In the last decade television has entered a golden era, filled with an array of talent previously reserved for film. Incredible writers such as Academy Award winner Alan Ball, legendary directors like Martin Scorsese and A-List actors including Sean Bean, Steve Buscemi and Kate Winslet are working on productions for the small screen. SoHo is delighted to be screening their efforts, many for the fi
rst time on New Zealand television. A partnership between SKY and HBO will see all new HBO dramas, comedies, films and mini-series screening on SoHo, together with programming from other like-minded networks from around the world. What all these productions have in common is compelling and provocative storylines, superb script writing and direction, and memorable and distinctive characters brought to life by the finest in award-winning acting talent. And all screening the way they were meant to be seen - uncut and uninterrupted. We encourage open participation in our communities and we welcome your posts and comments. It's important to respect others in the community and therefore we reserve the right to moderate any comments or posts that we consider to be abusive, offensive, spam, contain profanity or breach any industry codes of practice or guidelines. To protect your security and privacy, please do not share any personal, confidential or sensitive information when posting on social media. Check out our other pages: