Here are few pictures from @raismesfest of Liv Sin, great show with lots of interaction despite the melting temperature.
Full Gallery :
Direct link in Bio!
Full Coverage @dmetalgalaxy
#dmetalgalaxy #livsin #livjagrell #livemusic #heavymetal #heavymetalband #oldschoolmetal #oldschoolmetalband #femalefronted #femalevocals #officialphotographer
#bluefilter #bluephotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #sepia #sepiaphotography #festivalphography #bandphotography #bandpictures #livepictures
Here is some pictures of Kaltenbach Open Air 2024 to give you an impression on the festival atmosphere and general vibe next to the bands.
#MAIr #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #b&w #sepiafilter #sepia #blue #bluefilter
#dmetalgalaxy #kaltenbachopenair #kaltenbachopenair2024 #vlogger #photographer #mairworkk #styrianmountains #extrememetal #extremetalfest #austriafestival #metalfestival #metal #festival #openair #highestlocalfestival
Here is my digital marketing blog, giving all tips why digital marketing is so vital for bands.
Interested to learn more? Just hit me up and we will schedule free intake!
#MAIr #freelancer #Digitalmarketing #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialmediastrategy #mailchimp #mailchimpautomation #newsletter #newslettermarketing #newsletterdesign #digitalmarketeer #marketing #vlog #vlogger #reel #informative
A small intro on my freelancer company MAIr.
#MAIr #MAIrwork #freelancer #graphicdesigner #graphicdesign #manager #bandpromotion #promotion #digitalmarketing #consultant #bandmanagement #videographer #photographer
End May, I had the pleasure to cover for @dmetalgalaxy the psych stoner and rock yearly event @desertfest_berlin.
All videos are on D Metal Galaxy and all pictures 📸 are ony Flickr direct link 201039241@N08/" rel="ugc" target="_blank">
If you have missed if, watch it over the weekend as it will give you a taste of the festival!
It is also the first time I have captured bands on a huge podium and with sometimes little lightning at all.
In the end I got great pictures capturing the essence and using the photography environment to its maximum.
Check it out 😉
#MAIR #videographer #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #editing #adobeafteraffects #Adobe #adobesuite #coolingfilter #dmetalgalaxy #desertfest #desertfestival #desertfestberlin #livecoverage #LiveFootage #livemusic #Berlin #psychdelic #doom #rock #livemusic #livecoverage #kreuzberg #tempelhof #psychdelicmusic
Here some end pictures 📸 with the crowd that I shot on behalf of the bands:
@destruction_official (@napalmrecordsofficial)
@thyrfingofficial (@despotzrecords
/ @d19_bookings )
@realmofobscura (@nuclearblastrecords)
@heathenthrash (@nuclearblastrecords)
At @kaltenbachopenair
Support them! Coverage of each coming at @dmetalgalaxy
#MAIr #photographer #crowdpicture #endpicture #bandphotography #bandpicture #dmetalgalaxy #destruction #thyrfing #realmofobscura #obscura #hesthenthras #nuclearblast #napalm #napalmrecords #despotz
@desertfest_berlin is an interesting location for festival, in the middle of city at Kreuzberg and Tempelhof, the old airport.
With this series of picture 📸 I aimed to capture the essenss of this piece of history.
Full gallery on my Flickr, visual - link in bio -> Linktree
All the above will be shared via social media channels of D Metal Galaxy as well as our business ones @dmetalgalaxy soon release of all content: videos, interview & review.
#MAIr #desertfest #desertfestberlin #desterfestberlin2024 #dmetalgalaxy # #photography #bandphotography #concertphotography #sepiaphotography #blackandwhitephotography #bluefilter #bluephotography #darksepia #darksepiaphotography #sepiaphotography #sepia #columbiahalle #Kreuzberg #Tempelhof #sightseeing #berljn
Have you seen my new announcement where I will work as an official videographer/photographer?
No? Check it out!
Here, I just took a Snippet as in this post I am going to share some insight.
The video was shot horizontally to maximise the space as currently shorts are way to go. In order, to offer high quality why waste space with useless details and that is why I used a horizontal video technique to create a vertical video.
Sounds complicated? Nah, I just used the #rotation effect in #AfterEffects and rotated the video in correct angle and applied #scaling to delete all useless details.
After doing this I had to remove all the green using #keylight and apply #masking to delete all unwanted are thar hasn't been cut out.
In order, to achieve results the video needs to be #overexposure as the effect darkens the image significantly. Overusing on lightning makes it way easier to seperare backgrounds.
Now it is nice and summerish making it easier to shot vlogs. Not sure about evening, if you have tips let me know!
At moment using a light creates shadows messing the applied effects way too much.
Another thing, I still need to improve the way I look at camera can't get used to idea there is no on the other side.
#MAIr #tips #vlog #vlogger #vlogging #removingbackground #removing #green #greenscreen #editing #aftereffects #specialeffects #graphicdesigner #graphicdesign
Full Earth was quite a challenge to capture due to the unfavorable lightning which made it even way harder fo shoot any videos due to bleeding effect.
After all got some cool shots though.
Full gallery on my Flickr, visual - link in bio -> Linktree
All the above will be shared via social media channels of D Metal Galaxy as well as our business ones @dmetalgalaxy soon release of all content: videos, interview & review.
#MAIr #desertfest #desertfestberlin #desterfestberlin2024 #dmetalgalaxy # #photography #bandphotography #concertphotography #sepiaphotography #blackandwhitephotography #bluefilter #bluephotography #darksepia #darksepiaphotography #sepiaphotography #sepia #columbiahalle
#dmetalgalaxy #mediaoutlet #desertfest #fullearth #experimental #experimentalrock #norwegian #stickmanrecords #norwegianband #soloproject #psychedelic #motorpsycho #psychedelicmusic #IngvaldVassbø
First gig that I have fully covered with closing picture. Such a great experience!
Thank you @redhotcopypeppers for the opportunity.
Also, check the tagged post out for videos I shot.
Tonight they play in Waterford if you'd like check them out 😉
#dmetalgalaxy #redhotchillippeppers #redhotchilipeppersfans #lostllane #gig #redhotchilipperstribute #coverband #tribute #funk #punk #psychede #psychedelicrock #alternativerock #hiphop #bluephotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhitephoto #bluefilter #sepiafilter #seria #sepiaphotography #sepiatone #concertphotography #concertphotos