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DARK SIDE OF NEPALESE CORPORATE WORLD Binod Chaudhary, Nepal's only billionaire (according to Forbes), and 15 other peop...


Binod Chaudhary, Nepal's only billionaire (according to Forbes), and 15 other people have been named in the "Pandora Papers," a sequel to the "Panama Papers," who have been using tax havens for money laundering.

The report, prepared in collaboration with the US-based ICIJ-International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, was released late Sunday night by the Center for Investigative Journalism Nepal (CIJ-N).

The report named four other members of the Chaudhary family, as well as Nepal's oldest business family, the Golchha Organization, and other prominent business people with political ties.

The investigation also discovered that Nepali nationals established front companies in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) in the names of family members and associates and moved money through a series of shell companies to avoid detection.

According to the CIJ-N, the leaked documents include secret correspondence, share purchases and sales, and the formation of shell companies in tax havens such as the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cyprus, Mauritius, Singapore, and other financial centers.

The Pandora Papers has revealed that Chaudhary had set up companies in BVI in the names of his wife and three sons, Nirvana, Varun, and Rahul.

"Chaudhary family has registered companies Cinnovation Incorporated, CG Hotels and Resorts Limited, Sensei Capital Partners Inc. in BVI, and CG Hospitality Holdings Global Pte Ltd in Singapore," the report published on Sunday night stated.

As per an unnamed official quoted in the investigative report, Nepal's only billionaire did not have permission to hold these investments abroad.

"When CIJ-N showed the leaked documents, Nepal's former finance secretary Rameshore Khanal said that Chaudhary had clearly misused the system because the law does not allow a Nepali citizen to take money out of the country as Chaudhary appears to have done," the report stated.

The Pandora Papers has minute details of company correspondence, share and money transfers and other transactions between Chaudhary family members and partners. Some of the names mentioned are Pakistani, Singaporean, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshis.

One of those involved in Cinnovation in Chaudhary's company registered in BVI is US national of Bangladeshi descent, Abdul Awal Mintoo who was investigated in 2018 by the Anti-corruption Commission in Dhaka over money laundering and loan extortion allegations.

Apart from being the sole billionaire of the Himalayan Nation, Chaudhary also is a nominated member of the Nepali Congress in Nepal's House of Representatives. But Sunday's investigation hasn't found any direct involvement of politicians in money laundering through offshore companies.

But the Centre for Investigative Journalism Nepal said that politicians seem to be colluding with their business partners because there has been no investigation after its 2019 NepaLeaks investigation of the Panama Papers that revealed the names of dozens of Nepali nationals with unlawful offshore companies.

"The silence of the regulatory bodies appears to be encouraging the Nepalis' investment in tax haven countries. Pandora Papers is an outcome of that surprising silence," the CIJ-N said.

Golchha Organization is another prominent Nepali business house implicated in the Pandora Papers. It also has offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) under the names of its patriarch Lokmanya Golchha, his brothers late Diwakar Golchha, late Mahendra Kumar Golchha, Cousin Chandra Kumar Golchha, and Diwakar's son Hitesh Golchha, according to leaked documents.

Leaked documents examined by CIJ show that a Geneva-based law firm named Overseas Management opened an account at Barclays Bank in Switzerland in 2008 on behalf of Flatwood Limited operated by Golchha family members. The paper trail also shows that Diwakar Golchha bought shares of Eastern Sugar Mills Limited in Nepal in 2008 through Flatwood Limited.

One of the pioneer industrial houses in Nepal, the Golchha Organization and its founders established the Biratnagar Jute Mill nearly 70 years ago. In fact, the 2019 NepaLeaks mentioned that Golchha Organization was the first Nepali company to bring in foreign investment from the British Virgin Islands through Flatwood to operate companies in Nepal.

Earlier CIJ investigations in 2017 showed that in a questionable deal, Golchha's Eastern Sugar Mills was allowed by the Tax Settlement Commission to get away with paying only Rs 400,000 when it owed the treasury Rs 52 million in back taxes. Two members of the Commission and the director of the Inland Revenue Department are still facing corruption charges in the Special Court for granting allegedly illegal tax breaks to the Golchhas'.

Alike Binod Chaudhary, Diwakar Golchha was also nominated by Nepali Congress to the Constituent Assembly-Parliament in 2008 which has established political links of many of businessmen named in the ICIJ documents.

Another person with close links to Maoist Centre leaders- Ajeya Sumargi Parajuli, who was exposed in the CIJ NepaLeaks for allegedly transferring money from Nepal to tax havens the suspected ill-gotten wealth of politicians. In the previous round of leaks- NepaLeaks showed that Sumargi's Zhodar Investments in BVI transferred $48,372,222 to his companies in Nepal in 2010. Zhodar's co-owner is Cyprus national Sotirios Pittas, a lawyer and Sumargi business partner, the leaked documents show.

According to Pandora Papers, Sumargi also invested in Worldwide Incredible Limited in the BVI in 2011, and several other companies based in the tax haven. Some of the money from BVI has been transferred indirectly to Sumargi's companies in Nepal, including Hetauda Lime Industry Pvt Ltd, Everest Mineral Products Pvt Ltd, Muktishree Pvt Ltd, according to the Pandora Papers.

CIJ-N also found leaked documents that show Sumargi's other company, The New Digitek getting permission to hold 50 per cent share in Nepali mobile companies, including Nepal Telecom Private Limited.

Among the Pandora Papers is also a slew of email correspondence from BVI lawyers at Trident Trust Limited who warned that action would if Sumargi did not provide mandatory details for Zhodar Investments.

While poring through the Pandora Papers, CIJ-N's investigative journalists Krishna Acharya and Ramu Sapkota also found that Sumargi's business partner in Nepal, Arjun Prasad Sharma, also registered a company in BVI in 2019.

In a convoluted money trail that involved several other shell companies, Sharma and Sumargi are seen to have worked in 2019 with the same Cypriot investment company, Sotioris Pittas & Co LLC.

The other prominent people named in the Pandora Papers leaks is Radhe Shyam Saraf and his family, who own the Taragaon Regency Hotel and Yak & Yeti Hotel in Kathmandu. The documents that CIJ reviewed appear to show that the family has channelled money through companies in the British Virgin Islands to invest in Nepal.

CIJ also found documents in the leaked papers showing that the Saraf family are involved in companies in Belize, Lichtenstein and Mauritius and there appear to be questions regarding its investments in Hyatt International.

Saraf had already been embroiled in controversy in Nepal over the Taragaon property and has been investigated by the Office of the Auditor General, the anti-corruption agency and the Ministry of Tourism.

The other Nepali businessmen mentioned in the Pandora Papers who have invested in suspected shell companies offshore tax havens include Rajendra Shakya, Purushottam Poudyal, Sudhir Mittal, and others. (ANI)

An elephant's skeletal structure is not designed to carry weight at its back. They have bony protrusions, extending upwa...

An elephant's skeletal structure is not designed to carry weight at its back. They have bony protrusions, extending upwards from the spine. Both the protrusions and the surrounding tissues get damaged from weight and pressure. Many elephants end up with deformed and broken backs as a result of years of long hours spent carrying tourists around.


Remember Elephants are NOT for Human Entertainment / Rides. They are supposed to be FREE in the wild with their families.

If you Love Elephants, you would not ride them.

WTF is MCCThe Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a bilateral United States foreign aid agency established by the ...


The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a bilateral United States foreign aid agency established by the U.S. Congress in 2004.

Why is it controversial?
=> In Tanzania MCC violated democratic process. As it stated Tanzanian election as “neither inclusive nor representative.”
=> Sri Lanka refused MCC process due to it's incompatibility with its Constitution.
=> US is basically targeting China's BRI policy through it's foreign aid policy

Why it is beneficial?
This creates jobs and develop industries through more capital injection in the economy. But at what cost? Is there any representation of economic growth through MCC? Liberia became US dominion for money laundering, other countries were used for political gain of US.
Why US is pushing for MCC while country's population is against it?
We need answers. Nepalese political economists and financial experts should be employed for the analysis of MCC agreement rather than compromising sovereignty for short term political gain of leaders.

Sad reality

Sad reality


हामी बाहुन भएर कोटा पाएनौँ रे। त्यै त, सदियौँदेखी तपाइँहामीले धारामा पानी भर्न जाँदा कुटाइ खान पनि पाएनौँ। माथिल्ला भनिएका जातको घरमा काम गर्न जादाँ अलग्गै भाडाँ, भुँइमा अलग्गै बस्ने व्यवस्थाको लाभ लिन पनि पाएनौँ। मन्दिर जाम कि नजाम, भित्र पसम कि नपसम भनेर सोच्न नि कैले परेन। तमाम देखिने दुर्व्यवहार र झट्ट नदेखिने अपमानका भारीले थिचिँदै "म दलित या जनजाती भएर किन जन्मेछु" भनेर धिक्कार्न पनि पाएनौँ। छिमेकीको घरमा पुजाआजा, समारोहमा अरु ठुला भनिने सबै जात जादाँ र सहभागि हुँदा आफूलेँ परैबाट कैले हेर्न पाइएन। पुजामा आउँदा छोइन्छ भनेर घरमै खानेकुरा नि कसैले ल्याइदिएनन। के गर्नु जहाँ गएनी भान्छे नै हुन पर्यो। जता गएनी हर्ताकर्ता हुन पर्यो। टुक्रुक्क छेउमा बसेर कैले हेर्न पाइएन। ठुला पद, शक्ति र सत्तामा पुग्दा पुग्दा थाकियो। कहिल्यै 'लुगा मात्र सिएर' बस्न पाइएन। आफ्ना छोरीचेलीमाथि यौन दुर्ववहार हुँदा ठिकै छ ती ठुला जात हुन्, माफी मागे हुन्छ भनेर बस्ने आरक्षण नै कहिले भएन। पुलिसले पनि कुरा मिलाइदिइ मात्र रह्यो। कहिल्यै हामीलाई हामी जस्तै रगत शरीर र बनावट भएकाले हेपे, पिटे, ज्यादती गरे, सुनपानी छर्के भन्दै आन्दोलन गर्न हिँड्न परेन। छोरोले ठूलो जातकि केटी भगायो भनेर छोरो कहिल्यै गुमाउन परेन। न कहिले काभ्रेको अजित मिजार बन्न पाइयो न दुई वर्ष अघि मात्रै कालिकोट नरहरिनाथ पालिकाकी दलित महिला वडा सदस्य भैखान पाएर पनि धारो छुँदा कुटिएर मर्न पर्यो। न त निर्वाचनका बेला प्रयोग भै पछि भित्तामा पुर्याउने कोटा नै प्राप्त गरियो। हरेक पल दिमागमा मलाइ कसैले हेप्छ कि, ज्यादती गर्छ कि त्याँ छोएँ भने कर्के आँखा र खास्खुस सुन्न परिहाल्छ कि भन्ने सोच्न नि पाइएन। न त गाउँ ठाउँमा खाजा पसल खोल्छु भन्ने आँट गर्न पर्यो, जात थाहा पाए त्यै कारणले कोही ग्राहक नआउन सक्छन् , घाटा हुन्छ बरु अरु व्यापार गरम भनेर सोच्न नि परेन । पलपल कहिले ठाडै त कहिले झट्ट नदेखिने गरि अपमानित हुने अवसर नै पाइएन। "आफूँ मरेसी डुमै राजा" भन्ने जस्तै उखान बाहुनक्षेत्रीका नाममा कहिल्यै बनेन। मज्जा आउथ्यो नि सुन्नलाई। आफुँभन्दा धेरै साना उमेरकाले पनि कथित तल्लोजात भएकैले "ल दाइ यसो गर्देउ त" भनेको कैले सुन्न परेन। जस्ले नि मान मात्र गरिरहे, तपाइँहजुर भनिरहे। कति भन्नू थाकियो। सरकार! बाहुनहरू सदियौँ देखि पिछडिएका छन् । जातकै कारणले हेपिएका छन् । जातकै कारणले मारिएका छन् । हामीलाइ कोटा दे सरकार। हामीमाथि घोर अन्याय भयो।



Legendary Aama

Legendary Aama

Modern problem requires modern solutions

Modern problem requires modern solutions

It's so cringe that It's actually fun  🤣🤣हेर्नु भयो त ?

It's so cringe that It's actually fun

हेर्नु भयो त ?

Just a longest day: June 21 😜

Just a longest day: June 21 😜

Reason behind my graphic designing class 🤫

Reason behind my graphic designing class 🤫

Maryo ki kya ho

Maryo ki kya ho

नेपाली गाली

नेपाली गाली

१० करोड बराबरको स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री लिएर देश दौडाहानमा हिडेका तिलक बस्नेत , अभियान्ता ज्ञानेन्द्र शाही र शान्त शर्माको टि...

१० करोड बराबरको स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री लिएर देश दौडाहानमा हिडेका तिलक बस्नेत , अभियान्ता ज्ञानेन्द्र शाही र शान्त शर्माको टिम माथी सुर्खेत मा निर्घात कुटपिट भएको छ यो महामारी को बेला मान्छेलाई बचाउनु पाप हो?
तपाईं हरु सबै जना लाई सिघ्र स्वास्थे लाभको कामना छ।
सुर्खेत मा ज्ञानेन्द्र शाही को टिम माथी भएको आक्रमण को घोर निन्दा छ!कोभिड को माहामारिमा सहयोग लिएर हिडेका अभियन्ता माथी आक्रमण गर्नु देश चलाउने शाशक हरुको लज्जास्पद हार देखियो,ज्ञानेन्द्र शाही र उहाँ सँगै स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री वितरण गर्न गएको टिममाथी सुर्खेतमा भएको आक्रमणको घोर भर्त्सना गर्दै परिचालित गुन्डाहरुलाई कडा कार्वाहीको माग गर्दछु😥Get well soon Gyanendra Shahi sir and all team

अब त बिश्वास गर

अब त बिश्वास गर

खुट्टै अट्दैन

खुट्टै अट्दैन

भन्न कहिले सिक्छौ केटि हो???

भन्न कहिले सिक्छौ केटि हो???

An African woman enters Guinness by having ten children in one bellyAn African woman yesterday, Tuesday, June 8th, recor...

An African woman enters Guinness by having ten children in one belly

An African woman yesterday, Tuesday, June 8th, recorded a Guinness record by having 10 children at once...
Ultrasound according to doctors supervising Sethol showed that she was going to have 6 children, and after being revealed again, doctors thought she might have 8 children, but Sethol had 10 children, 7 Male and 3 females
The father of the children ′′ Tibuhu Tsutisi ′′ expressed his great happiness and joy
It is worth noting that Sithu broke the Moroccan world record ′′ Halima Sisi ′′ who has made 9 children at once nearly a month ago.

Adopt and don’t shop !!!This woman went to the shelter to adopt a puppy. Then she saw this dog who lived in that shelter...

Adopt and don’t shop !!!

This woman went to the shelter to adopt a puppy. Then she saw this dog who lived in that shelter for years because no one wanted an old, blind dog. Until that moment. ...
She took him home to give him the life and love he deserves.
ADOPT, please!

Go to the shelter with an open mind, as well as an open heart....

गएको दुई बर्षमा मात्र दस अर्बको गाडी सरकारले खरिद गर्यो तर सरकारी हस्पिटलमा एउटा एम्बुलेन्स किनेन।मन्त्री फेरिन साथ नया ...

गएको दुई बर्षमा मात्र दस अर्बको गाडी सरकारले खरिद गर्यो तर सरकारी हस्पिटलमा एउटा एम्बुलेन्स किनेन।मन्त्री फेरिन साथ नया गाडी चाहिने,नया गडि नभए मन्त्री नै भन्दैनन जस्तो गरेका छन।पुराना गाडिमा सवार गरे गाडी खरिद मा कमिसन आउदैन ।बिरोध गरे राजाबादी सलबलाए भन्दिए पछि चोखिहाल्छन,मानिसपनी चुप हुने,जनता को करको सदुपयोग









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