Secret of the Dragon Emperor - Session 3 - The adventure unfolds
Leanara asks the group to take on quite the quest, and with 50gp being paid for obtaining the first they head off to do some shopping. That's right! It's a shopping episode!
Secret of the Dragon Emperor - Session 2 - Outskirt Village
After a troubling encounter on Kummer Mountain, the group rests up before heading down into the Misty Vale. Upon reaching Outskirt Village the group head to the Three Stags for a drink and information about the town.
Secret of the Dragon Emperor - Session 1 - Atop the Kummer Mountains
Mallory leads Digby, Wilggis, and Christoff across the Kummer Mountains towards the Misty Vale when a pained voice is heard up ahead. Instantly on guard the players slowly approach the injured man.
Secret of the Dragon Emperor - Session 0 - Meet the group.
It's character creation time! Before we start our Secret of the Dragon Emperor playthrough we thought it was best to get together, create some characters, understand a bit more of the Dragonbane system, and prepare for the road ahead.Introducing Reagan as the Dungeonkeeper, Reece as Wilggis, Adam as Christoff, Shanon as Digby, and new addition Moj as Mallory.
Kalderra’s Call - Session 16 - Saying goodbye to Kalderra.
The party find a possessed Harry standing at the void, protected by animated rocks, casting magic into it. Will the full power of Aristal be released? Can Harry be saved? Will our adventurers survive?
Kalderra’s Call - Session 15 - Goodbye Harry.
The adventurers step into the cathedral area of the cave beneath Kalderra to find Harry, smiling, content, and seconds away from disappearing under the surface of Aristal's pure magic.
Kalderra’s Call - Session 14 - Aristal’s fury rises.
With the town distracted, Aristal's fury can be felt everywhere. Anger rises as the party lose control and head out to find Harry before he does anything stupid.
Kalderra’s Call - Session 3 - Arriving at Kalderra.
Guided by an unknown force, the party head further into the forest, stumble upon another strange group of creatures, and stumble upon a village hidden away from the outside world: Kalderra.
Kalderra’s Call - Session 2 - Looking for a way out.
A roar from deeper within the caves and stone monsters blocking their exit, the crew desperately look for a way out. Also, a single hit drops one of the crew into a dying state.
Kalderra’s Call - Session 0 - A new start.
We sit down and discuss what to expect from the upcoming homebrew campaign and introduce new characters: Beeko, Lovejoy, and Gilded Golddong (or something)
Curse of Strahd - Episode 98 - The End.
Miraqen's death shocks the group, and Strahd looks to finish the team with his next moves. How will this all end in the final session of our Curse of Strahd playthrough.
Curse of Strahd - Episode 97 - A death in the party.
With Izek and Rahadin all but taken care of, Strahd joins the fight and shows that he's more than enough of a match for the group.