A day in the life of Vibrant Wellness CEO & Founder Elsie Jordan Blanco...
October 21, 2020
"7AM, I woke up today with a missed call from Australia because we need to provide some documents for our shipments. So I called our manufacturer and asked for help to prepare the documents so we can send them immediately.
10AM: I have to be at the office for a meeting with a company who is pitching a proposal for collaboration with a global brand. After the meeting, I’m in tears. I can’t believe that our 8-month old company has been noticed by a massive brand that has been a cultural beauty icon globally for many decades. Had to pinch myself several times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. And it was real. 😭
11:30AM, Another meeting with our business leaders in US to discuss about our long term plans for our community in the states. It was a 3-hour meeting and If not for my next appointment, I might be talking to them even longer.
2:30PM, Had a meeting with our BCO Alaminos owner and we talked about life, family, business, and dreams while enjoying our coffee.
5:00PM, Creative Team and I have tasks to finish for a Singapore-based company who will publish Vibrant in their media platform. We are so excited to see the result of this project. ✨🙏
7:00PM, Evening meeting with our BCO in Malaysia. Happy to hear that Vibrant is capturing the hearts of people in Malaysia as inquiries keep pouring in.
9:00PM, Ending the day with a heartwarming phone conversation with our BCO in Germany.
In between, I have to attend to my emails, messages, GCs, phone calls, and office tasks. You can imagine the rollercoaster of emotions that I feel on a daily basis because my job as a CEO is not as simple as sitting comfortably in my executive chair, waiting for the team to have the tasks done. I rarely sit in my pink chair anyway because I sit with my admins most of the time as we do the tasks together. ✨💜
Leading an organization is a complex job but I am very blessed to have the best people around - our BODs, internal teams, our manufacturers, suppliers, and of course the Vibrant Community.
What’s unique with Vibrant is we managed to create a thriving organizational culture, making sure people feel invested in and nurtured. That’s my main role as the chief of the company.
Not only is this woman smart, tirelessly hardworking, full of the best ideas, and the queen of chill, she also has a big heart and compassion for everyone, always ready to help those in need. We're proud to be led by you and the rest of the BODs, ma'am Lc! 💖