Who told you that you won't Smîle 😳😳😳😭😭😂😂💔💔
(1).My féar to have Éx started when a guy posted: "My Pénís is my life."
His Éx commented :...... "Then your lífe is too shórt"😂😂😂😂😭
(2).Your gírlfriend smáshed your iPhóne and so what?, Do You want To Injúre Her Because of That??😠😒😒😒😒
She's wórth more than that! Naaaa, 😔😔☺️
just húg her and whísper into her ears "what désigner of whéelcháir do you like? 😂😂💔
3) Just One Maths Textbook, 8 Professionals with PhD Wrote it!!
And They expect You that is in Secondary school to Cram Everything..
Think About it when you're Less Bûsy !! 💥😒😂😂😂😂
4) The Way People Wálks so Calmly After Taking Holy Cómmunion, You'll think Nóbody Knows Dôggystyle ☝😳😳😂😂💔
5) Have This Néver Bóthered You Before??
That A Pastor Will Wáve Hand, All the Church Members Will Fáll, Excépt The Camera Mén🙉😂😂💔
6) That Móment When You Fáll from Stáircáse With Your IPhone of Over , and you hear "Kráackaakaaa";
You'll be like " God, Please, let it be My Lég!"🙏😢😭💔
7) My Uncle Wánted To Cómmit Suícide Because of The 1M he lósed; He Féll From 3 stórey Building, Lánded on 20M Benz, Bréak Windscreén, And Still didn't díe; And you're Telling Me that Víllage péople didn't Exíst🙆😂😭
8) TEACHER: Cónstruct Sentence With "EAT"
FÁVOR: I eat Yam
TEACHER: Amazing!!🥰🥰🥰, But Please make the sentence Lónger!
FÁVOR: I eat Yam oooooo!!💥💥😳😳😂😂😂
9) This One that I'm typing HÚSTLE, and My Phone is chánging it to AUSTRALIA, Lord, Spéak, Your Sérvant is Listening 😳😭😭😂😂😂😂💔
My Love 💫🔐💞, As Long as you Smile With your Beauty, and you Like the post,
That destiny Helper that you thought have forgotten you, He Will Never Nēver rest Until he meets you, and Lifts you up 🥺🥺🥰🥰