Tomorrow night at 8pmNST on join GM liquorwitch and and her crew as they play the brand new Fight or Fright! by Alex Marinkovich-Josey
A group of trick-or-treaters break in to their school after hours to commit a candy heist, as the stocks of lollies for their Halloween school fair are stashed there … however, upon making entry to the school things seem to be a bit more spooky than normal – have our intrepid trick-or-treaters bitten off more than they can chew? Join them as they explore, entertain and hopefully escape the Samhain Fair in one piece!
Watch the stream at twitch.tv/kemuwhakatauoaotearoa
Check out the full KiwiRPG streaming event at facebook.com/share/Mr6jfBAuBHCB5Mng
Learn about KiwiRPG Week at kiwirpg.com/kiwirpg-week-2024
And there will be prizes we will be giving away during and after the stream!