Dropping in for the next Season update.
Tune in to watch as I drop in to reveal the new look maps of the OG Chapter 2 map
#pleasantpark #ogfortnite #fortniteog #fortnitec5 #heatypng #heaty_png
It was a great experience working alongside NPS Electrical Team and RnSons Batch Plant Technical Team to get this Concrete Batching Plant up and running after sitting idle for over 4 years.
#batchplant #concretebatchingplant #plcsystem #plcprogramming #elkonmixmaster #Siemens
HeatyPNG Fortnie BeastModes moments. Follow my Youtueb Channel for more awesome gaming contents.
#heatypng #fortnitec5s2 #fortnitebattleroyale #FortniteChapter5Season2 #fortnitegameplay #fortnitevictoryroyale #FortniteVictory #fortnitebeastmodes #fortniteclips #heaty_png #geo_0x2a3