AMR Insights

AMR Insights AMR Insights combats antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by informing, educating and connecting professionals worldwide.

Founded in 2017, new on Facebook since November 2024!

Welcome at 7th Edition AMR Conference'Emerging Antimicrobials & Diagnostics in AMR (EADA) 2024'=> Please register before...

Welcome at 7th Edition AMR Conference
'Emerging Antimicrobials & Diagnostics in AMR (EADA) 2024'

=> Please register before 17 November if you would like to participate in the 1:1 partnering program:

26/27 November 2024
West-Indisch Huis
Herenmarkt 99, 1013 EC Amsterdam
The Netherlands

boosts international collaboration and joint innovation in the domain of antimicrobials, AMR diagnostics and preventives to enhance the global curbing of :


Welcome to international AMR stakeholders:
Startups, SMEs, large companies, academia, research institutes, authorities, NGOs, healthcare institutions, funding organisations, others

Program 26 November (13:30 - 20:30 CET)
- Learn & connect to leading AMR Innovation Networks Europe
- Benefit from new AMR Innovation Supergrid
- Network at unique floating Symposium Dinner on Amsterdam canals

Program 27 November (09:00 - 18:00 CET)
- Get inspired: innovative Antimicrobials, AMR Diagnostics & Preventives
- Initiate international collaborations in 1:1 Partnering Program
- Broaden your horizon: Ethical Perspectives of AMR Innovation
- Engage in Inclusive AMR Innovation during Panel discussion
- Network over drinks with Captains of Industry, leading Scientists and international AMR stakeholders

Register today:

AMR Conference hashtag is an initiative by AMR Insights and is realized with AMR Captains of Industry, Leading AMR Scientists and global AMR Stakeholders.

International AMR Conference EADA 2024Emerging Antimicrobials & Diagnostics in AMR  boosts international collaboration a...

International AMR Conference EADA 2024
Emerging Antimicrobials & Diagnostics in AMR

boosts international collaboration and joint innovation of antimicrobials, AMR diagnostics and preventives to enhance the global curbing of :

30 confirmed Lectures by International Presenters / AMR breakthrough innovations / extensive 1:1 Partnering Program / Networking / Round table discussion / Conference dinner; Program details:

International AMR stakeholders welcome:
Startups, SMEs, large companies, academia, research institutes, authorities, NGOs, healthcare institutions, funding organisations, others

Register today:

Program 26 November (13:30 - 20:30 CET)
- Connect to leading AMR Innovation Networks Europe
- Benefit from new AMR Innovation Supergrid
- Network at unique floating Conference Dinner Amsterdam canals

Program 27 November (09:00 - 18:00 CET)
- Learn innovative Antimicrobials, AMR Diagnostics & Preventives
- Initiate international collaborations in 1:1 Partnering Program
- Broaden your horizon: Ethical Perspectives AMR Innovation
- Engage in Panel discussion on Inclusive AMR Innovation
- Network over drinks with Captains of Industry, leading Scientists and international AMR stakeholders

Register today:
Reduced rate for SME / Academia / Government / LMIC

AMR Conference hashtag is an initiative by AMR Insights and is realized with AMR Captains of Industry, Leading AMR Scientists and global AMR Stakeholders.


Keizersgracht 482


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