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Transpower says focusing on why a power pylon fell over, cutting power to thousands of Northland properties, is "specula...

Transpower says focusing on why a power pylon fell over, cutting power to thousands of Northland properties, is "speculation" and "extraordinarily unhelpful" while crews are still working to fully restore electricity.

Many Northland locals spent the night in the dark after the fallen pylon cut power to nearly 100,000 properties.

Transpower is refusing to answer why a pylon tower fell over because it says its complete focus is on installing a temporary tower to fully restore power to Northland.

A nurse union has claimed Te Whatu Ora is freezing the hiring of graduate nurses into the hospital system.However, in a ...

A nurse union has claimed Te Whatu Ora is freezing the hiring of graduate nurses into the hospital system.

However, in a statement Health New Zealand/Te Whatu Ora's chief nurse Nadine Gray said there was no recruitment pause.

One nursing student says the mixed messages are making things worse.

  A number of heavy rain watches are in place around the motu on Thursday.

A number of heavy rain watches are in place around the motu on Thursday.

Thursday and Friday looking soggy for many parts of the country.

  A report has found a dodgy door latch was likely responsible for a fatal helicopter crash near Wānaka in 2018, that ki...

A report has found a dodgy door latch was likely responsible for a fatal helicopter crash near Wānaka in 2018, that killed three men.

Pilot Nick Wallis and DOC rangers Paul Hondelink, and Scott Theobold died in the crash.

Mōrena, ko te Rāpare tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, an investigation into the rural banking sector is to be launched...

Mōrena, ko te Rāpare tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, an investigation into the rural banking sector is to be launched, we hear from from Finance Minister Nicola Willis, thousands of first-home buyers who bought at the peak of the market now own properties worth less than they paid for them, and we preview the Black Caps must win game against the West Indies 🏏

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RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  New Zealand risks joining the "camp of climate denialists" with a massive bill for emissions at an international level...

New Zealand risks joining the "camp of climate denialists" with a massive bill for emissions at an international level, Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick says.

"The science does tell us that we do need to de-intensify," the Green Party says.

  Rangers are using wolf decoys to scare Canada geese away from display gardens and popular picnic areas at the Christch...

Rangers are using wolf decoys to scare Canada geese away from display gardens and popular picnic areas at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.

Ranger are taking the cutouts around every day at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.

  Police have received emails, calls and visits from people claiming to have information about a missing man and his thr...

Police have received emails, calls and visits from people claiming to have information about a missing man and his three children after a reward was offered on Tuesday.

Officers are sifting through new potential leads after a $80,000 reward was announced.

Mōrena, ko te Rāapa tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, agriculture has been kept out of the Emissions Trading Scheme, we...

Mōrena, ko te Rāapa tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, agriculture has been kept out of the Emissions Trading Scheme, we hear from the Agriculture Minister, the Green Party and Federated Farmers, Fieldays begins in Waikato, and Air New Zealand are launching a new programme to get pilots into the skies.

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RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has defended his MP's use of housing allowances.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has defended his MP's use of housing allowances.

"That's not inappropriate." the prime minister says, defending his MP claiming more than $36,000 in housing allowances.

  At least six government agencies are now the focus of an independent inquiry triggered by claims Te Pāti Māori misused...

At least six government agencies are now the focus of an independent inquiry triggered by claims Te Pāti Māori misused census information.

At least six government agencies are now the focus of an independent inquiry triggered by claims Te Pāti Māori misused census information.

Mōrena, ko te Rātu tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon joins us to discuss the claims Te...

Mōrena, ko te Rātu tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon joins us to discuss the claims Te Pāti Māori misused census information, further strikes will impact Auckland's trains, and three young NZ mountain bikers have earned top spots at the downhill world cup.

Join us on 101fm 📻 or online 💻

RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  France's president says he's dissolving parliament and is calling for new elections, following the performance of the ...

France's president says he's dissolving parliament and is calling for new elections, following the performance of the far-right National Rally in the European elections.

European election polls show a historic win for Marine Le Pen's National Rally, which is on course to trounce Macron's party.

  The government will look at ways to set up long-term security for investors, when it recerses an oil and gas ban, the ...

The government will look at ways to set up long-term security for investors, when it recerses an oil and gas ban, the Resources Minister says.

Investors are still scared to get back into the market in the event of another ban.

Mōrena, ko te Rāhina tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, Resources Minister Shane Jones joins us to discuss moves to reve...

Mōrena, ko te Rāhina tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, Resources Minister Shane Jones joins us to discuss moves to reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration, there is a new name at the top of New Zealand's rich list, and we hear from a NZ kiteboarder ahead of the sports debut at the Paris Olympics.

Join us on 101fm 📻 or online 💻

RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  Corrections was ill-prepared and responded poorly to an "unprecedented" riot in which inmates feared they would be bur...

Corrections was ill-prepared and responded poorly to an "unprecedented" riot in which inmates feared they would be burned alive, the prison watchdog says.

With inmates trapped in their cells and the flames approaching, one prison staffer predicted they would be "dragging bodies out".

  An Auckland woman who lost the movement of her legs after inhaling nitrous oxide is urging the government to regulate ...

An Auckland woman who lost the movement of her legs after inhaling nitrous oxide is urging the government to regulate the retail supply of the gas.

Claudia, 24, said she was using nitrous oxide to numb the pain of a back injury and is now calling for law changes.

Mōrena, ko te Rāmere tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, the Government has promised $4 billion to fix and prevent pothol...

Mōrena, ko te Rāmere tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, the Government has promised $4 billion to fix and prevent potholes around the country, the corrections watchdog says NZ's worst prison riot could have been prevented, and Super Rugby finals are set to begin 🏉

Join us on 101fm 📻 or online 💻

RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  Lotto's jackpot has reached $50 million and it must be won this Saturday.

Lotto's jackpot has reached $50 million and it must be won this Saturday.

Once the jackpot reaches the $50m mark, under the rules it cannot be rolled again.

  Uber's rating system has revealed which New Zealand mayors have the best ratings for travel on council business.

Uber's rating system has revealed which New Zealand mayors have the best ratings for travel on council business.

One city's mayor has a perfect five stars.

  Official police data shows foot patrols in Auckland are down, not up.

Official police data shows foot patrols in Auckland are down, not up.

The number of foot patrols across the entire Auckland City police district dropped by 6 percent between October and April official police data shows.

Mōrena, ko te Rāpare tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, the Government is proposing changes to the Holidays Act, we get ...

Mōrena, ko te Rāpare tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, the Government is proposing changes to the Holidays Act, we get reaction, official police data shows foot patrols in Auckland are down, not up as claimed by the Police Minister, and it's 50 days until the Paris Olympics.

Join us on 101fm 📻 or online 💻

RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  A northern rātā, located near a cemetery in Karamea on the South Island's West Coast, has won the Tree of the Year awa...

A northern rātā, located near a cemetery in Karamea on the South Island's West Coast, has won the Tree of the Year award in a landslide victory.

A northern rātā located near a cemetery on the South Island's West Coast has won the Tree of the Year award in a landslide victory.

  Police Minister Mark Mitchell admits there is a "big problem" in central Auckland, but he said improvements had alread...

Police Minister Mark Mitchell admits there is a "big problem" in central Auckland, but he said improvements had already been seen.

Mark Mitchell admits there is a "big problem" in central Auckland as residents and businesses call for help.

Mōrena, ko te Rāapa tēnei.Coming up on Morning Report, Aucklanders have told Police Minister Mark Mitchell they don't fe...

Mōrena, ko te Rāapa tēnei.

Coming up on Morning Report, Aucklanders have told Police Minister Mark Mitchell they don't feel safe in the central city, we hear from the Police Minister as well as Labour Leader Chris Hipkins, the owners of Foodstuffs have voted to merge its North and South Island operations, and New Zealand's Tree of the Year is revealed 🌳

Join us on 101fm 📻 or online 💻

RNZ National’s flagship news programme known for breaking news stories, incisive interviews with politicians across the political spectrum and newsmakers and commentators from Aotearoa and around the world. There's a lot to talk about in the mornings and Morning Report is covering the stories that...

  ACC levies may need to be increased significantly to cover soaring costs the organisation is facing for rehabilitation...

ACC levies may need to be increased significantly to cover soaring costs the organisation is facing for rehabilitation services and an increase in serious injuries.

The Accident Compensation Corporation is facing a financial hole, with forecasts showing from October it will "no longer break even", according to internal sources.

  Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says the government is aiming to make an announcement on funding cancer drug treatmen...

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says the government is aiming to make an announcement on funding cancer drug treatments this year.

Cancer patients say they were devastated after missing out in the Budget, but the PM says a call on funding is coming "very shortly".

  Documents obtained by RNZ under the Official Information Act (OIA) show police estimate the harm from alcohol to be ab...

Documents obtained by RNZ under the Official Information Act (OIA) show police estimate the harm from alcohol to be about $7.8 billion a year, compared to $1.8 billion for illegal drugs.

Alcohol price hikes and tighter rules for bottle stores have been floated by the Police Commissioner to tackle an estimated $7.8b in harm.



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