Together we can help you to a different situation when it comes to being visible. Paulsen
Long time experience in administration of stores and web-shops and teaching in the diving industry. Well educated and lifelong experience in photo and editing and teaching photo. What to do to make a story fulfilled with Photos that say more than 1000 words. Do You need help selecting the right picture to e
nhance your Story on the different Social
Media channels - I can help! More info and useful articles at:
Investing your own resources to find the best possible solution? is usually more expensive and time-consuming than using someone who already has insight. When choosing new digital products and systems, it is important to consider what the company has of software and systems today. My experience is that very many projects go into getting acquainted with the possibilities that exist rather than emphasizing the effect you want. Together with colleagues, partners, and suppliers, I make sure that the investment you make works as intended. Among other things, I can help you with (but certainly not limited to):
- Web and landing pages that interact with social media and other channels
- free course in the use of social media
- Find the right composition of products and software
- Installations
- Advice and guidance
- Digital collaborative solutions with several channels
- Meeting room solutions
- Digital Signage (digital signage)
- Info, advertising, AI, and visibility concepts in most industries.
- Mobile solutions, trade fairs and more
- AutoID solutions such as: RFID, NFC, beacons, QR codes, barcodes, and auto image processing.
- Digital employees both with and without AI ref:
- Scan, order and pay - see - click - and get
- Digitization with the use of E.G. other sensors
I am happy to help you find the best possible solution for your company. You are welcome to have a 30-minute conversation with me digitally without obligation. Call me on + 47 40284467 or send me an message with "contact form" and we will take it from there. My LinkedIn profile