Jama'a Genius Diary

Jama'a Genius Diary Wannan page an kirkireshi ne domin wayarwa Jama'a dakai dakuma nishadantar dasu...
Allah kabamu sa'a


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Usman Mohammed Abubakar, Nusaiba Lawal


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Abubakar Jibril, Yakubu Usman Yarima

💥BOOM Made In Nigerian Electric Car By EMVC A Company Owned By Mustapha Abubakar Audu.May Nigeria Succeed 🙏


Made In Nigerian Electric Car By EMVC A Company Owned By Mustapha Abubakar Audu.

May Nigeria Succeed 🙏

Meet Musa Abubakar an Innovator from Kaduna State. Musa Abubakar is a visionary who creates amazing products like solar ...

Meet Musa Abubakar an Innovator from Kaduna State.

Musa Abubakar is a visionary who creates amazing products like solar lamps and drones from his hometown of Kaduna State.

His ambition is to build a company that can compete with the giants and become the largest in Africa.


Matashi Mustapha haifaffen jihar Borno ya ƙera Mota Mai amfani da wutan lantarki.Mustapha Gajibo, hazikin hazikin dan Na...

Matashi Mustapha haifaffen jihar Borno ya ƙera Mota Mai amfani da wutan lantarki.

Mustapha Gajibo, hazikin hazikin dan Najeriya wanda ya dauki hankulan duniya da manyan motocinsa masu amfani da wutar lantarki da aka yi amfani da su a jihar Borno, yanzu haka ya tashi tsaye wajen kaddamar da wani kamfani na zamani a Abuja.

Wannan abin al'ajabi na injiniya yana shirye don fitar da motocin "Kaande" masu ƙarfi da ƙarfi 2000, yana ƙarfafa matsayin Gajibo a matsayin mai canza wasa a duniyar kirkire-kirkire.

📸 Leadership.

Wani Karamin Yaro Matashi Mai Fasaha Dan Asalin Jihar Zamfara, Garin Gusau Ya Kera Gidan Sama Da Kwali A jihar Zamfara a...

Wani Karamin Yaro Matashi Mai Fasaha Dan Asalin Jihar Zamfara, Garin Gusau Ya Kera Gidan Sama Da Kwali

A jihar Zamfara ansamu wani hazikin yaro mai fasaha dan aji uku a makarantar sakandiri, ya kera gidan sama da kwali

Yaron yana zaune a yankin Unguwar Tudun Wada Gusau.

Daga Isah Abdullahi Dankane

How Ten Year old Aisha Modu Mustapha from Sanda Kyarimi Primary School Won Inara Annual Spelling Bee competition in Maid...

How Ten Year old Aisha Modu Mustapha from Sanda Kyarimi Primary School Won Inara Annual Spelling Bee competition in Maiduguri.

Inara Foundation was founded by Hajiya Aisha Waziri Umar, the foundation is a social enterprise and a non-profit organization, which supports Education, Innovation, invention and less privilege people in Nigeria especially in the North East through various community projects.

Recall that in the past three months, Hajiya Aisha Waziri Umar launched the first Coding, Robotics and Programming hub in the Northeast at Maiduguri, Borno State capital where 30 youth have been trained on various digital skills such Robotics and Coding.

The competition was organised to support and transform Education in Borno State. Satically the valuable learning outcome of Science and Spelling Bee Competition result in the children gaining competency over vocabulary, promote literacy and allow them to excel at reading and writing. Furthermore, the benefits go far beyond language as it helps children to develop self-confidence, communication and public speaking skills, and the ability to thrive under pressure.

Aisha Modu Mustapha spelled the words Whirligig, Quarreling, Administration, Willingly, Spaceless, Peasant and many more to beats her colleagues Muhammad Muhammad Dawule from Gamboru Primary School and Bukar Muhammad from Ibrahim Damchida Primary School.

The winners of the Annual Science and Spelling Bee Competition were awarded with laptops, cash and reading materials worth hundred of thousands by the foundation.

Congratulations once again sister.


This is General Amadi Orthopaedic Hospital Katsina, Nigeria.Inside Africa

This is General Amadi Orthopaedic Hospital Katsina, Nigeria.

Inside Africa

A Katsina - Wani dan Najeriya da aka bayyana a matsayin Injiniya Kabir ya burge mutane da dama da baiwarsa domin yana ke...

A Katsina - Wani dan Najeriya da aka bayyana a matsayin Injiniya Kabir ya burge mutane da dama da baiwarsa domin yana kera babura ne daga kayayyaki. Wata wallafa da yayi, ya bayyana cewa Injiniya Kabir wanda ke zama a Garejin Ali Chizo a jihar Katsina bai yi karatun boko ba.

Legit.ng Hausa

Proudly made in NigeriaAbubakar Sani Dan Bahaushe

Proudly made in Nigeria

Abubakar Sani Dan Bahaushe

KAJI RABO: Matashi Mustapha Gajibo daga jihar Borno ya ƙera mota mai amfani da wutan lantarki haɗe da hasken rana, Kuma ...

KAJI RABO: Matashi Mustapha Gajibo daga jihar Borno ya ƙera mota mai amfani da wutan lantarki haɗe da hasken rana, Kuma motar na iya tafiyar kilomita 212.

Shin wane fata zaku yiwa wannan yaron?

Daily Trust Hausa




Applications are hereby invited from suitable qualified candidates to fill the following positions in ABU Teaching Hospital, Zaria.

1. Registrar/Resident Doctor
• Salary - CONMESS 03/3; N2,700,275.00 ( N225,022/ month)
• Qualification - MBBS Degree plus Primary Result of either NPMC or WAPMC.

2. Medical Officer
• Salary - CONMESS 03/3; N2,700,275.00 ( N225,022/ month )
• Qualification - MBBS with 5 years working experience.

3. Pharmacist
• Salary - CONHESS 09/3; N1,618,559.00 ( N134,880 / month )
• Qualification - Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree plus registration with pharmacy council of Nigeria.

4. Medical Laboratory Scientist
• Salary - CONHESS 09/3; N1,618,559.00 ( ( N134,880 / month )
• Qualification - Bachelor Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences plus registration with Medical Laboratory Scientist Council of Nigeria.

5. Nursing Officer
• Salary - CONHESS 08/3; N1,380,780.00 ( N115,065 /month )
• Qualification - Bachelor Degree in Nursing Sciences plus registration with Nursing & Midwifery Council.

6. Nursing Superintendent/Sister
• Salary - CONHESS 07/3; N1,189,120.00 ( N99,093 /month)
• Qualifications - NRN plus NRM duly registered with Nursing & Midwifery Council of Nigeria.

7. Staff Nurse/ Staff Midwife
• Salary - CONHESS 06/3 N823,778.00 ( N68,648/month)
• Qualifications - NRN plus NRM duly registered with Nursing & Midwifery Council of Nigeria.

√ Condition of Service.
The condition of service is as obtainable in other Federal Tertiary Health Institutions in Nigeria.

√ Method of Application.
Interested candidates should forward their applications with one copy of Curriculum Vitae and photocopies of relevant credentials including NYSC discharge or exemption certificate to;

The Chief Medical Director,
ABU Teaching Hospital,
P.M.B. 06,
Shika - Zaria.


ABIN ALFAHARI GA 'YAN AREWAAhmad Aliyu Kenan Dan Asalin Garin Jama'are A Jihar Bauchi, Wanda Shine Matashi Musulmi Na Fa...


Ahmad Aliyu Kenan Dan Asalin Garin Jama'are A Jihar Bauchi, Wanda Shine Matashi Musulmi Na Farko Daya Samu Aiki a Microsoft Bayan Kammala Karatunsa Da Sakamakon First Class A Bangaren Kimiyyar Kwamfuta (Computer Science) A Kasar Burtaniya.


Kaduna Garin Gomna, Kaduna Madinar kanawa...

Kaduna Garin Gomna, Kaduna Madinar kanawa...

Reference Hospital, Okene.Yadda Yahaya Bello (GYB) ya gwangwaje jihar Kogi da Asibiti...

Reference Hospital, Okene.

Yadda Yahaya Bello (GYB) ya gwangwaje jihar Kogi da Asibiti...

Meet ALIYU ADAMU the First Class graduate who graduated with the CGPA 4.81 in Veterinary Medicine in Ahmadu Bello Univer...

Meet ALIYU ADAMU the First Class graduate who graduated with the CGPA 4.81 in Veterinary Medicine in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria...

2nd best graduating student...
Best clinical student...
Over roll best pharmacology...

He's also a HAFIZ of the GLORIOUS QUR'AN



Abinda Nelson Mandela 🇿🇦 yafadawa yan Nigeria 🇳🇬 a shekarar 2007(Part 2)"Ya maganar Rashawa da miyagun laifuffuka?Zabenk...

Abinda Nelson Mandela 🇿🇦 yafadawa yan Nigeria 🇳🇬 a shekarar 2007

(Part 2)
"Ya maganar Rashawa da miyagun laifuffuka?
Zabenku ya kasance kamar yaki ne. Yanzu munji cewa ma baxaka taba iya zama shugaban kasar Nigeria ba har sai inkai Musulmine ko Christian. Wasu sun fadamin kasarku tanaso ta rabu, Ina rokonku kar kubari hakan yafaru...

"Bari nafada maku abinda nake ganin yakamata kuyi.
Yakamata ku karawa shuwagabanninku kwarin gwuiwa wajen fito da wadanda bazasu hada ofisoshin al'ummah da wurin tara dukiya waje daya ba (wadanda basu maida ofisoshin al'ummah wajen tara dukiya ba), Al'ummah masu cin hanci da rashawa basu iya fitar da shugaba nagari, Saboda haka ya kamata ku kashe kudi sosai a bangaren Ilimi...

"Ku ilmantar da yaran talakawa, ta yadda xasu fita daga talauci, Talauci baya haifar da kwarin gwuiwa, Masu kwarin gwuiwa ne kadai suke iya kawo sauyi(change). Talakawa da marasa ilimi suma suna kawo sauyi amma kuma a karshe masu ilimi da masu kudi ke amfana... kubaiwa matasan Nigeria kyakkyawar ilimi, ku koya masu aiki tukuru da sadaukarwa, sannan ku nuna masu illar aikata barna(crimes) domin yana bata kimar al'ummar ku a idon duniya..."

(Experts taken from a 2007 interview with Mandela conducted by Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed)
Copied & Translated by ss.sadau




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