जाने होईन त New Year मा गोदावरी ।।😉
जाने होईन त New Year मा गोदावरी ।।😉
"गोदावरी नगरपालिका १४ हाट बजार प्रदर्शन कार्यक्रम २०८०"
Godawari Chamber of Commerce & Industry
गोदावरी ऊद्योग बाणिज्य संघको आयोजना तथा गोदावरी नगरपालिका १४ न. वडा कार्यालय र गोदावरी घरेलु तथा साना ऊद्योग संघ को समन्यवमा गोदावरी नगरपालिका वडा न. १४ ठैब (फुलचोकी मन्दिर परिसर ) मा येही आऊदो २०८० साल कार्तिक २४ गते साँझ ३ बजे देखि ८ बजे सम्म हुन गैरहेको "गोदावरी हाट बजार प्रदर्शनी मेला " मा सम्पूर्ण ऊध्यमी समुदायहरूमा समुदाय तथा गाउ ठाउँको पहिचान बनाऊँने बस्तु सामाग्रीहरूको प्रदर्शन गरि बिक्रि वितरण गर्न तथा यस प्रदर्शनी मा ऊपस्थित भै मेला को शोभा बडाई दिनूहुन अनुरोध गरिन्छ ।
Lakhey dance of Godawari-1 , Godamchour😍
गाईजात्रा २०८० मा निकालिएको लाखे ।
Lets show some love to the creator for making this wonderful video reflecting our culture ,on youtube : https://youtu.be/V3tH_3nCN0I?si=mr0dJCGB97gW9pmq
Lakhey Dance is one of the most popular dances of Nepal. Performers wearing a Lakhe costume and mask perform dances on the streets and city squares during festivals. The mask is made of papier-mâché, and yak tails are used for the hair. The Lakhe dance is characterised by wild movements and thumping music.
Lakhey is worshipped as a deity. City dwellers offer food and ritual items to him as he moves through the city accompanied by his musical band giving dance performances.
The Lakhe stops at major crossroads and market squares to give a performance. During the dance, a small boy, known as Jhyalincha (झ्यालिंचा), taunts the Lakhe, making him chase him in anger. Jhyalincha always manages to slip into the crowd and escape.
This place is awesome😍
देशको माया कसलाई हुदैन र💕
In video: Boy singing national anthem from the zinc roof
📸: @Aayush_Silwal
Bishankhu Narayan ,Kotdada💕
Celebration Time💕 - Godawari Mayor Cup 2080
Congratulations Chapagaun 11(क)