Brannvan Gnanalingam launch
Today we've got a Brannavan in his third Wellington event for The Life and Opinions of Kartik Popat. Here's a GIF of the first, the launch, while the second was a Litcrawl session with Linda Clark. Today's is at 1230 at Unity Books Wellington and will go for around 45 minutes including time for questions... see ya there!
We have a new bestselling title of all time! Watch as the previous bestseller hands over a gold copy of Turncoat to our new bestseller, Tīhema Baker!
Book binding Alice Tawhai novel at Rebel Press
We weren't sure how releasing a book at the end of the year would go, but thanks to some online hype, we've just printed our second batch of Alice Tawhai's 'Aljce in Therapy Land'. Check the video for the crux of how we make these books - yeah, not exactly letterpress, but not the most modern tech either... kind of a 1990s vibe.
And voilà! Alice Tawhai’s Aljce in Therapy Land goes through Bindey. Production full steam ahead - we’ll have copies for distribution soon.
Sprigs goes Gold!
You've heard of a Gold Record, but what about a Gold Novel? Last night we presented Brannavan Gnanalingam with a gold copy of Sprigs to mark it being our best selling book of all time!
Rhydian Thomas introduces Milk Island at the book's launch
Rhydian introduces Milk Island in his own words at the launch Thursday June 1 at Pegasus Books Wellington.