
Mrchallenger Freelance Video Editor || Social media manager || Content Creator || Graphics designer || Techprenuer

Does our story looks familiar ???When I finalized my secondary school 10 years back, my ambition is to become an archite...

Does our story looks familiar ???

When I finalized my secondary school 10 years back, my ambition is to become an architecture.

As some body who was born without silver spoon in my mouth, I researched about the requisite and expenses for studying Architecture in tertiary institution before finalizing my research I drop that ambition in a trash because it looks like impossible for me at that time.

On the other hand,

I'm a voracious listener to some islamic scholars especially Sheik Muhammad Auwal Adam ( Albani Zaria ) since my childhood, that's where I started developing interest in business and technology and promise myself to study computer at all cost.

To cut a long story short, I migrated to Zaria and study COMPUTER ENGINEERING.

While I was studying at polytechnic I realised that I have to go the extra mile and think outside the box in order to succeed in the tech industry. I enrolled at different institutions of learning both physical and online to prepare myself for the future.

I hold a lot of certifications from 2018 till now, and always ready to empty my pocket in order to fill my brain.

This is a little glimpse of my journey.

For most of us especially in northern Nigeria we have similar story like this.

What we want to become and what we are pursuing are different at first.

What is your ambition while in secondary school and what are you pursuing now ????

Let us know in the comment section below to inspire each other and continue bridging the gap because

" impossible is a word to be found only in a dictionary of fools "

I'm Mrchallenger

And I won't be silent

Let's celebrate the joyous spirit of Eid-ul-Fitr with gratitude.As the holy month of Ramadan end.Let's cherish the momen...

Let's celebrate the joyous spirit of Eid-ul-Fitr with gratitude.

As the holy month of Ramadan end.

Let's cherish the moments of reflection, generosity, and connection. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Eid filled with love, laughter, and abundant blessings.

May this special day bring you peace, prosperity, and endless happiness. Eid Mubarak! 🎉🕌


In the digital age, where attention is currency, Let's look at the the only powerful tool that will captivate audience a...

In the digital age, where attention is currency,

Let's look at the the only powerful tool that will captivate audience attention and drive results which is content marketing, where creativity meets strategy to drive business growth.

Content marketing is not about selling products or services.

It's about telling stories that resonate with your audience, building trust, and ultimately, driving action.

From blog posts that educate and inform, to videos that entertain and inspire.

It's not about creating content for the sake of content.

Content marketers dive deep into data and insights to understand their audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors.

Armed with that knowledge, and develop a strategic content that align with business goals and speak directly to their target audience.

As marketing guru Jon Buscall said

Content marketing is not a campaign, it's a commitment."

It's about building long-term relationships with your audience through consistent valuable content.

Whether it's a Facebook post, an engaging Instagram story, or a provoking LinkedIn article, every piece of content is crafted with care and purpose.

Jonathan Perelman famously said,

"Content is king, but distribution is queen." It's not enough to create great content; it needs to reach the right audience at the right time.

Content marketers use analytics and metrics to measure the effectiveness of their content and optimize their strategies for maximum impact.

So, whether it's driving brand awareness, generating leads, or nurturing customer loyalty, content marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses connect with their audience and achieve their marketing goals.

How can define content marketing on your own view ???

Lets look at content writing. In detailsI know it might sound fancy, but trust me, it's all about unleashing your creati...

Lets look at content writing. In details

I know it might sound fancy, but trust me, it's all about unleashing your creativity and sharing your thoughts with the world in a fun and engaging way!

So what is content writing?

Well, think of it as storytelling for the digital age! Whether it's writing blog posts, creating social media captions, or crafting website content.

Content writing is all about connecting with your audience and leaving them wanting more.

Don't panic you don't need to be a genius to be a great content writer! All you need is a little bit of creativity and imagination.

But when it comes to writing great content, remember these three magic words:

Be Yourself." Your unique voice and perspective are what make your content stand out from the crowd.

Next "Know Your Audience."

Understanding who you're writing for is key to creating content that resonates with them.

Whether it's entrepreneurs who love any thing that will drive them sells or pet lovers who can't get enough of cat videos, knowing your audience helps you tailor your content to their interests and needs.

Maya Angelou once said

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."


"Practice Makes Perfect"

It takes practice to be a good content writer.

So don't be afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and learn along the way.

Remember, skyscraper wasn't built in a day, and neither is a viral blog post or a trending tweet!

So dear aspiring Content writer let your creativity shine, understand your audience, and never give up on your writing journey.

Let us know some tips to be a great content writer from you.

There are differences between content writing and content marketing, although they are closely related.Content writing r...

There are differences between content writing and content marketing, although they are closely related.

Content writing refers to the creation of written content for different purposes, such as blog posts, articles, website content, social media posts, emails, and more.

Content writers focus on crafting engaging, informative, and valuable content that resonates with their target audience. They always emphasize storytelling, clarity, and creativity to capture and maintain the reader's attention.

Content writing is primarily about producing high-quality written material that informs, entertains, or educates the audience.

Content marketing on the other hand, is a broader strategic approach that involves using content to attract, engage, and retain a specific audience.

Content marketing encompasses the creation, distribution, and promotion of content across various channels to achieve specific marketing goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or nurturing customer relationships.

Content marketing involves not only content creation but also strategic planning, audience research, content distribution, analytics, and optimization

It focuses on leveraging content as a valuable asset to achieve broader marketing objectives and ultimately drive business results.

In a nutshell

content writing is the act of creating written content.

Content marketing is the strategic way of using content to achieve marketing goals and drive business outcomes.

Social media is like a chaotic marketplace, where brands and the vendors are shouting to get noticed. Imagine a town squ...

Social media is like a chaotic marketplace, where brands and the vendors are shouting to get noticed.

Imagine a town square where everyone is sharing stories, and checking out the latest trends. That's basically social media,in the online space

They're are millions of Facebook friends, Instagram influencers, and tiktokers all trying to sell their stuff. But how do you make your voice heard above the noise?

Is through Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing It is not just about flooding your timeline with photos and videos of your products or services; it's a powerful tool to connect with your audience.

Gary Vay says, "Social media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people, and the people will provide for you"

Think of your social media platforms as digital billboards

Here are three strategies that will help you build a genuine connections that will last and make your brand unforgettable.

Choosing the Right Platforms.

With so many platforms out there, which one suits your brand? Where your target hang on Remember what Mark Schaefer said:
"The best content strategy for your brand is the one that actually gets done"

Choose platforms that align with your audience and your brand's personality.

Content is King
Neil Patel wisely says "Content is fire, and social media is gasoline".

Crafting compelling content is the heart of Social Media Marketing. We'll discuss the types of content that engage and convert your audience.

Building Relationships
Social Media Marketing is not a one-night stand, it's a long-term relationship. It's not about how many followers you have but how many people care about what you're saying.

In Conclusion Social Media Marketing is your ticket to brand stardom. Remember, it's not about being everywhere; it's about being where it matters.
Let me know your favorite social media tip in the comment section below and let's keep the conversation going. Until next time, keep creating, connecting, and keep dominating the digital landscape!

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Have you ever ask yourself why some content vanish in searches, while others shine brighterIt's all about SEO, the secre...

Have you ever ask yourself why some content vanish in searches, while others shine brighter

It's all about SEO, the secret sauce that gets you notice online.

Dont panic it's not magic, just a trick,

Imagine the internet as a huge library with billions of books.

If you want to find a specific book on this library, you have to use a catalog or index,

Well, search engines like Google are like the catalogs of the internet. They help us find what we're looking for among all the websites

Search Engine Optimization is like putting your book in the right section of the library so people can find it easily.

When someone searches for something online, search engines look through all the websites to find the most relevant ones.

It helps websites become more visible and rank higher in the search results.

But here's the twist: You have to use the right words, like secret codes that tell Google what you're all about.

Let's assume you are a lawyer and use generic terms like legal advice you will be lost in the online wild.

Because every one use it, but when you mention some area of your expertise like car accident claim, or family law fights, you will be zoomed up in the search engine.

Here are some easy steps to consider when creating your content for better SEO experience:

Think like your audience.

Who are you trying to reach?

What are they searching for?


Find the right words,

Tools like "Google Keyword Planner" can help you pick the perfect ones.
Then Craft good titles and descriptions.

Remember, SEO is a journey, not a race.
So keep creating awesome content, and Google will eventually take notice.

And also Add funny stories related to your niche, and good visuals to keep your viewers hooked.

If you want to pursue a career in digital marketing you will probably be bamboozled with a lot of things especially when...

If you want to pursue a career in digital marketing you will probably be bamboozled with a lot of things especially when you are starting out.

There are different diversifications and branches that are really difficult to understand to become a full stack digital marketer.
Fb ads
Content markering
Influencer marketing

As a certified digital marketer from google,

I'm here to tell you that You don't need to worry yourself because I'm taking you on a journey to explore and dymestify every things in details.

As digital marketing is one of the most in demand skills in the 21st century.

So, what exactly is digital marketing

Assuming you have a bakery and you want to sell your cakes to more people. You have to tell people outside about your cakes,
You would also put up a sign, and bake some samples to give them to people and tell your friends and family to recommend you.

Digital marketing is like that, but for the online world. It's all about using the internet and other digital tools to reach potential customers where they spend their time.

Digital marketing refers to any advertising or promotional activity that uses digital channels, such as
social media,
search engines,
websites, and
mobile apps,
to connect with customers and promote products or services.

Currently, people spend more time online than ever before.

Therefore digital marketing has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes to connect with potential customers and build brand awareness.

leveraging digital channels, would help your businesses to reach a wider audience,
target specific demographics, and
measure the success of your campaigns in real-time.

But how can you become reachable in the world that has millions people within your niche

Follow me on my handles where I will be digesting the importance and uses of seo as one of the branches of digital marketing

Digital marketing and traditional marketing are two distinct approaches to promoting products or services to a target au...

Digital marketing and traditional marketing are two distinct approaches to promoting products or services to a target audience.

What are the discrepancies?

Traditional marketing is like flipping through a magazine or catching a glimpse of a billboard on your daily routine

It's familiar and tangible, but in reality is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

On the other hand digital marketing is using digital channels to send a message to reach million people with just a click,

It's like throwing a party and inviting the whole world

With traditional marketing, you're shouting into the void.

But with digital, you're having a conversation and everyone's listening.

And the cost of traditional marketing can break the bank faster than digital marketing

with digital marketing you can stretch your budget like a yoga master targeting your audience with precision and efficiency.

So, whether you're reaching for the stars with a billboard or diving into the digital ocean it's all about making impact and leaving a lasting impression.

Remember, the world is your playground and with digital marketing, the fun never stops!

What type of marketing are you practicing Traditional or digital?

let me know in the comment section below

let's talk about marketing. Well our life is align with marketing like the blood circulation inside our veinBecause whet...

let's talk about marketing.

Well our life is align with marketing like the blood circulation inside our vein
Because whether you have a business or not marketing happens every day.

Does it sound crazy? let me digest it into pieces

Anytime you try to convince friends, family or anybody to watch a movie, eat a certain food or perform an action, that process of trying to convince them to do a an action is called marketing

So, marketing is really paramount to comprehend because you are constantly being marketed to by everyone from everywhere

Most business owners fails to understand what marketing is which lead their businesses to failure in their early stage.

There are countless definition of marketing but let's look at the most prominent among them:

Wikipedia defines Marketing as the process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market in terms of goods and services, which include selection of a target audience, certain attributes or themes to emphasize in advertisements

According to
Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Which include advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.

in a simple and easier way

Marketing is the sense of communicating value to your customers.
answering their question
And helping them to solve their problems by clearly defining and delivering solutions

Marketing is about connecting with people
understanding their pains so that you can position your business as the solution to their problems

So marketing is a powerful thing in business, because research shows that it's not always the best product or service that wins.

it's the product or service with the best marketing that wins

That is why having a good marketing is so important.

But when it comes to marketing, there's good and bad marketing.

What are the discrepancies???

Bad marketing is all of the reasons that marketing gets a bad reputation, which helps nobody.

While good marketing, helps customers achieve their goals, makes them feel better about themselves

So let me ask you what kind of marketer Do you want to be,

if you say the bad marketer, I have nothing for you

But if you say the good marketer, and I know you will, follow me on my social media handles cos I have a lot content which are going to give you more practical and effective marketing strategies to help you take your business to the next level

Ramada Mubarak

Ramada Mubarak


Day 7 of 21 days video content challenge

Search Engine Optimization


Day 5 of 21 days video content challenge

in realm of 21stcentury everything is gradually transforming into digital platform


Day 4 of 21 days video content challenge

Digital marketing


day 3 of 21 days video content challenge

Traditional and digital marketing


Day 2 of 21 days video content challenge

Role of Marketing in business

Our life is align with marketing like the blood circulation inside our veinBecause whether you have a business or not ma...

Our life is align with marketing like the blood circulation inside our vein

Because whether you have a business or not marketing happens every day.

Anytime you try to convince friends, family or anybody to watch a movie, eat a certain food or perform an action, that process of trying to convince them to do a an action is called marketing

So, marketing is really paramount to comprehend because you are constantly being marketed to by everyone from everywhere

Most business owners fails to understand what marketing is which lead their businesses to failure in their early stage.

want to know more watch my upcoming video


Complaining does not solve problem,

The question is..........

What are the strategic ways have you taken as youth in order to change your life and live the life you want???

Embarrassment is the cost of entry.

Embarrassment is the cost of entry.

I spend More than 4 hours sharpening the axeNow its time to start cutting the treesI will start by challenging myself to...

I spend More than 4 hours sharpening the axe

Now its time to start cutting the trees

I will start by challenging myself to posting Video Content consistently for 21days despite the difficulty

" Impossible is a word only to be found in a dictionary of fools "

I have confidence in myself and my believe is in Allah

The door is open for your constructive criticism

The aim is to eradicate camera shy within me.

This is Mrchallenger

And I won't be silent

Don't worry about the result pay more attention to the process

Don't worry about the result pay more attention to the process

Passion fuels greatness! pursuing a dream job, building a business, or creating art that speaks to your soul,Take time  ...

Passion fuels greatness!

pursuing a dream job, building a business, or creating art that speaks to your soul,
Take time

" The only way to do great work is to love what you do "

Find your passion, pour your heart into it, your dedication and enthusiasm will propel you towards success!

Ready to embark on your journey to greatnessDon't worry, it's not about being perfect from the start; it's about taking ...

Ready to embark on your journey to greatness

Don't worry, it's not about being perfect from the start; it's about taking the crucial step!

If you are exploring a new career path, or seeking personal growth, remember that

'You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.'

Follow the process, learn along the way, and watch as your persistence and dedication transform your vision into reality!

If you want to ignite your journey to success understand that you have to take that first step! Whether it's launching a...

If you want to ignite your journey to success understand that you have to take that first step!

Whether it's launching a project, pursuing a passion, or chasing a dream,

remember that the
" Secret of getting ahead is getting started."

So Don't let fear or hesitation to hold you back. Start today,

embrace the journey, and follow every step forward that will propels you closer to your goals!


Chikaji Sabon Gari Zaria





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