
Guided Your intuition holds the answers you seek. We are being gently guided by our inner wisdom.

What are oracle cards? The Intuition oracle card deck are simply a tool to help you to connect with yourself on a deeper...

What are oracle cards? The Intuition oracle card deck are simply a tool to help you to connect with yourself on a deeper level. You don't need any experience or 'gift' to use them. Simply shuffle the deck and ask for guidance. Then pull a card (or cards) to find some guidance. The card set comes with a small booklet to offer insight about each card or interrupt them yourself. What comes up when you pull out a card? Always follow your internal guidance, that deep knowledge we each hold within us. Use this to finder a deeper connection with yourself, your God and/or your spirituality.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Stunning! I love them! Ordered the Intuition Oracle Card Set in Feb for my birthday in April. They were better than I imagined! Incredible design and attention to detail with beautiful artwork and gold edges!!!! We use them every day in our household and they have been 100% spot on for us. Love these products and this business" - Amanda

With over 100 5-star reviews, if you are interested in increasing the strength and connection with your intuition then the card deck is for you!

Order today -


If you are interested in increasing the strength and connection with your intuition then this stunning book is for you! Or maybe this could be the perfect gift for someone you know looking to connect deeper with their inner wisdom.

This range is designed to help you connect more clearly with your source, your God, your spirituality and who you truly are. Use it to help reveal the deeper, truer you, and to connect at a soul level with all the knowledge of the universe that is held within you.

Order today at 👇👇👇

Three birds have come into my house today, so strange. That has never happened to me before. I just bought a new car on ...

Three birds have come into my house today, so strange. That has never happened to me before. I just bought a new car on Friday and was hit by a lady Saturday morning. First car accident I have ever been in, so strange. I asked the deck today for guidance and pulled out SHADOW SELF.

It said facing our shadow self is arduous work and, as you step in, your world can seem to unravel. You might find yourself asking, 'Why did I go there? What have I done? but know this work must be completed in order to embrace yourself fully. WOW! There will be light again. You can accept and hold both sides close. You will be whole.

This card is about a time for discovery. Embracing the light and the dark in you. The flaws, the faults, the edginess, the crazinesss, the dark. These parts are as much part of what make you truly amazing and unique. Stop denying the wholeness of yourself. Embrace yourself fully.

Does this resonate with you today? Do you accept yourself completely?

From the Intuition card deck available at 👇👇👇

This card asks ... could your life be simpler? Could you strip back the complexities that can create drama and difficult...

This card asks ... could your life be simpler? Could you strip back the complexities that can create drama and difficulties? Balance is needed now. Simplicity brings balance.

Today's guidance ...what comes up for you when you see this amazing illustration? For me, I see the earth within me. I am part of the earth and part of everything. This card is a sign to connect again with nature. You are being called home, to connect back to the forests and animals, where you truly belong, where everything is connected and where the life force comes from. Nature nourishes us.

Seek the trees if you need to reconnect with what is really important to you. In silence beneath a tree, breathe in the life force and search for answers. How can you simplify your life? What is important and what can fall away? What needs to change?

This is from the Intuition card set available to order here 👇👇

This resonates deeply with me today. I am in a new space where I have more freedom to create again, to connect again. It...

This resonates deeply with me today. I am in a new space where I have more freedom to create again, to connect again. It is exciting what may channel through me with this new space I have created. How does this card sit with you today? Bex

Today's guidance ... FREEDOM ...boundless energy, light and love. We are being guided and protected. Our soul yearns for freedom to walk lightly on this Earth - so lightly that we almost lift off. That sense of freedom, of boundless energy which wants to burst from within, wants us to soar.

This freedom comes from a place of unattachment to things, to places, to others. This freedom understands that everything is one. Everything is energy. This freedom allows us to unburden ourselves from worries that weigh us down. Free yourself from your mind. Release yourself fromt he thoughts that keep you captive. Time to soar!

This is from the Intuition oracle card set available at


Do you actively take time to tune into your inner guidance, your inner wisdom? That voice within you, trying to help guide you, if only you would listen. Try the 7-Day Intuition challenge. Pull a card from our stunning Intuition oracle deck for a message at the start of each day. Give yourself 5-10 minutes to sit with the message and see where that takes you. See if you start hearing or seeing the messages from within.

The intuition range can be found on our website -

I have avoided taking a leap of faith in my business, because it felt safe to stay the same. To try something different ...

I have avoided taking a leap of faith in my business, because it felt safe to stay the same. To try something different is risky. What if I fail? What is it is a disaster? What if, what if... Today, I pulled this card, after taking a huge leap of faith last week with a big change up in my business. This card is telling me to step out into the unknow, with the belief that God or the Universe is working for me. Sometimes the path isn't clear but we just need to keep walking. Handing over the worries and fears that hold us back. Nothing is certain. Time to leap!

Does this resonate with you today?

Bex 💜

This is from our intuition range which is all about helping you to tune into your inner guidance. We have a stunning oracle deck of cards or you can opt for the book. Find out more on the website -

Today I pulled this card as guidance. I hope it helps you too.  OBSERVER -  Step back and notice!You are both an observe...

Today I pulled this card as guidance. I hope it helps you too. OBSERVER - Step back and notice!

You are both an observer and a participant in your life. To be the observer, you must step back and start observing your behaviour, your thoughts and all that you do.

This is a time to really start noticing – noticing your thoughts; noticing what you are consuming; noticing how you are spending your time. What do you see? Drop any judgement and just take notes.

Becoming the observer is the first step towards making meaningful changes. Through observations, you can see patterns and behaviours that may be negatively impacting your life. You can then start making change by breaking the patterns that keep you stuck.

Being truly aware of yourself and the choices you make can transform your life. You can observe and start making changes from deep within where true change comes from. You can create new pathways in your mind, new patterns and behaviours and welcome in a whole new life.

Your thoughts are so powerful. They send out energy and attract all that you put out into the world back to you, so be careful of what you are constantly thinking. What energy are you investing in? Are your thoughts of a beautiful future filled with love and laughter? Or do you dwell on painful experiences of the past? Be the observer.

Notice your thoughts then change them if you need to. You are in charge. Use your power to manifest all you desire through your thoughts.

This from the Intuition range available to order here 👇👇

Today's guidance for you all - CONNECTION! Let me know if it resonates with you. Bex xEverything is connected. Feel your...

Today's guidance for you all - CONNECTION! Let me know if it resonates with you. Bex x

Everything is connected. Feel your connection with others, the world, the universe and the energy that flows through everything. Having a spiritual connection with the world around you means that often you do not need to use words.

As you tune into this connection, you may notice that you feel much more deeply, and you have greater empathy for yourself and others. There is a deep soul connection that enables you to feel the energy of others, their needs and their
fears, which allows you to respond in a loving way.

Your emotions may feel more intense, and you may feel other people’s emotions like you haven’t before. This is a sign that your energy is lifting and you are feeling the connection with everything at a much deeper level. You will also find joy and contentment more readily than before because you are more present in your own life. Enjoy the simple things and you will become aware that the little things can be the most meaningful.

This deepening connection you are forging means you are becoming more aware that what you are putting out into the world matters. Raising your vibration will not only help you feel better but it will also positively impact the world around you.

Be intentional about the thoughts you put out into the world. As your connection to the energy around you grows and your vibration elevates, you may find it easier to accept others and respect their differences. This will help raise the energy to a more loving and compassionate level. It is through the higher vibrations of love and compassion that we will all connect as people.

There may be new relationships on the way. Someone may come into your life who you feel like you have known before, that there is a deep soul connection. They are coming to you at the right time, welcome them in. Be open to new relationships, whether that be a friendship or a partnership.

I asked for a message today and I received this card - SUN -  Radiate joy from being in alignment. This feels perfect fo...

I asked for a message today and I received this card - SUN - Radiate joy from being in alignment. This feels perfect for me today. Does this resonate with you? Bex

The masculine and feminine are in balance within you. You are becoming fully aligned and, with this, you will find joy and contentment. You radiate happiness, and this energy attracts abundance and success to you.

There is a harmony coming into your life. Love, light and warmth is wrapped around you. There is a sense of celebration ahead. All your work is paying off and you are feeling a sense of renewed motivation to keep moving forward.

Give gratitude for all you have in this moment. This contentment and joy are to be cherished. Spread your happiness to those around you. Help others find the joy you feel through your balanced energy.

Invite optimism into your life. What will the universe offer up for you to celebrate? Have faith that success and good fortune are just around the corner. When you come into alignment, everything will flow. You will be able to manifest more easily. You will see signs everywhere indicating that you are in alignment. Use this alignment to bring in abundance.

Ask God for what you want from this life. Feel the joy of receiving within your soul, even before you have got it. Act like you are winning with every step you take. Be excited. Dream about your ultimate future and trust that it will come true.

Everything is lining up. Everything is falling into place. The time of uncertainty is over as a clear way forward is forged through the energy of your alignment. Go for it! Seize the day with vitality and a grateful heart.

Exercise: Get out into the sunshine. Tilt your head back and feel the sun on your face. Dance under its rays. Soak in the warm energy and feel the balance restored within. Feel abundance being drawn to you. Say out loud, ‘Good fortune is all around me and I invite it into my life.’

Signs: Vitality, happiness, good fortune, alignment, abundance

Your intuition is your superpower. It holds immense creative energy that you can tap into to help you on your life path....

Your intuition is your superpower. It holds immense creative energy that you can tap into to help you on your life path. It can provide you with solutions and guidance if you take the time to build a relationship with it. If you do carve out that time you will be able to access the limitless knowlege that lies within you.


Who feels the connection with water? What place in the world offers your soul the calmess and clarity that comes from water?

WATER - Dip in and cleanse! Water is essential for the body, mind and spirit. The water element helps us to get in touch...

WATER - Dip in and cleanse!

Water is essential for the body, mind and spirit. The water element helps us to get in touch with our emotions, allowing them to move within us and flow to the surface. It gently washes away our current worries and stress, but also allows old emotions to flow out, leaving us feeling deeply cleansed and purified.

Water teaches us to go with the flow, to be in constant gentle movement. Go easy and flow. As we are made so much of water, we can feel almost one with the water. A belonging and peace comes from connecting with it. Allow yourself to flow in whichever direction the universe is flowing. Relax into it.

Water offers us clarity and calm, a way to discover mysteries that lie within us in a gentle and nurturing way. We started life in the womb, surrounded by a warm and comforting cocoon of loving water. We can go back to the water as much as we need during our life to find that comfort and calm again if needed.

Water is sacred. It provides healing and can be used to help release stored emotions that, over time, can impact us mentally and physically.

Exercise: Get yourself into water. It could be a cold bath, a hot shower, a mineral pool, a lake, or the ocean. Feel the strength of water that flows around and within you. Close your eyes and feel cleansed and rejuvenated. Imagine the old, deep, stuck emotions beginning to move inside. Allow them to flow out as you move through the water. Gently move your arms and legs, imagining the emotions flowing out of your fingers and toes. Let the tears flow if needed. Release!

Signs: Comfort, emotions, cleansing, release, clarity, healing, flow

This is from the Intuition range available at


Do not let the present limit you. Start dreaming of the future. Start living for the future and let go of the past.

What a wonderful card to pull out today. GIVE & RECEIVE - Remember to be generous. Giving flows back in many wonderful w...

What a wonderful card to pull out today. GIVE & RECEIVE - Remember to be generous.

Giving flows back in many wonderful ways. It is a gentle back and forth movement of beautiful energy. Success and prosperity are welcomed in when we give and receive. When we give, we wish to share what we have with others in order to uplift them.

Giving has a wonderful feeling attached to it, especially when you give without wanting anything in return. You are simply passing on a higher energy of abundance to another, and in doing so you elevate your frequency even higher. You can feel love and compassion swell inside.

You also must make space to receive, to allow others to pass this energy to you. Do not block that beautiful energy from returning by not allowing others to experience the joy of giving to you. Partake in the back-and-forth movement of love energy. Do not deny others of this giving energy, and do not deny yourself of this energy.

When help is offered, accept it. Push aside any pride and acknowledge that we all need help from time to time. Don’t deny others the act of giving to you. Accept that powerful energy with grace. When you allow others to help, it is an act of love. You are allowing them to show love to you. Know that you are worthy of being helped and loved.

This is a time to give thanks and be generous. Sit for a moment and enjoy all you have in this moment. Feel the contentment. Giving and receiving radiates out energy into the field that benefits so many.

This is from the book, Intuition - It holds the answers you seek, available via our website or you can order via Amazon.


Here are some of our amazing cards in the Intuition card set. It comes with a little booklet which is a mini version of the Intuition book. Ask the cards for some daily guidance to help you connect deeper with your intuition.

These make a beautiful gift to give someone in your life 💜 To order visit the website

Things have been so hectic, so I apologise for not posting lately.  Here is today's guidance ... AIR - A time to focus. ...

Things have been so hectic, so I apologise for not posting lately. Here is today's guidance ... AIR - A time to focus. The air element is about using your logic and intellect. It calls you to settle, breathe in life and find calm. This will help you to get into your logical mind, so you can make an important decision. Don’t let your emotions control you right now. Instead, look for clarity through your breath.

If you have an unsettling feeling, it is time to question the narrative around you. Let your intuition guide you to find the answers you need. Though it can be hard, try not to get swept up in emotions. There might be more than meets the eye right now. Be flexible and open to change. Air connects you to the deep wisdom you hold within. Using your breath, you can connect with that wisdom to help you make decisions.

Do you have a decision to make at the moment? Does this resonate with you today?
Rebekah 💜

This is from our book, Intuition - It holds the answers you seek, available at




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