Mana Moana

Mana Moana Mana Moana is a curated artist led collaboration between Māori and Pasifika artists

Ngā mihi Sinead Overbye for this article in The Post today for our launch tonight!

Ngā mihi Sinead Overbye for this article in The Post today for our launch tonight!

Today Ahi Kā, Mana Moana starts on the Wellington waterfront. Sinead Overbye takes a look at the immersive experience which includes fire, projections, kai and live performances.

.^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^ Featured for the first time in Pōneke after an amazing premiere in Ōtepoti ...


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Featured for the first time in Pōneke after an amazing premiere in Ōtepoti last year are two new films.

‘Te Rereka o te Toroa’ is a collaboration directed by Louise Pōtiki Bryant (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha) with matauranga and performance by Moana Wesley (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha, poetry by Ati Teepa (Kāi Tahu, Ngāi Tuhoe) and Paddy Free on sound. It tells a story of return; the feeling of returning to the place of our tīpuna. This is shared by the symbology of the arcing return of our largest sea bird, the Toroa (albatross). Carving our coast line with strength and majesty, when they leave, just like the stars of our new year, they always return.

‘Oku Kainga Te Moana’ by Ōtepoti Pasifika Arts Collective is a meditative film speaking to a sense of belonging when that concept flows across the moana. Pip Laufiso and Dr Irene Karongo Hundleby led the project with twenty local Pasifika artists from Tokelau, Cooks Islands, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji honouring the traditions that have found home across the sea and the importance of celebrating them.

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> • < > • < > • < > • < Pasifika Voices  is a collection of work responding to the call of 1.5 (degrees Celsius) to stay...

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Pasifika Voices is a collection of work responding to the call of 1.5 (degrees Celsius) to stay alive.

Three new films were made for COP28, the UN climate change conference in Dubai last November.

This is the first time they will play on the water and offer these incredible messages to te moana nui a kiwa to take our ‘ofa, alofa, loloma, aloha, aroha, across the vā.

Anonomouz has created a phenomenal music video in response to Audrey Brown-Pereira’s poem ‘They taking picture of us in the water’. It is an example of the Pasifika community of creatives from hip hop artists, poets and dancers coming together to raise the global consciousness on the impacts of climate change on our Pacific people.

Kanak poet Déwé Gorodé is honoured in ‘Writing’ on the importance of the interconnectedness of our environment with our humanity. Conceived and directed by Nicolas Molé in collaboration with Paul Wamo Taneisi on sound design, music and performance by Lucile Bambridge.

Its message is clear: that our past is a blueprint for our present and future generations. An important piece to tautoko our Kanaky whānau.

Cry Sis is the weaving of intellect and wisdom through the beautiful words of Rotuman poet Ruby Macomber. Moving from beaches to the streets in protest, her lilting words remind us that tears are a language we all speak, that the moana speaks too.

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•  x  •  x  •  x  •  x  •‘An Activation, the Mokopuna Addition’ is a new work inspired by Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a heal...

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‘An Activation, the Mokopuna Addition’ is a new work inspired by Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a healing framework. June Nicklin, Reuben Nicklin (Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngā Tokorima a Hinemanuhiri, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa) are directing and filming this activation with sound by Jerome Kavanagh Poutama (Ngāti Maniapoto - Matakore, Mōkai Pātea, Kahungunu, Ngāti Rangi -Awa Whanganui, Ngāti Tūwharetoa). The imagery of tamariki at the shore centre the importance of their future in all our decisions. ‘Tino rangatiratanga will never be removed from the bones of our people’ says Nicklin, and she wants this piece to centre tangata whenua in the intergenerational healing of being te tiriti led now and in the future.

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Wellington City Council

Puoro Jerome

Tēnei Te Otinga Tū!x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ngā Uki o te Mounga is an intergenerational poi-man...

Tēnei Te Otinga Tū!

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Ngā Uki o te Mounga is an intergenerational poi-manu group from Taranaki Whānui who celebrate their 100 year anniversary.

Kura Puke (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Tawhirikura) and Kurt Komene (Taranaki, Ngāti Tawhirikura), with other ahi-kaa to perform a new waiata, Tēnei Te Otinga Tū.

The song, the poi, the drum, the puoro, karanga and karakia combined with the visualisations of the poi-manu, and of the audio frequencies through water, brings together the energetic and rhythmic subtleties of the taiao, of the people and the teachings passed down from their tupuna.

Puke states that the intention of this work is to embody and communicate the ‘reverberations of peace, connection and collective action to envisioning wellbeing for all.’

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Image of Dianne Andrews.

Wellington City Council

x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x  xPremiering on the water screen as part of Mana Moana this Puanga Matariki is ‘Te Aho Tuh...

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Premiering on the water screen as part of Mana Moana this Puanga Matariki is ‘Te Aho Tuhura’ by Maija Stephens.

This work is guided by Hine Turama; atua of stars and Hineteiwaiwa; atua of weaving, cycles of the moon, and childbirth.

Maija explores through them the concept of weaving light, representing the mauri or life that pulsates from both terrestrial and celestial beings.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x‘Ko te wai te ara tūhonohono i ngā iwi...

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‘Ko te wai te ara tūhonohono i ngā iwi o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa’

It is the water that connects the people of the Pacific. We should not be defined by the smallness of our islands but in the greatness of our oceans. We are the sea, we are the ocean. Oceania is us.
— Professor Epeli Hau’ofa

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Join us this Puanga Matariki to remember those we have lost, to reflect on where we are through the tohu of our taiao, and to send our wishes for the future through our stories from Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, cast onto the water screen in Whairepo lagoon, Te Whanganui a Tara.

We have nine art films to premiere here on the moana from the 15th of June through the season of Puanga and Matariki celebrations each weekend to the 30th.

This image is from Takaroa, a poem by Arihia Latham (Kāi Tahu , Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha) visual art by Jess Hinerangi (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine) and soundscape by Ruby Solly (Kāi Tahu , Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha).

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Cry Sis is an aching reflection from the young and important voice of Rotuman poet Ruby Macomber. ‘Sis I am scared, the ...

Cry Sis is an aching reflection from the young and important voice of Rotuman poet Ruby Macomber.

‘Sis I am scared, the turtles who knew my ancestor’s bodies so well will not find a home close enough to the coast to recognise mine’


Poetry written & Performed by Ruby Macomber
Aunty Selina Alefosio
Creative Directors Rachael Rakena & Michael Bridgman
Music and Sound Design Laughton Kora
Director of Photography Pikihuia Haenga-Little
Gaffer Mark Papalii
Production Manager Andrew Croot
Edited by Andrew Suzuki
Compositing Sam Harris
Sound Engineering Tiki Taane

Cry Sis is the weaving of intellect and wisdom through the beautiful words of Ruby Macomber. The insightful voice of a new generation that has a gentle yet

.Pasifika Voices is a collection of artistic poetry video works responding to this call of 1.5 to stay alive. The filmic...


Pasifika Voices is a collection of artistic poetry video works responding to this call of 1.5 to stay alive. The filmic works embody indigenous storytelling that demand our attention and request action by enabling critical discussion of positive relationships with our environment.

Cry Sis is the weaving of intellect and wisdom through the beautiful words of Rotuman poet Ruby Macomber. This film spans across untouched beaches to climate protests, turtles swimming through the moana to Macomber massaging her Aunty’s shoulders at the shore. The play on words speaks to the tears of sadness that meet the ocean in this climate crisis.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^This colab has been fire. Showcasing so much Pasifika power at COP28 is a dream. ‘THEY TAKING PIC...

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This colab has been fire. Showcasing so much Pasifika power at COP28 is a dream.


Poetry Written & Performed By Audrey Brown-Pereira
Creative Producers: 37 Hz
Creative Director, Music Producer, Audio Mix, Camera & Video Editor: Anonymouz (Faiumu Matthew Salapu).
Production Manager, Lighting & Camera Assist: Lowtrack4 (Areta Tanoa’i).
Producer & Site Manager: Tiumalu Noma Sio.
Wardrobe & Choreographer: Luisa P**a.
Drone Footage: Incredible Images.
Female Taupou Traditional Dancer: Melania Agaimalo.
Contemporary Male Dancer: Happy Feet (John Vaifale).
Traditional Fire Dancers: Wahine Toa Siva Afi (Hadassah Tagoa’i-Vaoa, Emillie Pritchard-Lovett).
Graffiti Feature: Monty Collins (Fdkns).
Cultural Support: Aupito Su’a William Sio.
Production Support: Malachi Filipo Bourke, Jaé-Vou P**a, Julia P**a & Waka Tate.
Featured Track Vocalists: Rizván, Snare, Sven Illy, Judah Kidd, Illseff, Snowman
Video Extras: Ark, Jsas, Arcadiah & Skylahr Faiumu
Track Dj Scratches: Dj Al Goodie
Additional Camera: Jordan Kwan
Additional Mix & Master - Jacob Rush (Big Pop Studios)

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It takes a village to raise a child and this version of Audrey Brown-Pereira’s poem “they taking picture of us in the water” is such an example of the





The poem ‘Writing’ is a gift to help navigate the lessons of our past, for our present and future generations on the importance of the interconnectedness of

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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x x xNgā mihi maioha ki a koutou, malo ‘aupito, fa...

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Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou, malo ‘aupito, fa’afetai tele lava, fakafetai, vinaka, meitaki ma'ata, mahalo nui loa, fakaaue lahi, māuruuru roa, tagio baita!

We are so grateful to you all for gathering with us at the moana this Puanga Matariki.

The art films shared this year are taonga from many artists across Te Moana Nui a Kiwa.

They are steeped in indigenous knowledge, ceremony and story. They invited us to understand, grieve, connect, celebrate, share and take action for our planet.

THANK YOU to all our artists and to all of you that took the time to connect with the mana of these stories on the moana.

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Ōtepoti Pasifika Arts Collective have made a beautiful heartfelt new work for Mana Moana Ōtepoti, due to premiere tonight. Titled Oku Kainga te Moana, the collective have gathered to tell a collective and inclusive story. This video is from last night’s testing as some of them gathered to see it on the waterscreen for the first time.

Mana Moana Ōtepoti mihi and karakia is at 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start

.   <   .^.   >   . The Ōtepoti Pasifika Arts Collective officially formed in 2022  though their output has informally b...

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The Ōtepoti Pasifika Arts Collective officially formed in 2022 though their output has informally been with us as part of the rich community of Polyfest, started 30 years ago this year.

Ōku Kāinga Te Moana is a new collaborative film made by the collective which has twenty local Pasifika members from Tokelau, Cooks Islands, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji.

This work is about the sense of home. Centred on family experiences and expressions of Pasifika identity and the relationship with the concept of home here where Te Moananui a Kiwa laps at our shores whispering warm island stories to us in the south with its long stretches of coast buffeted by bitter cold wind and snow.

What stories are called in return? The songs, adornments and traditions that remind each tagata Pasifika of home soothe during times of grief and loss for both people and places as climate change threatens many islands.

‘Those that we lost are going home to our people, to our ancestors and our oceanic heavens.’

Project Navigators
Pip Laufiso
Irene Karongo Hundleby

Videography Navigators
Marisiale Tunoka - Director / Editor
Nikolao Cockerell - Videography / Editor
Kellee Laufiso-Finau - Editor
Music Soundtrack Navigators
Irene Karongo Hundleby - Composer / Musician
Hiliako Iaheto - Composer / Musician
Nikolai Talamahina - Composer / Musician
David Craig - Sound Engineer
Arts Navigators
Ana Teofilo - Title Artwork & Artist in scenes
Mike Bridgman - Animated Graphics
Corinne Hundleby - Solomon Islands Grief Dancer
Pesamino Mona Tili - Choreographer / Tautai
Therese Tili - Samoan Siva Dancer
Mrs Nele Tili - Costume Dresser
Tili Family - Family in Scenes
Kimi Laufiso - Project Connector
Lah Laufiso - Production
Music Navigators:
Pesamino Mona Tili - Conch
Le Apatonga Drums
Mariana Dean
Teira Dean
Elisaia Dean
Ioabarahi Dean-Harris
Taiarahi Dean
Tony Henry
Maakarini Butler
'Koile ~ Love is an Ocean
Reipae Laufiso Cassidy
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.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .^I^ ^I^ ^I^ ^I^ Mana Moana is arriving in Ōtepoti this Puaka Matariki weekend 5.30-8.30pm on...

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Mana Moana is arriving in Ōtepoti this Puaka Matariki weekend 5.30-8.30pm on Friday 14th-Sunday 16th at Steamer Basin.

As mana whenua, Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe and Waitaha have always upheld kaitiakitaka for our moana. Our creation stories speak of Takaroa being the first love of Papatūānuku. Ōtakou and Puketeraki runaka alongside Dunedin City Council have continued this awhi and funded bringing Mana Moana to Ōtepoti for its second year.

Premiering is a beautiful new work Te Rereka o Te Toroa. This collaboration is directed by Louise Pōtiki Bryant (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha) with Moana Wesley (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha) and Ati Teepa (Kāi Tahu, Ngāi Tuhoe) and tells a story of returning. Our largest sea bird, the Toroa (albatross) is steeped in symbology. Carving our coast line with strength and majesty, when they leave, just like the stars of our new year, they always return.

‘Hoki wairua mai
I ruka i te rau o aroha
Ki kā rau Toroa’

Ati Teepa writes of his return to Ōtākou, bringing the spirit of his Tāua home with his love, returning as if on the feathers of the Toroa.

We look forward to sharing this with you all as the stars also return this Puaka Matariki. . . . . . . . . .
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. Maringiringi Ai Te Wai premieres this Puanga Matariki in Te Whanganui a Tara. A ceremonial song and dance expression, ...


Maringiringi Ai Te Wai premieres this Puanga Matariki in Te Whanganui a Tara.

A ceremonial song and dance expression, a pulsating karanga, this work is beseeching humanity to reset, to care for each other and the taiao (environment).

From Te Tai Rāwhiti and Te Matau a Māui, the recent weather events have hugely impacted the artists living on and restoring the whenua.

Connecting with the ancestral lineage of tohunga Ruawharo and the legacy of the mauri of Ngaheru-mai-Tawhiti; ‘Taipōrutu - He Tangi’ accompanies the work as a lament to the whenua and moana; the damage from forestry slash; and subsequent destruction of the land, waterways and marine wildlife.

Maringiringi Ai Te Wai is an urgent call for change, emphasizing the need for immediate action to address the pressing environmental issues.

Wānanga hosted by mana whenua knowledge holder Dr Mere Whaanga (Taipōrutu, Te Māhia-mai-Tawhiti) led the beautiful work that evolved by Terri Ripeka Crawford (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngai Tūhoe), Desna Whaanga-Schollum (Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pāhauwera), Rhonda Tibble (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and Ngāti Kahungunu), Taane Mete (Ngāti Kahungunu me Ngāti Koroki Kahukura), Pikihuia Haenga Little (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Porou), Laughton Kora (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Pūkeko) and Mike Bridgman (Tonga).

We hold the grief and challenge of this piece on the water with aroha and gratitude.


We have just hit render 😅 on the final show file for Mana Moana Pōneke that will launch at 6pm tonight.

Nau mai, haere mai!

You are warmly invited to join us at 5.30pm on the Whairepo Lagoon waterfront for our launch speeches and karakia.

We have a guest speaker, poet Okalani Mariner, has just flown in from Samoa for the event. She is here to repesent Pacifika Voices, and our Special Curator Poetry for this collection of works, Audrey Brown-Pereira, and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme - SPREP who commissioned this series.

The show is 35 minutes in duration and will repeat from 6pm until 9pm.

And check out the awesome article Arihia wrote in the Dom Post today:īkoi-toi-stories-carry-the-mana-of-the-moana-at-puanga-matariki?fbclid=IwAR0eA-SJgC6xt5k3sPcbi1EaCplcZwR5FTf7nR-zQVAmq-zd3ileWLAUENY_aem_AaQc-6BjW7Le54-kOqWBmMiPhJikCiueGgzSuOb0GoNEq5J576GQWNccmqqsDbPxFy0

Okalani Mariner’s poetry during our test night on the waterscreen below


The Post arts feature today about our mahi toi launching tonight at Whairepo Lagoon in Pōneke. Ngā mihi!

.x x x x x x x x x x xTe Āti Awa me Taranaki Whānui katoa with Ngāti Toa Rangatira hold mana whenua here in Te Whanganui...

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Te Āti Awa me Taranaki Whānui katoa with Ngāti Toa Rangatira hold mana whenua here in Te Whanganui a Tara. Innately the mana of the land is in direct relationship to the mana of the moana. Ko tēnei he mihi ki a koutou mo tērā kaitiakitanga ia rā, ia rā.

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Puehu Te One, Pakini Te One is a new work from mana whenua artists directed by Kura Puke (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Tawhirikura), taking inspiration from Tākina composed by Kura Moeahu (Te Kāhui Maunga, Te Āti Awa, Ngā Ruahine, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Tama, Taranaki Tuturu, Ngāti Toa) working alongside the local Poi Manu, Pūha Rikiriki. Tākina is a karakia and waiata-poi performed to engage and acknowledge the power of te hau ō Tāwhirimātea the renowned winds of Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Through the metaphor of particles of dust, Tākina breathes life through the interconnection of elements and people.

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We can’t wait to see this story connect with the moana tomorrow night.

Karakia at 5.30pm
Premiere screening at 6pm, Whairepo Lagoon.

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Kura Puke
Wellington City Council

.              ><The mana of the moana is honoured in  our mahi toi by ensuring the filmic artworks uphold the mauri, th...


The mana of the moana is honoured in our mahi toi by ensuring the filmic artworks uphold the mauri, the incredible force that is the ocean.


The call of belonging, care, and our hopes for the future resonate in the molecules of water, sending them across the Pacific, reaching through the vā, reminding us all of our collective responsibility and connection.


We made Mana MoanaPasifika Voices 2022 initially to travel to be screened during the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) COP-27 in Egypt and other relevant climate change events. It was coordinated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and curated by the amazing Audrey Brown-Pereira.


This year at Puanga/ Puaka Matariki will be the first time these stories get to touch the water. It feels like a returning home for them and we can’t wait to see them come alive on the moana.


Special Curator - Audrey Brown-Pereira, Directors / Mana Moana Curators - Rachael Rakena and Michael Bridgman, Music Director - Laughton Kora.


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With the full power of this Rakaunui phase of the Pipiri mārama, Mana Moana launches our 2023 programme.^Come gather at ...

With the full power of this Rakaunui phase of the Pipiri mārama, Mana Moana launches our 2023 programme.


Come gather at the water's edge, to share in the mana of Pacific stories as we welcome Puanga/ Puaka and Matariki in our skies.


Launching at both Whairepo lagoon Pōneke and Steamer Basin Ōtepoti, each harbour will hold its own programme of short artfilms, created by collaborations both locally and across the moana.


Māori and Pacific filmic artworks are infused with the mauri of the water screen they are projected on.


Come and engage in the beauty and the challenge of collective narratives in action.


Whairepo Lagoon,
Pōneke 1st-16th July


Steamer Basin, Ōtepoti
14th-16th July.

Still image from new international artist Bracken Hanuse Corlett.

Ngā mihi nui! To everyone who submitted feedback of support for taking Mana Moana to the next stage. 💙💙💙Featured here: T...

Ngā mihi nui! To everyone who submitted feedback of support for taking Mana Moana to the next stage. 💙💙💙

Featured here: Te Mauri
By Kura Puke, Stuart Foster, Kurt Komene and Hinemoa Waikerepuru


💙💙💙 We're now entering our 5th year of Mana Moana.

💙 70 artists have collaborated (poets, dancers, musicians, visual artists, performers, animators, graphic, video, etc) + production teams, in 13 countries/island states across Te Moana nui a Kiwa.

💙 35 artworks have been commissioned and screened.

💙 4 Public water screen seasons, Mana Moana Pōneke, have been produced for Matariki Pōneke 2019, 2021, 2022, (Whairepo Lagoon, Wellington Waterfront), 2020 was postponed to Nov due to covid.

💙 1 Public water screen season, Mana Moana Ōtepoti, for Puaka Matariki in Ōtepoti 2022, (Steamer Basin, Dunedin Waterfront)

💙 A Māori TV short documentary series, Mana Moana, with 4 episodes, was made in 2020, based on interviews with the first group of Mana Moana artists.

💙 Our Mana Moana Digital Ocean, an immersive 3D bilingual website (Covid version), was created and launched online for Matariki, 2020.

💙 Nuit Blanche, Toronto - online event (Covid version), 2021 and Public water screen season, Mana Moana Toronto, 2022.

💙 2 three-day Wānanga – online, Feb 2021, and Wellington, June 2021

💙 2 five-week Mana Moana / Te Whare Hērā artist residencies, 2021

💙 2 Pacific Voices poetry collections led by two Special Curators have been created to amplify and support the Pacific to drive global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Screened by SPREP in the Pacific Blue Pavilion at COP26 Glasgow, 2021 and COP27, Egypt, 2022 during the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)

💙 1 Book has been published, 'Pacific Voices', for SPREP, 2022

💙 Our website and social media accounts have been created to document and share the project

💙 Partners, sponsors and funders have supported the project, Creative New Zealand, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme - SPREP, Wellington City Council, Dunedin City Council, Te Wharewaka o Poneke, The Space Between Us, Te Whare Hēra, Dive Otago, Nuit Blanche Toronto, Vanishing Point Studio, Manatoa Productions, Storybox and Toi Rauwhārangi Massey University.

💙💙💙 much appreciation to everyone who has contributed to this kaupapa - ngā mihi aroha x

Kia ora koutou, if you were looking forward to seeing our collection of Mana Moana and Pacific Voices films at the Waita...

Kia ora koutou, if you were looking forward to seeing our collection of Mana Moana and Pacific Voices films at the Waitangi Whanau screening at Waitangi Park this evening in Wellington, we are disappointed to let you know the event has been cancelled due to weather... but glad Wellington City Council isn’t taking chances with the rain. We were looking forward to sharing our mahi and supporting the honouring of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ngā mihi

As COP27 closes we reflect on the work that is still to be done to fight climate change and it's impact. We hope that th...

As COP27 closes we reflect on the work that is still to be done to fight climate change and it's impact. We hope that the voices of the Pacific can be heard and acknowledged.

Here are some images from the Mana Moana Pacific Voices 2022 series screening in the Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion art COP 27.

For more information, all the videos in this series, artist bios and full credits, visit

Mana Moana Pasifika Voices is supported by Aotearoa New Zealand and coordinated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Mana Moana and
Storybox, with the support of Pacific Islands poets and artists, to amplify the Pacific voice at COP27. These videos have been developed to be screened during the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) COP-27 in Egypt and other relevant climate change events.
Mana Moana is a curated artist-led collaboration between Māori and Pasifika visual artists, musicians, writers and choreographers to produce short art films.

Special Curator - Audrey Brown-Pereira, Directors / Mana Moana Curators - Rachael Rakena and Michael Bridgman, Music Director - Laughton Kora.

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Rebecca Tobo Olul-Hossen brings vivid stories from Vanuatu on the impacts of climate change to the environment and our Pacific Island people. ‘a period on the world map fighting giants’ embodies the essence of why the Pacific islands are global leaders on fighting the impacts of climate change. Rebecca reminds us that no matter our size, climate change is not a matter of choice but one of survival, where every life is one worth saving.

Poetry & Performance by Rebecca Tobo Olul-Hossen. Sand Art by Matasangvul Hinge.
Special Curator - Poetry 2022 - Audrey Brown-Pereira
Directors / Mana Moana Curators - Rachael Rakena and Michael Bridgman
Music Director - Laughton Kora

For more information, all the videos in this series, artist bios and full credits, visit

Mana Moana Pasifika Voices is supported by Aotearoa New Zealand and coordinated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Mana Moana and Storybox, with the support of Pacific Islands poets and artists, to amplify the Pacific voice at COP27.

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