Christopher Vipond Davies - writer & editor, freelance, and creator of Chris Cross Communications & Universal Peace Herald Tribune and other Pages, specializes in Arts & Culture, Interviews & Profiles, also Politics and General Interest. Christopher Vipond Davies - writer & editor, freelance, and creator / publisher of Chris Cross Connections -
s/189654394526152 - and Chris Cross Communications - - inc. - & Universal Peace Herald Tribune and other Pages, specializes in Arts & Culture, Interviews & Profiles, also Politics and General Interest. Started journalistic writing in UK, The Rising Tide paper, then New Tomorrow magazine, then World & I magazine and New York City Tribune paper; also written for London Independent, Washington Times, Professors World Peace Academy magazine in Japan and other publications, one major project being a 50+ page souvenir booklet for the film INCHON, about the Korean War. In Amsterdam, I worked organizing business conferences with Institute for International Research (IIR), based in WTC, Amsterdam Zuid, which included writing the programme and invitations; and editing articles for Electronaut, international English language magazing of Radio Holland. me as a singer / songwriter, also as writer & performer of poetry and "bardic talks" and other theatrical / dramatic shows. Also =