History - Brill Publishing

History - Brill Publishing The latest news from the History Publishing Unit at Brill. Part of the De Gruyter Brill Family.

The History Publishing Unit at Brill publishes over a broad range of periods and themes in largely European history and culture, e.g. medieval, early modern and modern history and Slavic studies, intellectual history and the history of warfare. The History Publishing Unit currently publishes some 175 books and 25 journals, and a major primary sources list.

Kasper van Ommen of Leiden University Libraries unpacking the copies of his new book, 'All my books in foreign tongues’:...

Kasper van Ommen of Leiden University Libraries unpacking the copies of his new book, 'All my books in foreign tongues’: The Oriental Bequest of Joseph Scaliger and the University Library of Leiden.

Congratulations, Kasper!


*Book presentation on February 25, at 16:00*Brill authors Jakub Niedźwiedz, Karol Łopatecki and Grzegorz Franczak presen...

*Book presentation on February 25, at 16:00*

Brill authors Jakub Niedźwiedz, Karol Łopatecki and Grzegorz Franczak present their book "Mapping of a Russian War" at the Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University,next week. The presentation will be hybrid, on site and via MS Teams.


Katedra Historii Literatury Staropolskiej Wydziału Polonistyki UJ
zaprasza na spotkanie poświęcone książce

The Mapping of a Russian War: The Atlas of the Principality of Polatsk by Stanisław Pachołowiecki (1580)

25 lutego 2025 roku (wtorek) godz. 16.00.

Rozmowę z jej autorami: Jakubem Niedźwiedziem, Karolem Łopateckim i Grzegorzem Franczakiem przeprowadzi Andrzej Staniszewski.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w trybie hybrydowym.

Wydział Polonistyki UJ, ul. Gołębia 16, sala 42 na parterze (wejście przez bramę kamienicy przy ul. Gołębiej 18).

Link do transmisji on-line na platformie MsTeams w komentarzu.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!

Wishing all of our readers a happy and bookish Valentine's Day!

Wishing all of our readers a happy and bookish Valentine's Day!

Talking about continuity: here are books on the Dutch biologist Jan Swammerdam, the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam, and t...

Talking about continuity: here are books on the Dutch biologist Jan Swammerdam, the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam, and the lyricist Walther von der Vogelweide published by De Gruyter Brill and its predecessors in respectively 1685, 1729, 1827 and 2023.

New: Leonardo da Vinci and Architecture. Written by Sabine Frommel and Jean Guillaume with an additional chapter by Sara...

New: Leonardo da Vinci and Architecture.

Written by Sabine Frommel and Jean Guillaume with an additional chapter by Sara Taglialagamba, this lavishly illustrated book examines Leonardo’s architectural drawings of churches, ephemeral monuments, urban reconstruction, fortifications, palaces, villas, and painted architecture. Mostly ideal in nature, they are part of the architectural evolution of the late Quattrocento and early Cinquecento.


📮 Fresh from the press, special issue of Nuncius is out now.

📮 Fresh from the press, special issue of Nuncius is out now.

📢 The first issue of 2025 (40.1) is out!
Have a look at the rich sections of articles and book reviews!
Special Issue: "The Constitution of the Scientific Observation Site (15th–18th Century): Ideal, Real, and Institutional Sites", edited by Dalia Deias

👉 Browse the table of contents at:
📖 You can read the Open Access introduction to the SI at:

Read and share !

Museo Galileo History - Brill Publishing

New: the Brill/RSA Companion to the Renaissance Papacy 1400–1600. Edited by Nelson Minnich (Catholic University of Ameri...

New: the Brill/RSA Companion to the Renaissance Papacy 1400–1600.

Edited by Nelson Minnich (Catholic University of America), this concise handbook offers insightful contributions by leading experts, including Ingrid Rowland, Margaret Meserve, Francis Oakley, and the late John O’Malley.


"Call for Papers" De Gruyter BrillOur colleagues from De Gruyter are looking for proposals for their "European History Y...

"Call for Papers" De Gruyter Brill

Our colleagues from De Gruyter are looking for proposals for their "European History Yearbook".
Proposals should be for full thematic issues, 6-8 chapters @ 7-8000 words per chapter. Topics can range from European interactions and intellectual-social processes of an overarching nature to studies on Europe's entanglements beyond its borders. The yearbook is open to the entire spectrum of historical “sub-disciplines” as well as diverse methodological approaches, always on condition that a European or comparative approach is adopted.

Interested? Submit your proposal here: https://dgo.formstack.com/forms/proposal_de

Find out more about the European History Yearbook:

Gegründet im Jahr 2000 widmet sich das Jahrbuch der Europäischen Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur jüngeren Zeitgeschichte. Die große zeitliche Breite, thematische Vielfalt und methodische Offenheit zeichnen das Jahrbuch von Beginn an aus und machen es zu einem zentralen Ort wissenschaf...

*Call for Papers*Participate in the next special issue of "The International Journal of Military History and Historiogra...

*Call for Papers*

Participate in the next special issue of "The International Journal of Military History and Historiography" and submit your paper. This special issue is dedicated to soldier narratives of the First and Second World Wars. The main focus of this issue is on how soldiers perceived, processed, and articulated their experiences in wartime, drawing on the seminal works of scholars like Samuel Hynes, Jay Winter, and Antoine Prost.

Check out the full call for papers and how to get in touch with the editors on our website: 👉 https://brill.ws/4hJiG2h

Find out more about the journal on our website: 👉brill.com/ijmh

We are thrilled to announce that Achille Marotta, currently Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Flo...

We are thrilled to announce that Achille Marotta, currently Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy has won the Virginia Ramey Mollenkott Award from the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network for his article, "The Muslim Friend: Cross-Confessional Male Intimacy in Eighteenth-Century Italy”, published in June 2024 in our Journal of Early Modern History. Initiated in 2005, this award honors outstanding scholarship in LGBTQ religious history.

The article was published in open access and can be downloaded here: https://brill.com/view/journals/jemh/28/3/article-p230_3.xml.

The press release about the award can be found here: https://lgbtqreligiousarchives.org/vrm-award.

Congratulations, Achille Marotta!

New: Art Museums and the Legacies of the Dutch Atlantic Slave Trade: Curating Histories, Envisioning FuturesEdited by Sa...

New: Art Museums and the Legacies of the Dutch Atlantic Slave Trade: Curating Histories, Envisioning Futures

Edited by Sarah Mallory (The Morgan Library & Museum), Joanna S. Seidenstein (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), Rachel Burke (Harvard), and Kéla Jackson (Harvard), this richly illustrated collection presents wide-ranging perspectives on the legacies of the Dutch Atlantic slave trade within and beyond museum walls. Contributions by curators, academics, activists, artists, and poets consider this history as reflected in the arts of Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Black diaspora more broadly, together illuminating how art museums may function as liberatory spaces working against systemic injustice.



On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, we honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirm our responsibility to guard against the rise of intolerance and hatred.

For those doing research into the history of the Holocaust, our landmark 16-volume collection "The Persecution and Murder of the European Jews by N**i Germany, 1933–1945" offers a wealth of primary sources. The first three volumes can now be downloaded free of charge here: https://pmj-documents.org/free-download/

For the German speakers out there, you can also listen to our podcast on memory politics with PMJ series editor Susanne Heim (Freie Universität Berlin) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db2bfxD23wI

Walter Melion of Emory University presents Karl Enenkel of Münster University with a Festschrift in his honor. Published...

Walter Melion of Emory University presents Karl Enenkel of Münster University with a Festschrift in his honor. Published as the 100th volume in Enenkel’s own book series, Intersections, we managed to keep the project a secret from the laureate for four years. The expression on his face is priceless.


Wallpaper in the canteen of the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. Can you spot the Brill books?

Wallpaper in the canteen of the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. Can you spot the Brill books?

“The Atlas of the Principality of Polatsk” is one of the oldest cartographic representations of the military conflict be...

“The Atlas of the Principality of Polatsk” is one of the oldest cartographic representations of the military conflict between Russia (Muscovy) and the Western world. It was drawn at the beginning of the Livonian War (1579–1582) when the Polish-Lithuanian army liberated the Lithuanian and Livonian lands from Muscovian occupation.

"The Mapping of a Russian War", edited by Jakub Niedźwiedź, Karol Łopatecki, und Grzegorz Franczak, focuses on the military aspects of the maps, their political and propaganda use, and the Early Modern construction of the past through maps.

The authors present an innovative approach to these maps, which so far had rarely examined by the international research community.

The book is available in open access. Visit our website and download your personal copy.

Edited by Anthony Grafton (Princeton) and Paolo Sachet (Geneva), our new series Receptio Patristica has lifted off! The ...

Edited by Anthony Grafton (Princeton) and Paolo Sachet (Geneva), our new series Receptio Patristica has lifted off! The first two volumes are out, and a third one is in production. Stay tuned at www.brill.com/repa.


Vol. 1: Jean-Louis Quantin (Sorbonne, Paris), The Patristic Text in the Confessional Age (16th–17th Centuries): Erudition, Theology, Censorship.

Vol. 2: Alexander Treiger (Dalhousie University), The Church Fathers in Arabic Translations.


Vol. 3: Josh Timmermann (University of British Columbia), In the Footsteps of the Ancient Fathers: The Construction and Use of Patristic Authority in the Carolingian Era.

𝗔 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀In 2024, we celebrated the launch of the "Encyclopedia of Medicine in the Gre...

𝗔 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀

In 2024, we celebrated the launch of the "Encyclopedia of Medicine in the Greco-Roman World" (EMGO), the first comprehensive English-language reference on ancient medicine. This dual-language resource includes an updated English edition alongside the "German Antike Medizin: Ein Lexikon" (2005), with hundreds of new articles on topics like healing practices, dietetics, and love spells.

An essential tool for scholars in classical studies, history of medicine, and beyond. Explore it now at https://referenceworks.brill.com/display/db/emgo.

2024 was a particularly productive year for Brill author Renske Hoff of Utrecht University. Not only did she publish a m...

2024 was a particularly productive year for Brill author Renske Hoff of Utrecht University. Not only did she publish a monograph, an edited volume, and a journal issue; she also gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. The young one seems to share his mother's love for books.


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