'आर्थिक अभियान राष्ट्रिय दैनिक' न्यू बिजनेस एज प्रा लि द्वारा प्रकाशित अर्थ-राजनीतिक राष्ट्रिय दैनिक हो ।
यसमा उद्यमी-व्यवसायी, आर्थिक नीति निर्माता, आर्थिक एंव वित्तीय क्षेत्रका विश्लेषक एवं अनुसनधान पुँजी र वस्तु बजारका लगानीकर्तादेखि विकासकर्मी विद्यार्थी र सर्वसाधारणसम्मका लागि उपयोगी सामग्री प्रकाशित हुन्छन् । यी सामग्रीहरुमा देश विदेशका अर्थ-राजनीतिक समचारहरु नीति एंव बजार विश्लेषण र वरिष्ठ
विज्ञ एंव क्षेत्रगत ज्ञाताहरुका लेख-रचनाहरु पर्दछन् ।
About Us
New Business Age (P) Ltd. has been publishing New Business Age (monthly business magazine in English), Aarthik Abhiyan (national business daily in Nepali). www.abhiyan.com.np
The first issue of New Business Age magazine was published in April 2001 and the company New Business Age (P) Ltd. In 2005, it started publishing Aarthik Abhiyan weekly (initially called Aajako Abhiyan). This is upgraded since September 2010 into a national daily. Because of all these, NBA boasts of having the longest institutional history and experience in business journalism in Nepal. Affiliates
New Business Age (P) Ltd. has set up one fully owned subsidiary Minds Nepal (P) Ltd. which functions in the fields of consultancy, research and training. Products
The company NBA at present has following products:
Aarthik Abhiyan : It is Nepali Language daily business newspaper published days of the week (Sunday to Friday) and it has 12-16 pages in broadsheet. On all the other six days of week, it has one or more special pages dedicated to different sectors such as Investments &Capital Market, Technology, Transport, Jobs, Education, Development and Housing & Real Estate with the broad title '' Product" . It selects one product, service or business for a day and tries to give 360 degree coverage on that product on that day. Aarthik Abhiyan is printed on normal newsprint.