Hello and welcome to The Mayan Time Capsule . My name is Jennifer Monterroso and I am the creator of The Mayan Time Capsule and I am really happy and grateful for you being here. First of all I am a woman who has worked on herself to gain her trust and power back. I believe that my healing journey through the Mayan ancient wisdom can inspire and ignite in you, the process for awakening your consci
ousness and healing yourself. At the right time in anyone's life appears that person that has the love, compassion and the knowledge to activate this process in you. I don't believe in coincidences, and if you are reading these words I know we have been guided to find each other. The truth is that I needed to heal myself, and in 2008 I found the Mayan elders and healers. I was healed by the wisdom of their sacred calendar the "Cholqi'j" and by their sacred fire ceremony. That was the turning point in my life. I was invited into the Mayan world and was initiated as a Mayan Time Keeper. After that, all the pieces of the puzzle of my life began to find its right place and I was renewed. My heart was touched by this beautiful sacred fire and the Mayan people. I found the right path for me and by healing my self and awakening my consciousness I became a Jaguar Medicine woman. I found my mission in life and the courage to live a life of fulfillment and freedom. I am here to share this ancient wisdom with you so you can heal and awaken your true powers to live a life in which you can thrive. The Mayan Time Capsule is a seed of wisdom I will plant in your heart and you will see it bloom. With love and respect
- Jennifer Monterroso
Your cosmic guide
Belejeb I´xChumil