Welcome at 7th Edition AMR Conference
'Emerging Antimicrobials & Diagnostics in AMR (EADA) 2024'
=> Please register before 17 November if you would like to participate in the 1:1 partnering program: https://www.amr-insights.eu/eada-2024/register/
26/27 November 2024
West-Indisch Huis
Herenmarkt 99, 1013 EC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
boosts international collaboration and joint innovation in the domain of antimicrobials, AMR diagnostics and preventives to enhance the global curbing of : https://www.amr-insights.eu/eada-2024/
Program: https://www.amr-insights.eu/eada-2024/program/
Welcome to international AMR stakeholders:
Startups, SMEs, large companies, academia, research institutes, authorities, NGOs, healthcare institutions, funding organisations, others
Program 26 November (13:30 - 20:30 CET)
- Learn & connect to leading AMR Innovation Networks Europe
- Benefit from new AMR Innovation Supergrid
- Network at unique floating Symposium Dinner on Amsterdam canals
Program 27 November (09:00 - 18:00 CET)
- Get inspired: innovative Antimicrobials, AMR Diagnostics & Preventives
- Initiate international collaborations in 1:1 Partnering Program
- Broaden your horizon: Ethical Perspectives of AMR Innovation
- Engage in Inclusive AMR Innovation during Panel discussion
- Network over drinks with Captains of Industry, leading Scientists and international AMR stakeholders
Register today: https://www.amr-insights.eu/eada-2024/register/
AMR Conference hashtag is an initiative by AMR Insights and is realized with AMR Captains of Industry, Leading AMR Scientists and global AMR Stakeholders.