Uleberg Media & Music Productions

Uleberg Media & Music Productions Welcome to Uleberg Media & Music Productions page.

Our services:
- Music record label
- Studio Music Production & Recording
- Mastering
- Music Distribution

Website: www.uleberg.media

It is hot in studio too these El Niño days. 31 degrees outside today and that is hot to be in Norway 😎 Hot Summer vibes ...

It is hot in studio too these El Niño days. 31 degrees outside today and that is hot to be in Norway 😎 Hot Summer vibes 🎼🎶🎹🎸


CISAC President Bjorn Ulvaeus looks ahead to next week’s CISAC General Assembly in Mexico…

We publish all our artist music using DistroKidIt is the best and cheapest publisher and they collect your royalties Use...

We publish all our artist music using DistroKid
It is the best and cheapest publisher and they collect your royalties Use this link to subscribe, and you will get 7% off

Unlimited uploads to Apple Music and more. Keep 100% of your earnings.

Nå tilgjengelig på SoundCloud 🎼🎶👌Heftige tekster og låter på albumet: Fra det stille… til det ville. Lytt på tekstene ti...

Nå tilgjengelig på SoundCloud 🎼🎶👌
Heftige tekster og låter på albumet: Fra det stille… til det ville. Lytt på tekstene til Tor Odin Dahl😎👌

ODIN er gitarist og låtskriver, og digger dynamikken i ordene, gitaren, og samspillet med publikum.

If We Don't Dance - Check it out. Now out on streaming platforms and radios.

If We Don't Dance - Check it out. Now out on streaming platforms and radios.

Stream and Save If We Don't Dance - Distributed by DistroKid

New single out today:

New single out today:

Jostein Vidnes Berntsen · Single · 2023 · 1 songs.


New Genelec 8351b’s Just amazing 👌🎼🎶


Wow the Genelec 8351b’s are really working well also as near field monitors in my studio👌🎼🎶
I am in love with these. Will try the 8351a’s on Monday

Today, my studio got The Holy Grail of tube microphones. Neumann U67 Reissue. We are so exited to use it in recordings. ...

Today, my studio got The Holy Grail of tube microphones. Neumann U67 Reissue. We are so exited to use it in recordings. Rumors say it is Dynamite with our UTA MPDI-4 preamp.
We will give it a review later.


We are so excited. We have done a more great investments on our studio. This will imporve even furter our sound quality in recording, mixing and mastering. Undertone Audio MPDI4 is a great preamp and DI that add a fantastic colour to any recording you run thourgh it. The MPDI-4 is as musical as it i...

Så er neste album ferdig innspilt, mixet og mastret. UMMP studio står for innspilling, produksjon og mix. Mastering er M...

Så er neste album ferdig innspilt, mixet og mastret. UMMP studio står for innspilling, produksjon og mix. Mastering er Mayfield Mastering i Nashville. Odin er fornøyd 🎼🎶🎶
Se nå frem til release av: Fra det stille til det ville
10. September 2022 på Kafé K 🙏🎼🙏


Her lyttes det iherdig 🙏🎼🎶🙏

Her lyttes det iherdig 🙏🎼🎶🙏

MIxing and mastering next album from ODiN:Stay tuned 🙏🎼🎶

MIxing and mastering next album from ODiN:
Stay tuned 🙏🎼🎶


Stream and Save It's Only What You Have Done To Me - Distributed by DistroKid


New Release from Jostein Vidnes Berntsen - It's Only What You Have Done To Me. Now out on most streaming platforms. Click to listen. Hope you all like it.


Release: 14th of May

Pre-release news - «It’s Only What You’ve Done To Me»Following the debut single «Chastened» from Jostein Vidnes Berntsen...

Pre-release news - «It’s Only What You’ve Done To Me»

Following the debut single «Chastened» from Jostein Vidnes Berntsen in late November 2021, and the recently released: «I’ve Come To Realize» in April, a new single will be released in May 2022.

Coming out from May 14th is «It’s Only What You’ve Done To Me» which will further excite the acoustic soundscape that were evident in the first two releases. There are some new sounds and production coming into this song with it’s beautiful musical message in the intertwined notes building the human spirit. Listen and love and open the door to your heart as Darrell Banks sang some time ago.

This release is a part of a coming album that will be launched later this year. The recordings are being made in Uleberg Sound Studio.

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Falkåsen 43


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