Raithane Bhakha

Raithane Bhakha Raithane Bhakha is a podcast about Nepal's music.

रैथाने भाखाको सातौं प्रस्तुती : मङ्गलकारी महिलाListen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Mangalini - auspicious w...

रैथाने भाखाको सातौं प्रस्तुती : मङ्गलकारी महिला
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Mangalini - auspicious women singers SewaBhattarai
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Mangalini - auspicious women singers

Mangalinis are women who sing auspicious songs for religious rituals. The tradition of women singing auspicious songs for rituals was once widespread among Nepal's Hindu communities, but is declining today. This episode is concerned with the royal Mangalinis employed by Nepal's erstwhile royal famil...

भजन र गीत मार्फत अनुष्ठानलाई मंगलमय वातावरण दिने महिलालाई ‘मंगलिनी’ भनिन्थ्यो। राजपरिवारले गर्ने अनुष्ठानका निम्ति मंगलि...

भजन र गीत मार्फत अनुष्ठानलाई मंगलमय वातावरण दिने महिलालाई ‘मंगलिनी’ भनिन्थ्यो। राजपरिवारले गर्ने अनुष्ठानका निम्ति मंगलिनीको टोली नै खटाइन्थ्यो। राजतन्त्र हटेपछि अहिले ती हनुमानढोका संग्रहालयमा चौकीदार बनेका छन्। SewaBhattarai

मंगलिनी परम्परासँगै त्यसले बोकेको प्राचीन लोकसंगीत र इतिहास पनि मेटिंदो छ।


Raithane Bhakha Episode : 7 'Mangalinis Auspicious Women Trailer is out now

रैथाने भाखाको छैठौँ प्रस्तुती : कुडुख गितमा उराँव समुदायको इतिहास।

रैथाने भाखाको छैठौँ प्रस्तुती : कुडुख गितमा उराँव समुदायको इतिहास।

The Uranws are a unique indigenous community living in South-east Nepal. The small community of just over 40 thousand Uranws is highly marginalized but their culture and language continue to flourish in their dense settlements. The Uranw language (also called Kurux or Kudukh) is Nepal's only Dravidi...

रैथाने भाखाको पाँचौ प्रस्तुति: शेर्पा सङ्गीतमा हिमालको माया ।

रैथाने भाखाको पाँचौ प्रस्तुति: शेर्पा सङ्गीतमा हिमालको माया ।

The Sherpas are famous all over the world for their close relationship with the highest mountains of the world - the Himalayas. This relationship is also reflected in their songs. Many Sherpa songs sing about the Himalayas, praise their beauty, and revere them as sacred places. Also, the songs sing....

Udaya Ale is a researcher of Kusunda language who has worked on several books, videos, and documentaries of the language...

Udaya Ale is a researcher of Kusunda language who has worked on several books, videos, and documentaries of the language. Ale also facilitates a Kusunda language class organized by the Language Commission of Nepal.


Raithane Bhakha Episode : 5 'Love for the Himalayas in Sherpa Songs' Trailer is out now.

विश्वलाई थाहा छ- हिमालसँग सबैभन्दा निकट कोही छन् त शेर्पाहरू छन्। अनि यो निकटता हिमालको काखमा घर हुनु र अरूले भन्दा छरित...

विश्वलाई थाहा छ- हिमालसँग सबैभन्दा निकट कोही छन् त शेर्पाहरू छन्। अनि यो निकटता हिमालको काखमा घर हुनु र अरूले भन्दा छरितोसँग तिनका चुचुरा टेक्नुमा मात्र सीमित छैन।

वर्तमानमा जलवायु परिवर्तनले हिमालको हिउँ घटेर वातावरण, वनस्पति, वन्यजन्तु र मानव जीवन जोखिमतिर धकेलिइरहँदा शेर.....


तामाङको प्रचलित ‘सेलो’ शैलीमा प्रायः डम्फु बजाइएको पाइन्छ।

रैथाने भाखाको चौथो प्रस्तुतिफापरे देखी सेलोसम्म: तामाङ सङ्गीतको धुन

रैथाने भाखाको चौथो प्रस्तुति
फापरे देखी सेलोसम्म: तामाङ सङ्गीतको धुन

Tamangs live mostly in the Central hills and mountains of Nepal, and their music is rich in rhythm and lore. In this episode, we touch upon various aspects of Tamang music. Phapare songs that are unaccompanied by any musical instruments, and may be sung to the rhytm of the quern stone - indicating t...


Raithane Bhakha Episode : 4 Phapare to Selo 'Beats Of Tamang Music' Trailer is out now.

तामाङको प्रचलित ‘सेलो’ शैलीमा प्रायः डम्फु बजाइएको पाइन्छ। तर, तामाङ गीतको प्राचीन परम्परामा डम्फु नभेटिने बोम्जन बताउँछ...

तामाङको प्रचलित ‘सेलो’ शैलीमा प्रायः डम्फु बजाइएको पाइन्छ। तर, तामाङ गीतको प्राचीन परम्परामा डम्फु नभेटिने बोम्जन बताउँछन्। त्यसैले फापरेमा पनि प्रायः डम्फु बजाइँदैन। “डम्फु नबजाउँदा पनि ती गीत तालमा हुन्छन्।
https://www.himalkhabar.com/news/137471 Sewa Bhattarai

सेलो गीतमा प्रायः नछुट्ने डम्फु बाजा तामाङ समुदायको प्राचीन गीति परम्परामा भने भेटिंदैन।

रैथाने भाखाको तेस्रो प्रस्तुतिश्रृङ्खला:३ दाङका थारू गितहरूमा सान्त्वना। Sewa Bhattarai

रैथाने भाखाको तेस्रो प्रस्तुति
श्रृङ्खला:३ दाङका थारू गितहरूमा सान्त्वना। Sewa Bhattarai

Music not just entertains, but also has the capacity to plumb the depths of human emotions and portray the full spectrum of human experiences. An example of one such song is a bhajhan that is sung to console people after the death of a beloved ones. Singer Basanti Chaudhary brings us this and a few....


Chaudhary is not just a commercial singer, but is also interested in the cultural roots of her community, and tries to preserve songs that reflect Tharu culture. Trailer is out now.

Chaudhary is not just a commercial singer, but is also interested in the cultural roots of her community, and tries to p...

Chaudhary is not just a commercial singer, but is also interested in the cultural roots of her community, and tries to preserve songs that reflect Tharu Culture.

Songlines of the rivers and forestsTharu songs plumb the depths of emotion as Nepal’s indigenous people grapple with modernity31 July 2023Sewa Bhattarai0 All Photos: Shristi Buddha MagarThe Tharu made up 6.2% of Nepal’s population in the 2021 census in 2021, outnumbering other indigenous communi...


थुप्रै हिमाली समुदायमा बजाइने ट्यामयेन बाजाबारे डोल्पामा एउटा गीत नै गाइन्छ।लामो आकार भएको,पाँच वटा तार भएको, शिरमा सिंह वा घोडा वा अन्य मूर्ति कुँदिएको र विभिन्न किसिमका कलात्मक चित्र बनाइएको यो बाजा पुङ्‌मो गाउँमा बजाइने एक मात्र बाजा हो।

गीत-सङ्गीतमा धनी छ, थारू समुदाय। शुभकार्यमा मागर, दशैंमा बर्कीमार र सखिया, माघीमा धमार र मघौटा। सन्दर्भ अनुसार बेग्लाबेग...

गीत-सङ्गीतमा धनी छ, थारू समुदाय। शुभकार्यमा मागर, दशैंमा बर्कीमार र सखिया, माघीमा धमार र मघौटा। सन्दर्भ अनुसार बेग्लाबेग्लै गीतहरू यो समुदायमा पाइन्छन्।

थारू भाषाका गीतले समुदायकै पहलमा बजार त पाइरहेका छन्, तर विशिष्ट अवसरमा गाइने जीवनदर्शन बोकेका गम्भीर गीत मौखिक .....

रैथाने भाखाको दोस्रो प्रस्तुतिश्रृङ्खला-२: खुङ्लु - पुङमोका गितहरू

रैथाने भाखाको दोस्रो प्रस्तुति
श्रृङ्खला-२: खुङ्लु - पुङमोका गितहरू

Dolpa is one of the most remote regions in Nepal, and it takes two days to walk to Pungmo village from the district's only airport. In Pungmo, some music conservationists are trying to conserve their traditional songs. The songs are sung in a language similar to Tibetan, also called Zhang Zhung by t...

चौंरी र भेडा बाख्रा पाल्ने, हिउँदमा पानी जम्ने, हिउँ पर्ने यस्तो ठाउँ कहाँ होला? सजिलै अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ, यो नेपालको हि...

चौंरी र भेडा बाख्रा पाल्ने, हिउँदमा पानी जम्ने, हिउँ पर्ने यस्तो ठाउँ कहाँ होला? सजिलै अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ, यो नेपालको हिमाली क्षेत्र हो। माथिको गीतले त्यही हिमाली भूगोल र जीवनशैलीको सजीव चित्र उतारेको छ।

सडक र जीवनका अन्य धेरै सुविधाबाट पर रहेको, एक्लिएको यस्तो गाउँ जसले लगभग हराइसकेका गीत जोगाइरहेछ।


Two Chilean musicians arrived in Nepal by chance just before the pandemic, but now they stay here by choice exploring the country’s vast musical diversity. Trailer is out now.

Thomas Carrasco Gubernatis and Moa Edmunds Guevera have found uncanny similarities between the traditional music of thei...

Thomas Carrasco Gubernatis and Moa Edmunds Guevera have found uncanny similarities between the traditional music of their native Andes and the Himalaya.They are now collaborating on the music of Pungmo.

Bridging the Andes and Himalaya with musicChilean musicians find familiar music in the trans-Himalayan district of Dolpo in Nepal17 June 2023Sewa Bhattarai0 Photos: ERIC CHANDRA SHRESTHATwo Chilean musicians arrived in Nepal by chance just before the pandemic, but now they stay here by choice explor...

लोपोन्मुख आदिवासी जनजातिमा पर्छ, कुसुन्डा। राउटेसँगै कुसुन्डालाई दक्षिणएशियाकै अन्तिम शिकारी-संग्रही जाति भनिएको छ, तर व...

लोपोन्मुख आदिवासी जनजातिमा पर्छ, कुसुन्डा। राउटेसँगै कुसुन्डालाई दक्षिणएशियाकै अन्तिम शिकारी-संग्रही जाति भनिएको छ, तर वनमा बस्ने र जङ्गली जनावरको शिकार गरी जीवन धान्ने यो घुमन्ते जाति पछिल्लो समय खिइँदै गएको छ।

आदिवासी इतिहास र ज्ञान सामाजिक बहिष्करणका कारण कसरी लोप हुन्छन् भन्ने उदाहरण कुसुन्डा जातिको कथाले दिएको छ।

The Kusunda are one of the two last remaining hunter-gatherer societies left in Nepal, the other being the nomadic Raute...

The Kusunda are one of the two last remaining hunter-gatherer societies left in Nepal, the other being the nomadic Raute. The 2011 Census showed that there were only 273 Kusunda individuals remaining, and there are probably even fewer today.
The last of the Kusunda:

The last of the KusundaSocial exclusion by mainstream society is driving this endangered ethnic group and its unique language to extinction13 May 2023Sewa Bhattarai0 Kusunda students taking exams. Photo: Uday Raj AleThe Kusunda are one of the two last remaining hunter-gatherer societies left in Nepa...

रैथाने भाखाको पहिलो प्रस्तुतिश्रृङ्खला-१: कुसुन्डा - अन्तिम वनराजा

रैथाने भाखाको पहिलो प्रस्तुति
श्रृङ्खला-१: कुसुन्डा - अन्तिम वनराजा

Listen to the sounds of Kusunda , a language isolate with no other language in its category, one of the rarest languages in the world with just one native speaker alive. The last Kusunda speaker Kamala Khatri is a resource person for the language Commission's project Kusunda curriculum. Sewa Bhattar...


The Kusunda are one of the two last remaining hunter-gatherer societies left in Nepal. Trailer of the episode.


Hi everyone, welcome to Raithane Bhakha, a podcast about the music of Nepal, especially focusing on folk, traditional, and indigenous music. Please like the page for more updates and episodes. You can also find the episode kn your favorite podcast site.

Raithane Bhakha is a podcast about Nepal's music.


Hi everyone, welcome to Raithane Bhakha, a podcast about the music of Nepal, especially focusing on folk, traditional, and indigenous music. Raithane Bhakha is presented by Shabdakarmi Ventures, in association with Raithane, the music group. It is supported by Echoes in the Valley. The podcast is available on your favorite podcast platforms including itunes, spotify and google podcasts. You can also listen to it easily here.





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