‘Gay rights, women rights – the conservative people feel threatened by that. You do know that right?’
We were looking at an exhibition on women photographed by a woman (Bettina Rheims; https://www.institut-photo.com/event/bettina-rheims/).
‘What do you mean, threatened? It’s just that person’s decision.’
‘But the conservative people feel their way of living is under threat if progressive people will get their way.’
‘How do you mean threatened?’
‘They see it as an attack on their world.’
‘Now I’m confused. I thought people on the right want as little government as possible; that people should just take care of themselves. Than what do they care about what people do with their lives?’
‘Paulien, that’s old fashion right. Extreme right is not about that. It’s about protecting Christian values.’
‘Ah, you mean it’s like conservative Islam but without the religion?’
So I learned that many people in Nice actually vote the extreme right (‘Why? They have everything and they don’t want to share?’ ‘No, they feel their old ways of living are under threat.’) That there is actually no need for a discussion, because I’m a journalist so I’m part of the system/the government anyway. And, well basically, I learned that I had totally misunderstood the concept of extreme right, which, I guess, in a way proves that I’m a journalist.
There was just one thing we disagreed on. I opted that the extreme right in the Netherlands isn’t fueled so much by religion but by nostalgia. My discussion partners (all 3 of them) insist it is religion – as it is all over the world.