Photographing common toads (Bufo bufo) under water today. Beeing a female toad is hard work and also dangerous. Here is 4-5 males jumping a female which try to reach the water.
My next project might be to get in to the water with the local porpoises and maybe capture some uderwater images? I guess it will require a lot of patience and luck 😊
In 1997 were Frank Emil Moen, Erling Svensen and Rudolf Svensen the first divers ever to dive on cold water coral reefs, Lophelia pertusa, and capture images from these beautiful deep water corals. In 2010 Erling and Rudolf dived on an offshore installation capturing images of the Lophelia corals growing on the steelwork. We both thought that may be it would have been better to let these artificial reef stay out in the North Sea instead of removing them.
Here is a little film showing how it looked like down there.
As divers we see beatiful things beneath the surface, but sometimes we see something that is not so nice. This film is about the dark side of the sea.
Two of UWPhotos photographers took a trip up in the mountain to capture images of the lemmings that are swarming all over the mountains. They met a very aggressive one called Timmy!
See what happened in this short video.
Images by Åge Jakobsen
A film by Øyvind Svensen
Underwater images part 1