Freedom Ngatai

Freedom Ngatai Wahine Māori | Māmā
I provide the support and tools to create wealth online
DM my IG for more info

THIS SEASON OF YOUR LIFE IS FOR YOU✨Work on YOU✨Do the things you love for YOU✨Believe in YOU


✨Work on YOU
✨Do the things you love for YOU
✨Believe in YOU

Allow the little kōtiro you were, be proud of the wahine you are today 🌱~

Allow the little kōtiro you were, be proud of the wahine you are today 🌱


Having a consistent skincare routine is important for several reasons. But my job isn't to tell you the benefits of a co...

Having a consistent skincare routine is important for several reasons. But my job isn't to tell you the benefits of a consistent skincare routine, you've heard it all before.

I can tell you all the time to keep up with your routine to see results in the long run, but you don't want to hear that either.

I want to recommend you with the best of the BEST products, but it's up to you to decide whether these are for you or not. Whether you're in your hot guy/girl era, or whether you want to pick up on a new habit. I will always be here to offer you with the number 1 hair and skincare products.

I want you guys to experience all the health benefits that we get to feel everyday, but only YOU can decide whether these are for you or not.

If you're looking for a product to target specific concerns, then you know where to find me 📥

WHĀIA TE ITI KAHURANGI, KI TE TŪOHU KOE, ME HE MAUNGA TEITEIThis whakatauki is about aiming high or for what is truly va...


This whakatauki is about aiming high or for what is truly valuable, but it's real message is to be persistent and don't let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.

When I became an affiliate marketer in August 2022, I had my eye on making enough money to keep up with the bills. But it actually took me 5-months to get myself into a business mindset, and when I realized this, I had to go through some personal development as well.

Over the next 6-months, I worked more on myself, on learning the business... I worked on being and doing better for myself & my whānau. I even started another online business venture.

NOW, I'm ready to run faster and longer than I ever have in my two online businesses. To really get that momentum going.

The point I'm trying to make is, not every venture has had me reaching for success. Some ventures have been unsuccessful, but that's not to say that I've let these "unsuccessful moments" bring me all the way down.

The great thing about this whakatauki is not all your ventures have to be successful, but that also doesn't mean that you should give up. When you fall on that lofty mountain, just take a breath, and look at how far you've come. When you're ready, then look towards "TE ITI KAHURANGI" again, and keep going hard.

This month is full of LIVES, events, sales, PD, content creating, story-telling & more. And what better time to do it, than during the Matariki New Year ✨✨✨

IT'S YOU AGAINST YOU,So what would you like to do about it?Working on myself this first half of the year has been a roll...


So what would you like to do about it?

Working on myself this first half of the year has been a rollercoaster of a discovery. It's been heavy, it's been uncomfortable, it's been fun, with a few reality checks.

But it's all been worth it so far. The growth & the breakthroughs have been annoying yet exciting & overwhelming all at once

(Like I said... Rollercoaster of a discovery 😆)

The growth part is the most exciting because I have a couple things I've been cooking up BTS 🙈🙉🙊

Kia mau tonu mai fam



LET ME EXPLAINFor a long time, I had always looked down on my partner because of the decisions he'd decided to make in t...


For a long time, I had always looked down on my partner because of the decisions he'd decided to make in these 7 years we've been together.

- Choosing to spend money on drugs and alcohol, and not care about paying rent or buying food
- Choosing to party every day with his friends, instead of working or sleeping
- Only spending time with me when we go to bed, or when no one else was around (which was uncommon 5 years ago).

It annoyed me, it killed me, it hurt me... Because I was too busy focussing on HIM. Focussing on his habits affecting our relationship.

It wasn't until a few years ago, when we had a place to ourselves, that I started speaking up about a lot of things.

Not only did I speak up, but I realized after awhile that worrying about HIM wasn't getting ME to the places I wanted to be.

- I wanted to eat, sleep and be healthier. So I did
- I wanted to to teach part-time, so I did.
- I wanted to study hotel and hospitality management, so I did
- I wanted to find a way to make more money, and be present with my son, so I did.

I wanted to be and do more things for myself, without worrying about what he thinks, so I did. And I'm so fu***ng glad I did.

Now, I worry less about what he spends his money on. I worry less about when he comes home after work, I worry less about him because....

If he cared enough, he would...

I'm not saying our relationship is perfect, it's far from it. But we've made some outstanding changes in our relationship, from the time we first met, to this very day.

I'm so glad he puts up with me, my dreams, and my attitude 😂

Moral of the story whānau. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing wrong, and start living the life YOU want to. Otherwise you're gonna get left behind.

That's facts

KEEPING YOUR WHY AT THE FOREFRONT OF YOUR WHAKAARO...This week, I made the courageous leap to start going LIVE, to share...


This week, I made the courageous leap to start going LIVE, to share insights on why we chose the affiliate marketing space, and how it's benefited us from the time we began, to this very day.

I'm ngl, I've actually been thinking about this for the last few months, but I never got around to it because I was too worried about what other people thought of me.


That's the problem for most people looking to take a risk. They worry or care too much about someone else's opinion on the things they love to do. And when the opportunity suddenly arises...

BOOM 💥!!!

Ya missed your shot...


When you start to change your mindset, and start changing the way you speak to yourself, the process of doing the uncomfortable things, suddenly become comfortable.

I chose to shift my mindset towards my son.

- If I chickened out of doing the things I love, what would that be teaching him??
- If I chose not to do something because of someone else's opinion, what is that teaching him??

Then, I changed the way I spoke to myself

- Sis.... You're not doing this to please others, you're doing this for your son's future, your families future
- Sis.... Don't worry if no one is cheering, your number 1 cheerleader is watching you all the time.
- You don't have to be afraid anymore sis. Remember WHY you're doing this. YOU GOT THIS 🔥🔥🔥

And it's this shift in whakaaro that has given me more confidence to be and do better

So if you can feel those negative thoughts and feelings coming through, just remember to shift your mindset, speak more positively into yourself, and keep your reason why at the forefront of your whakaaro.

Watch the changes in your life when you do 🤍🤍




Here's something I've recently learnt...

First, if you search up online "working for money" do you know what comes up first?

Yes you've guessed it.... JOBS....

- Government jobs.

- Jobs that take up most of your time and energy.

- Jobs that don't pay you enough for your experience and expertise

- Jobs where you have to abide by someone else's rules

- Jobs that give you just enough to pay your weekly/monthly expenses.

Meanwhile, if you search up "having money work for you" what comes up?



Because everyone has been taught or trained to believe that going to school, getting the grades, and getting a job to live a steady life is the easier route, a lot of these people will shut off when they hear the topic of money-making being talked about, because it's TMI for them

According to them: you have to do this, this and this in order to get that, that and that. And they don't want to do all this work.

Meanwhile they're at their 9-5s putting in all this hard work, only to receive less than what they've worked?

So you would rather work for someone else to get paid $22.70+ an hour, than work on your own terms and get paid 3-5 figures per sale?

You would rather spend time at a place you barely like, over spending time anywhere in the world, whilst making a passive income online for yourself?

You would rather lose time to someone you barely know over the family you have always waiting for you at home?

Why are you living in fear? Come along for the adventure fam 🙌

Make it make sense to me, or I can show you how it can make more cents for you

DM me to learn how whānau 📥

LET'S SAY...You wanted to travel first class to a dream destination for the month. You wished so hard for this trip to h...


You wanted to travel first class to a dream destination for the month. You wished so hard for this trip to happen, but your fear of not having enough money, and lack of income streams has stopped you from pursuing it. Thus, leaving you wondering, and regretting the decisions you've chosen to make by not finding a way to make more money.


It's a common problem for many of us. We want this, this and this, and we do all we can to manifest, pray and hope. But somewhere deep down inside of us, there's this feeling of fear and worry that everything will go wrong, or won't work out like you hoped. And it's this feeling that stays more consistent than your thoughts of positivity. It hangs around like a bad virus.

HERE'S WHAT I RECOMMEND: to avoid losing hope in yourself

1️⃣ MAKE SURE YOU READ RICH DAD, POOR DAD. I've read sentences in this book over and over again, to really let them sink in, and help me with my business, and financial aspects.

2️⃣ GOOD KARMA COMES FROM THE GOOD CHOICES YOU MAKE. I was once a person who never believed in good karma until I received it myself. All because of the good choices I chose to make. Sometimes they come unexpectedly, but you'll feel the feeling of accomplishment when you've done something good. And really take it in, because you deserve what's coming your way.

3️⃣ KEEP TELLING YOURSELF HOW MUCH YOU DESERVE IT. You don't have to share with the world (each to their own), but tell yourself how much you deserve the holiday, or the clothes, the home, the car, whatever.... Don't worry about the "What if's?" and focus more on the "why not?".

4️⃣ BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. This is major, because this is where the fear slowly creeps in. For too long we've wanted others to believe in us, to believe that we deserve something, and forgetting that we are our own cheerleaders, our own biggest supporters, our own number 1 fans. We are our own critics, and the best advice comes from ourselves, so why not believe in that?


ARE YOU LOOKING TO GET RICH QUICK?Too bad... Because the world just doesn't work like that. However, I'm not saying ther...


Too bad... Because the world just doesn't work like that. However, I'm not saying there is no way to get rich, I'm just saying that getting rich QUICK is impossible

Most people jump into this space looking for a way to get $$$ quicker than they do their weekly paychecks. But that's not the case.

It's taken time to learn, to perfect (in your own way), and to get used to a new way of working

I've been in the game for 8 months now, and I'm still not as rich as I'd hoped when I first came through. And that's okay...

Whilst being in this space, I've become richer in different aspects of this journey.

- I'm richer in brothers and sisters who are supportive in every way.
- I'm richer in knowledge, because I immerse myself in our education platform and reach out to other courses and trainings on offer within our collective.
- I'm richer in self-worth, like my confidence is slowly coming back, and loving on myself is key to a happier, healthier ME

And that's on NOT GIVING UP...

8 months of not being poor, and I've got my whole life to go.

Would you like to come for the ride?? DM me for more....

The way you think has an important effect on the way you feel and how you will act.Have you ever experienced a moment in...

The way you think has an important effect on the way you feel and how you will act.

Have you ever experienced a moment in your life where you've told someone about some important news, and you KNOW what they're thinking by the way they express themselves??

I'll give you an example...

My partner decides to tell me out of the blue that he and his workmates are going on a fishing trip within the next couple weeks.

Now... Without saying anything, my partner knew what I was thinking and how I was feeling because of the way I expressed myself. I distanced myself from him, and didn't look at him anymore. The note in my voice changed, and the look on my face went from 😍 to 😒 real quick. He knew instantly that I was upset...

But he gave me time to sit in that whakaaro and ponder on some things (and ponder I did)...

As an analytical thinker, I thought about the idea, I weighed out the pro's and cons, and to my surprise, the pro's outweighed the cons. It was in this moment I knew, I had to suck it up and let him go and have fun with his friends (not that he needs my permission).

Suddenly my attitude changed. I was more calm, I was accepting of the situation, and in the end I was happy. I was happy for him to be going out with his friends for the day, and I was happy with myself for being more aware of my thoughts.

The point is..... Be aware of your thoughts, and how you express yourself, because people are watching. They can see, and they can tell. But don't let your thoughts weigh them down as well.

He kai mo te whakaaro 🍎

Me: *steps into my 2.0 self*Also me: *excited to step into my 3.0 self*Here's to a new chapter in my life. The chapter o...

Me: *steps into my 2.0 self*
Also me: *excited to step into my 3.0 self*

Here's to a new chapter in my life. The chapter of self-love & self-discovery



It's all in the manifestation baby!

But manifest with intention, don't just say the words for willy-nilly...

- Don't just say them to cross it off your to-do list

Manifest with intention

BELIEVE and you shall RECEIVE 🕯️

It is recommended that you read through the exercise before you try it outTry this exercise for a few minutes each week ...

It is recommended that you read through the exercise before you try it out

Try this exercise for a few minutes each week until you start noticing results for yourself.

Be sure to notice the way your body shifts, your smile lifts, the way you breathe, and the way your eyes glisten more.

Mind: "But what if I fail?"Heart: "Sis...... But what if you fly?"LoL who else has had this type of conversation with th...

Mind: "But what if I fail?"
Heart: "Sis...... But what if you fly?"

LoL who else has had this type of conversation with themselves?

There are too many opportunities people have missed throughout their lives. While their heart yearns for growth, for success, for adventure, for risk, the mind is always 1 step behind saying "What if?"

The mind will say....
"What if I can't?"
"What if I fail?"
"What if I fall?
"What if I regret it?"

Meanwhile the heart will reply...
"You will never know until you try"

One simple answer for 100 different questions. Why is that not enough for you?

Dig deep whānau cause I know I'm not the only one who has thought "what if?" and missed the opportunity that I felt would benefit me in the long-run.

Things I wish I knew as a SAHMGoing through the motions of motherhood is completely normal.Here are some reminders for o...

Things I wish I knew as a SAHM

Going through the motions of motherhood is completely normal.

Here are some reminders for our seasoned māmā, and some updates for our first-time māmā. Also very helpful tips for our pāpā as well.

ALWAYS REMEMBER...When you're so deep in giving your love, time and attention to others, always remember to do the same ...


When you're so deep in giving your love, time and attention to others, always remember to do the same for yourself

Take care of you first, and the rest will fall into place




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