals for NPCP to proceed with the loan transaction.
“Given the urgency of the matter, IPBC management prepared an urgent circular resolution.”
When asked why the urgency at the time, Kamburi said he was not given any reason but was instructed to expedite the requests. He will appear again on Tuesday.

TOMMY BAKER BLAMES CHARLES ABLE FOR ALOTAU PROBLEMSby TOMMY BAKER via Whatsapp Split Alotau ElectorateOur people of Raba...

by TOMMY BAKER via Whatsapp

Split Alotau Electorate

Our people of Rabaraba need services. In 2017, our people gave our votes to Charles Abel. He got more from Rabaraba than Alotau. We expect more than just political toktok. We want the district broken in half so Rabaraba can look after its own people instead of collecting leftover from Alotau District.

Opportunity for youths

We want MBP leaders to tell us what they have in their plans for the yuts of Milne Bay Province. What plans does governor and CA have for us? We see development for investors, Charlie, governor and their cronies. What about us full blooded Milnebayans?

Police brutality

Every time, we talk, Charlie Abel sends police to the community. Task force belts people like nobody’s business. You think we will continue to accept this? We want PPC removed. We want all local police to go. They are corrupt and are compromised. They don’t do work. They shot and killed a young boy who was innocent. He is still in the morgue. They nailed his leg and shot him dead. They don’t want to give the post mortem report to his family. 2018, police task force member, full drunk, bumped a mother and child. They wanted to cover it up. That’s why we raided the police barracks. There is more stories not reported. People of PNG need to know. Thers plenty plenty more.

Governor and CA to resign

I want that useless governor to resign and CA too. If they wanted to do the right thing, they will listen to our people. I am a robber and criminal as you say. But I am speaking for my people who cannot speak. I will fight for what is right using any means possible.

Attack on businesses and government

We are attacking investors. We want the government to listen. We are attacking CA and Governor’s business interest. We are attacking the police who support them and put peoples interest number 2.

Land grabbing

Charlie Abel and others want to claim land where mineral deposits are staying in Rabaraba on my land. My message to CA and Governor, over my dead body. You will not take our ground and claim it as yours so you can take the gold and whatever. I will fight you.

They want to kill me

Chalie Abel, I know you want to kill me. They gave order to police to kill me and remove me because I am talking too much. Why don’t you come and talk to the fathers and mothers in Alotau? Ask them why we are doing this. You know but you close your eyes.


Another body found at Porgera mine site

THE body of another young man was found in Porgera yesterday, bringing to nine the number of deaths, with one in critical condition at the Paiam Hospital, from the latest tribal clashes there, a senior public servant says.
Chief executive officer for the Porgera district Jerry Maku said another body was found yesterday at the mine site and his relatives had taken it to the hospital for a post-mortem.
Maku said the district had assisted the relatives of the deceased with an ambulance to transport the body back to his village at Paella.
He said eight people were killed over the weekend and the latest death from tribal fighting was at the mine site.
Maku said security personnel had been engaged in the fighting zone at Kairik and both parties were forced back to their own territories from Monday.
However, he said since the fighting was going on, gunmen moved into Porgera Station on Monday and held up a store belonging to a foreigner and walked away with K100,000.
“We did not witness such things in the past and I do not know what kind of society we are building here,” Maku said.
“The Porgera administration is working to put an end to all these problems, restore peace and normalcy.”

Source: Wabag District Development Authority (2017-2022)WABAG MARKET PROJECT TO START SOON - HORNIBROOK MOBILIZES AT SIT...

Source: Wabag District Development Authority (2017-2022)


Long-awaited market project for the people of Wabag and Enga as a whole will commence shortly and the pictures here show Hornibrook, the contractor which won the Market Project Tender moves in to kick start the project.

This will be one of the massive achievement for the people of Wabag and Enga as the market will be the BEST compaired to all other markets in the country.

Thanks to Hon. Dr. Lino Tom and Wabag DDA with the Australian Government through DFAT and PNG Incentive Fund for making it possible.
Thank you also to Enga Governor GC Sir Peter Ipatas for your inputs and to the people of Wabag for the patience.

God bless.


Security firm hands eight guard suspects to police

KUIMA Security Services (KSS) handed eight of its guards suspected to have been involved in the March 22 Jackson International Airport mayhem to the police in Port Moresby last week.
KSS Port Moresby branch manager Amos Laufili said as a reputable security firm with more than 20 years of operation, its integrity was tarnished by some of its disgruntled employees who stormed the airport over the engagement of another firm by National Airport Corporation.
Laufili claimed the National Airport Corporation management owed Kuima K3 million for services rendered to the airport.
The dispute is now in court.
KSS general manager Thomas Koni and Laufili handed the eight suspects to the police criminal investigation department.
KSS managing director Anton Kaupa also witnessed the handover.
Kaupa also took up full page advertisements in the media to apologise for the mayhem.

Risk to national securityApril 22, 2021The National Main StoriesBy MIRIAM ZARRIGAPARLIAMENT was yesterday forced to adjo...

Risk to national security

April 22, 2021The National Main Stories

PARLIAMENT was yesterday forced to adjourn to avoid a national security threat raised in a letter to the Speaker Job Pomat by Covid-19 National Pandemic Response Controller David Manning.
Manning informed Pomat that 42 staff members of Parliament had recently tested positive for the Covid-19 which required immediate contact tracing and decontamination of the House chamber and offices.
“Of concern is the fact that a high number of positive cases are direct employees of chamber services, who have close interaction with our national leaders. This is a major threat to our national security,” Manning said.
Manning did not rule out the possibility that some MPs in chamber yesterday had positive results.
He urged those who already knew their status to follow set protocols.
“It is of grave concern that leaders knowing their Covid-19 status are putting other leaders at risk. If they are in there (chamber), it is unacceptable and reckless behaviour,” Manning said.
More than 70 MPs attended Parliament yesterday, well over the 50-maximum figure allowed for public gatherings.
Manning told The National that he had written to Pomat on Tuesday to inform him of the Covid-19 situation in parliament.
“Between April 13 and 19, a total of 167 swabs were taken from members of parliament, staff and associates. Alarmingly, 42 returned positive results and 125 were negative,” he said.
Parliament was adjourned to August 10. Its current session which started on Tuesday was expected to run for two weeks.
Pomat confirmed that 42 of the 167 employees of parliament tested positive for the Covid-19.
“A majority of the 42 are employed with the chamber services in direct contact with the whole lot of us, national leaders,” Pomat said.
“That is a very serious threat to us, the staff of parliament, our families, friends and relatives and the national security of this country.”

Duban’s case transferredFORMER Madang MP Nixon Duban’s case was transferred to the Madang District Court yesterday for s...

Duban’s case transferred

FORMER Madang MP Nixon Duban’s case was transferred to the Madang District Court yesterday for submissions after a court upheld a request by a police prosecutor.
Waigani Committal Court Magistrate Tracy Ganaii ruled that the case be transferred after Police Prosecutor Sgt John Wamugl made a verbal application for the transfer on the grounds that “two other accomplices were arrested and charged and their matters are heard in Madang”.
“The presiding magistrate (in Madang) requested if this matter could be transferred to Madang for him to hear all the cases together,” he said.
“We have no objection to this, the offence was (allegedly) committed in Madang.”
Duban’s lawyer Edward Sasingian opposed the application, saying that in the interest of justice the matter should continue as it was and they be given time to file submissions on sufficiency of evidence.
Duban is defending himself against charges of misappropriation (three counts) and conspiracy.
His bail was extended.


Port Moresby


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