Global Medicine

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Global Medicine Welcome to our page. Here you can have a look at our magazine covers and behind the scenes pictures! We'll also keep you updated on the making of GM.

How would you relate equality, equity and justice in Healthcare?

Dear everyone,

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. The first article is published: "How would you relate equality, equity and justice in Healthcare? by Ankit Raj.

If you want your article to be published, please contact [email protected] for more information or send us a message on Facebook.

"Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need." -Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid


Global Medicine (our own Mahtab Nasr) will be present at the IFMSA March Meeting 2018 in Egypt and the EMSA Spring Assembly in Macedonia (together with Rana Orhan).
If you have any questions about Global Medicine, our newest edition or if you have an awesome story to share, approach Mahtab or Rana!
If you happen to miss Mahtab or Rana, you can always e-mail us at [email protected] or leave a message here at Facebook and we will get back to you as soon as we can!


Dear students,

Are you interested in Global Health? Have you done research in this field? Or do you want to share your opinion on an urgent topic with students from all over the world? This is your chance!

We are searching for articles for Global Medicine, the online magazine about global health. It can be news articles, updates about research studies, columns, articles about neglected diseases, inspiring career interviews or interviews with a medical student somewhere in this wide world.

So do you have an interest in writing, and would you like to see your article published and read by students from all over the world? Send us an e-mail at [email protected] and we will tell you all about the possibilities.

The team of Global Medicine


Global Medicine's cover photo


Global Medicine volume 18 is there! Are you interested? Or do you want to contribute to the next volume? Then go to


Wil jij in een gezellig team meewerken aan een prijswinnend medisch tijdschrift? Een tijdschrift dat op alle medische faculteiten én internationaal wordt gelezen?

Dan is het team van Global Medicine misschien wel iets voor jou!

Global Medicine is het tijdschrift van IFMSA-NL, vol met artikelen en informatie over Global Health. Volledig gemaakt door enthousiaste medisch professionals (in spé). Zo hebben we onze vaste rubrieken over studeren in het buitenland, neglected tropical diseases, Global Health columns, verschillende interviews over inspirerende carrières en nog veel meer Global Health nieuws.

Global Medicine wordt verspreid over alle 8 medische faculteiten in Nederland. Daarnaast zijn alle edities ook te lezen op onze website

Global Medicine wordt gemaakt door studenten van verschillende medische faculteiten, en momenteel zijn wij op zoek naar versterking voor het Editors- en PR-team!

Waar het Editors team zich onder andere mee bezig houdt:
- Correspondentie met auteurs van over de wereld.
- Artikelen die opgestuurd worden lezen en van commentaar voorzien.
- Beslissen welke artikelen geschikt zijn voor plaatsing

Waar het PR-team zich onder andere mee bezig houdt:
- Promotiematerialen ontwikkelen
- Promotie en verspreiding van het tijdschrift op (internationale) bijeenkomsten
- Contact leggen en onderhouden met derden
- Acquisitie

Lijkt dit je een leuke en leerzame uitdaging? Of wil je gewoon meer weten over de verschillende functies of het project? Mail dan naar [email protected].

We horen graag van je!


The Global Medicine team is having a meeting in Utrecht! Our new website is almost done. The recent edition will be printed next month. If you want an edition or join our Global Medicine Team contact us for more information by sending an email to [email protected]. Iris Pijtak Eline Laumen Theresia Ticheler Mahtab Nasr Randy Kwa


Global Medicine (our own Mahtab Nasr) will be present at the IFMSA August Meeting 2017 in Tanzania and the EMSA Autumn Assembly in Hungary.
If you have any questions about Global Medicine, our newest edition or if you have an awesome story to share, approach Mahtab!
If you happen to miss Mahtab, you can always mail us at [email protected] or leave a message here at facebook and we will get back to you as soon as we can!


Wil jij overdag werken als doktersassistent bij een huisartspraktijk of in de avond/weekend als junior-triagist bij een huisartsenpost bij jou in de buurt. Meld je dan nu gratis aan bij en installeer onze app om direct te kunnen reageren op onze opdrachten. Het werk is goed te combineren met je studieverplichtingen en we kunnen je hulp goed gebruiken! Als je nog geen ervaring hebt dan zorgen wij ervoor dat je kan worden ingewerkt. Voor vragen mag je ons altijd bellen of mailen! (020-2621020 – [email protected])


The Global Medicine team is having their first meeting of 2017 in Utrecht. Making exciting new plans for the future ?

Global Medicine | Home

Wil jij in een gezellig team meewerken aan een prijswinnend medisch tijdschrift? Een tijdschrift dat op alle medische faculteiten én internationaal wordt gelezen?

Dan is het team van Global Medicine misschien wel iets voor jou!

Global Medicine is het tijdschrift van IFMSA-NL dat 3x per jaar verschijnt, vol met artikelen en informatie over Global Health. Volledig gemaakt door enthousiaste medisch professionals (in spé). Zo hebben we onze vaste rubrieken over studeren in het buitenland, neglected tropical diseases, Global Health columns, verschillende interviews over inspirerende carrières en nog veel meer Global Health nieuws.

Global Medicine wordt verspreid over alle 8 medische faculteiten in Nederland. Daarnaast zijn alle edities ook te lezen op onze website

Global Medicine wordt gemaakt door studenten van verschillende medische faculteiten, en momenteel zijn wij op zoek naar versterking voor het lay-out- en PR-team!

Waar het lay-out team zich onder andere mee bezig houdt:
- (Implementatie van) de nieuwe huisstijl
- Lay-out van het magazine (kennis van InDesign is een pré)
- Promotiematerialen ontwikkelen

Waar het PR-team zich onder andere mee bezig houdt:
- Promotiematerialen ontwikkelen
- Promotie en verspreiding van het tijdschrift op (internationale) bijeenkomsten
- Contact leggen en onderhouden met derden
- Acquisitie

Lijkt dit je een leuke en leerzame uitdaging? Of wil je gewoon meer weten over de verschillende functies of het project? Mail dan naar [email protected].

We horen graag van je!

Namens het team van Global Medicine,
Esther van Althuis en Mahtab Nasrollah


Wil jij werken als doktersassistent tijdens de kerstvakantie bij een huisartspraktijk bij jou in de buurt. Meld je dan nu gratis aan bij en installeer onze app voor inzicht in het meest actuele aanbod van werk. Het belooft een drukke periode te worden en we kunnen je hulp goed gebruiken! Als je nog geen ervaring hebt dan zorgen wij ervoor dat je kan worden ingewerkt. Je verdient E11,- bruto per uur + reiskosten. Voor vragen mag je ons altijd bellen of mailen! (020-2621020 – [email protected])


Did you know the Global Medicine team is working hard to finalize the new edition of the magazine?


Your article in the next edition of Global Medicine?

We are still searching for articles for the next Global Medicine. The theme of this issue will be ‘Crossing Borders’.

Global Medicine is made by students for students. Therefor it is important to us to hear from the students themselves! Now the articles are not only written by Dutch students. On the contrary, we are very much interested in articles from students from all over the world, sharing their experiences and different points of view.

So do you have an interest in writing, and would you like to see your article published and read by students all over the world? Send us an e-mail at [email protected] and we can tell you all about the possibilities.

With kind regards,
The team of Global Medicine


Malaria is a disease that today still kills 400,000 people per year. The disease has been eradicated in large parts of the world. However, other parts of the world still suffer heavily under its burden.
Medications to prevent and treat malaria have been known since the end of the second world war. However, throughout the past century, strains of malaria have emerged that are resistant to old and new medications.
Reports of malaria strains resistant to artemisinin have been reported in the Greater Mekong Subregion. This is an area where there are relatively few malaria infections each year. But resistant strains always emerge in low transmission areas like the Greater Mekong.
In response to this new resistance, health workers want to eliminate the deadliest strain of malaria, P. Falciparum, before it gets a chance to spread to Africa in its resistant form where the infection rates are much higher and the disease would wreak havoc.

Read the full article at: #.wuiafcwli


A recent study found that in the past 40 years, the amount of obese men has tripled (3.2% to 10.8%) and the amount of obese women has more than doubled (6.4% to 14.9%). In the same timeframe, the proportion of underweight people decreased for 13.8% to 8.8% for men and from 14.6% to 9.7% for women. However, low body weight is still a major health problem around the world.
For more information, click the link:


Approximately 113.900 people died from measles in 2014, mostly children under 5 years old. Despite the availability of a safe and cost effective vaccine, measles remains one of the leading causes of death among young children.
Most of these deaths occur in low income countries with a weak health infrastructure and per capita income. In these countries measles is still a common disease. However, any non-immune person risks getting the disease.
For more information, read the factsheet at:


The fear of microcephaly caused by Zika virus is driving many women to opt for abortions. However, in some South-American countries abortions are illegal. Because of this women who seek abortions have to find them illegally, and often do so in backstreet clinics run by unqualified practitioners. The abortions provided in these illegal clinics are often unsafe and pose a major health risk for women who have to visit them.

Read the full article at:


Smoking is one of the biggest health risks that we face worldwide. Around 6 million people are killed by to***co use each year, and 600.000 of these deaths are caused by second hand smoke.
80% of the worlds smokers live in low- to middle-income countries. The impact of to***co related disease and death influences the economic development and health care cost.
Around the world multiple actions have taken to discourage people from smoking and to help smokers to quit. However, the to***co industry has tried to block the implementation of these measures.

More information about to***co and to***co use around the world can be found at:***co/en/ and


In a recent study, conducted in 94 low- to middle-income countries and investigating vaccines for ten diseases, researchers discovered that the amount of money that could be saved by vaccinations is substantial.
When looking at "cost of illness", where treatment costs and productivity loss are investigated, the study found that 16 dollars were returned for every dollar spend on immunization. But when looking with the "full income approach", which includes the social and economic influence of longer and healthier lives, this factor was increased to 44 dollars returned for every dollar spend.
However, the cost is still a problem for countries included in this study. So to achieve this potential return, governments and donors need to make the necessary investments in the coming years.

Read the full article at:


Tenofovir is an antiretroviral drug that plays a key role in both treatment and prevention of HIV infections. However, a recent study investigated 1,926 individuals who had uncontrolled HIV around the world, despite receiving antiretroviral treatment. This study found tenofovir-resistant strains in 60% of the patients in Sub-Saharan Africa and in 20% of European patients. Viral loads in these patients were even found to be high enough to be potentially infectious.

Read the full article at:


Zika virus has received significant attention in world news recently due to the outbreak in South America and the possible association with underdeveloped brains in newborns and Guillan-Barré syndrome. Since the outbreak cases have been found in an increasing amount of countries, both in South America and globally.
The disease is mainly spread by the Aedes genus of mosquito, which thrives in tropical and subtropical countries. However, it is also possible to transmit the disease through infected blood, sexual contact and from mother to fetus during pregnancy.
For more facts and information about Zika virus, visit: and


The 14th of January marks the day that Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone have had 0 cases of Ebola for at least 42 days since the outbreak, two years ago. These countries got hit the hardest. Since the outbreak Ebola has killed over 11.300 and infected more than 28.500 people.
However, the World Health Organization expects that small outbreaks, or flare-ups, will occur in the future. “We are now at a critical point in the Ebola epidemic as we move from managing cases and patients to managing the residual risk of new infections”.

Read the article here:


Wil jij in een gezellig team meewerken aan een medisch tijdschrift? Een tijdschrift dat op alle medische faculteiten wordt gelezen?

Dan is het team van Global Medicine misschien wel iets voor jou!

Global Medicine is het tijdschrift van IFMSA-NL dat 3x per jaar verschijnt, vol met artikelen en informatie over Global Health. Zo hebben we onze vaste rubrieken over studeren in het buitenland, neglected tropical diseases, Global Health columns, verschillende interviews over inspirerende carrières en nog veel meer Global Health nieuws.

Global Medicine wordt verspreid over alle 8 medische faculteiten in Nederland. Daarnaast zijn alle edities ook te lezen op onze website

Global Medicine wordt gemaakt door studenten van verschillende medische faculteiten, en momenteel zijn wij op zoek naar nieuwe teamleden voor ons PR-team!
Waar wij ons mee bezig houden:
- Promotiemateriaal ontwikkelen
- Promotie en verspreiding van het tijdschrift op (internationale) bijeenkomsten
- Contact leggen en onderhouden met derden
- Acquisitie

Lijkt dit je een leuke en leerzame uitdaging? Of wil je gewoon meer weten? Mail dan naar [email protected].

We horen graag van je!


Are you interested in public health? Have you done research in this field? Or do you want to share your opinion on an urgent topic with students from all over the world? This is your chance to share your thoughts!

We are searching for articles for the next Global Medicine. The theme of this issue will be ‘Crossing Borders’.

Interested? Check our site for more information:


Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a tropical disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. It is spread mostly by insects known as Triatominae or kissing bugs. The symptoms change over the course of the infection. In the early stage, patients are often asymptomatic or present with mild symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches and/or local swelling at the site of the bite. In 60–70% of patients the disease never produces further symptoms. The other 30 to 40% of people develop further symptoms 10 to 30 years after the initial infection, including enlargement of the ventricles of the heart in 20 to 30% (Chagas cardiomyopathy). An enlarged esophagus or an enlarged colon may also occur in 10% of people.

Recently there has been a lot of media coverage of Chagas disease in the US, leading many to believe that they are in real danger of catching the disease. In actuality the disease is incredibly rare, with there being less than 40 human infections in the US since 1955.
Wired published an article on their website discussing the disease and so called media induced epidemics further.
Read the article here:


Timeline Photos


The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education – have been a milestone in global and national development efforts. The MDGs have helped to stimulate development efforts and guide global and national development priorities. While three of the eight goals have been achieved prior to the final deadline of 2015 progress has been uneven within and across countries. Thus further efforts and a strong global partnership for development are needed to accelerate progress and reach the goals by 2015.

For this reason the United Nations are now in the process of defining a post-2015 development agenda which builds upon the MDGs. The agenda incorporates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim to finish the job of the MDGs.

This month there is a seminar at the UMC Utrecht about exactly this topic. Everyone interested in learning more about the SDGs is more than welcome!!

At this seminar Ronald Wormgoor, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will discuss what has become of the MDGS and will introduce the SDGs. Next, three exciting topics will be discussed in breakout sessions, each guided by one or more expert(s) in the area. The break out sessions will focus on the topics of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Public Private Partnership and Access to Medicine and you can sign up for one of them. We are looking forward to welcome you at the seminar!

Location: Blauwe Collegezaal, UMC Utrecht
Admission: 3,50 euro (incl drinks)

More info:

Get tickets at:


The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs in collaboration with the Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator and humanitarian partners has released a flash appeal for 415 million dollars to aid Nepal.

In the full appeal it is stated exactly how they determined the amount of 415 million dollars. Read the full document here:

More information on the earthquake in Nepal and what the UN is doing to help can found on their website:

You can donate money to relief effort here:


This saturday is World Malaria Day. World Malaria Day was instituted by WHO Member States during the 2007 World Health Assembly and is celebrated on 25 April each year. It is an occasion to highlight the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment for malaria control and elimination. The theme for the 2013-2015 campaign is “Invest in the Future. Defeat malaria”.

More about World Malaria day here:

Article about Malaria published by Aljazeera:


The World Bank's goal is to end extreme poverty and to grow income for the poorest people on the planet.

They do this by lending money to governments and private companies in some of the poorest countries on earth. The money they lend out goes towards preserving land, building dams and creating health care systems.

But a recent report from The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists together with the Huffington Post found that a lot of people actually end up worse off because of projects funded by The World Bank.

Read the full report here:



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